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Showing posts from August, 2022

Eurasianism: The silk road ends the American dream.


杨荣文会不会 继陈清木之后 出来选总统?


Marcon: Good life over LHL: Conflicts coming 2020s: A decade of painful survival?


2022群从大会缺了。。。 华文精英和华文同志 如何传承华族文化?


Beyond 377A Liberal sex, no liberty in politics? Many challenges, no solutions?


面对危机, 需要华文精英 也要华文苦力。 只是找不到。


The Dream of Red Chamber: SAP University, SAP Polytechnic. Sleepwalking into ‘loss of Chinese elites’


贫富悬殊进一步恶化: 一边,百万富豪越来越多;另一端, 研究维护负担得起的公交系统, 高唱渐进薪金模式的优点。


All things Chinese are bad Anything related to China is evil. Majority of Americans think so.


57年后, 团结再拼未来?


Top down Unity or Bottom up Unity?


给予佩洛西 最高级别的接待, 新加坡外交误判?




‘护照海啸’可以预防,还是无法避免? ‘通膨海啸’,‘利率海啸’是否一样处理态度?


The New Normal in Taiwan: Unification is sooner as expected; Foreign help is fewer than expected.


台湾如果像乌克兰一样 向美国和西方国家要钱, 要得到吗?


Who is Nancy Pelosi? Accomplishing nothing, spoiling everything. 成事不足 败事有余