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Aim High Aim Low and Que Sara Sara

PM Lee Hsien Loong has fired his first shot in the Singapore conversation between his party owned AIM and Aljunied-Hougang Town Council.  Instead of openly supporting his party company AIM and party man Dr Teo Ho Pin’s explanation on the dispute or debate or whatever you like to name it, he shot a blogger by issuing him a lawyer’s letter.

This is really a unique way of shooting a target and perhaps this is his usual practice by not telling you where his real target is.   So, we don’t know his position about the AIM-AHTC-Dr Teo argument and which side he is supporting.

By nature, AIM, a fully owned PAP company and Dr Teo, a PAP MP, PM Lee must send a clear signal to Singaporeans that he, as party secretary-general, fully, totally and 100% support the points raised and statements issued by AIM and Dr Teo.

We are disappointed so far he has not said anything to support his AIM and Dr Teo. However, he surprised Singaporeans by aiming at a blogger.

Aim high, aim low and the aim is not to shoot the target as what we see from a distance.  In fact, AIM, Dr Teo, AHTC and even PM Lee are all aimlessly shooting no target.  They have all missed the target.  Que sara sara. Maybe they are all politicians.

The AIM saga has so far reached its highest point as finally we see the Prime Minister entered the saga by a side door.  Unfortunately, it has also reached its lowest point of lawsuit and apology.

‘Whatever will be, will be’ as the song ‘Que sara sara’ goes along.  Will I be pretty, rich and handsome? Are these targets easily reachable as everyone is aiming for and looking for?  Not that easy and so whatever will be, will be.

Interestingly,  ‘Que sara sara’ is a song from the 1956 movie ‘The man who knew too much’.  Who know too much in the AIM saga?  The ones who know little like bloggers ask too much and the ones who know a little more pretend to be open, transparent and claim that they have released all the information.  

As party secretary-general, PM Lee should be the one who know more than we do.  As AIM directors and Dr Teo have to report to him, he should know more than all of them put together.  PM and the PAP CEC should have a clearer and better picture than all of us.

But PM chooses to shoot at targets randomly and aimlessly and so we see no whole picture but part by part.

Sometimes, it is hard to guess what target PM Lee is aiming at.  In an old shooting incident in Brunei many years ago before he became PM, even Peter Lim, the then editor-in-chief of Straits Times Group, also got it wrong.  

PETER LIM RECOGNIZED a good story. It was the late 1980s, and Lim, then editor-in-chief of Singapore's Straits Times Group, was accompanying Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to Brunei when he witnessed an episode that left him amazed. Invited to try out a new semi-automatic rifle, the prime minister sprayed bullets through the nearest target on a firing range; when it came to his son's turn, Lim reported, former Brig.-Gen. Lee Hsien Loong missed with every round. 
After publishing the story, however, Lim was bawled out by an officer who told him Lee Hsien Loong hadn't been aiming at the targets. When Lim contacted Lee, he confirmed that he had been getting the feel of the rifle and wasn't trying to hit anything in particular. Lim apologized and offered to publish a correction. 
Much to Lim's surprise, Lee, who had not long before left the armed forces and become a government minister, criticized the officer for his approach, and told Lim not to worry, that it wasn't important.

Even Peter Lim can get it wrong; one will wonder how a blogger can get it right.

Whatever will be, will be. PM Lee is not aiming at any blogger in particular.  He is like what he did in Brunei “
wasn't trying to hit anything in particular.

Sometimes, to be “the man who knew too much” is no good and can be dangerous too.

Que sara sara may be a better option in life!


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