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Showing posts from March, 2023

沈颖事件之 听其言观其行 部长错,马屁精更加错。


3G defends Lee Hsien Loong 4G remains silent. A smart strategy to stay relevant?


从马来人的困境到马哈迪的困境, 格局越来越小,问题越来越大。


自我流放的难民看王中之王的下场: 再多的幸运,最后也成灰烬。


A Debate in the Hope of Finding Mistakes, Not Finding the Truth. Shanmugan vs Leong Mun Wai


黄循财指的下一场危机, 是不是财政金融危机? 冠病经历管用吗?


US problems are the world's problems, Singapore’s problems. Is the reverse also true?


没有人龙的挤兑更加恐怖, 高风险时代中产阶级何去何从?


Trust the government highly but also believe in a weak social fabric and less optimistic future.


挤兑防不胜防? 去年研究挤兑获得诺贝尔奖, 今年再次发生挤兑银行倒闭。


English has no role, no meaning in the Iran-Saudi Peace Deal. Don’t forget Singapore Official Languages.


没有感情的美是不存在的。 从李家的存在美 看携手前进的存在美?


The Sad Story of the Lee Family: Just A Passing or A Strong Reminder for Singaporeans?


经济与政治之争? 小儿子想选总统,李光耀会支持吗? 大儿子做了总理,李光耀全力支持?


A Report full of Worry, Negativity and Hopelessness. Is this the way we encourage our children?


不知道、毫无意义。 从什么都知到开始不知, 见证每况愈下的行动党。