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Showing posts from January, 2023

正视还是遮蔽原创? 心动还是风动幡动?


After Indonesia and Brunei, Anwar is finally coming to Singapore. What does it mean? ‘True friend’ or not?


形势所迫,行动党现出 真假美猴王的两面性格


Principal and Money Talks. From Russian oil, FTX to Keppel O&M.


笑看人民行动党的无奈: 明知有错,却不得不维护,不得不支持。


Year of Rabbit is a bad year for the PAP. Singaporeans must seek luck, avoid risk.


人心是肉做的, 只能寄望兔年会更好! 奶粉被偷、孤独死去、网络骗局越少越好。


To make things simple, sue or not sue, brother or not brother makes a huge difference.


社会地位和提升机会 年轻一代不如上一代


The Adjusting Decade: From ‘Strong US, Strong dollar’ to ‘Weak US, Strong dollar’.


处惊不变,还是处变不惊? 人民行动党沉默以待,不变以待万变?


The Lost Decade and the Succession Plan: Struggling between unconvincing 4G and ineffective opposition.


失落的十年? 从误读,误信 新加坡只能有一支国家队开始?


Help needed to rebuild Public Trust! How to cool down bad news like false circulation figures, mouldy HDB walls, HDB subsidy…


假新闻、假数据;虚伪的公信力。 政府、读者、广告商、股民都是受害者。


CASH IS KING, Especially in a bad year!