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YouGov Survey: Hopeful (20%), Confident (13%) or No Feeling(36%). What if we change the surrey target to Tharman, any difference?

  YouGov Survey: Hopeful (20%), Confident (13%) or  No Feeling(36%). What if we change the surrey target to Tharman, any difference? Singaporeans feel hopeful (20%), confident (13%) about Lawrence Wong taking over the prime ministership. But wait a minute, the same survey also shows 36% have no feeling about the leadership change.  What does it really mean? Good or bad news for the PAP in the coming election. Most Singaporeans, 53%, consider Lawrence Wong to be competent.  Strictly speaking, perhaps only half of the population think so.  This is why 40% think he is trustworthy and 28%, honest. Trust and honesty are all below the 50% mark.  His guitar skill may help him score a higher percentage in the Gen Z but not the majority. For most Singaporeans, their first choice is Tharman. So if we replace Lawrence with Tharman, what will happen?  Based on last year’s presidential election result, Tharman will certainly beat Lawrence in all the scoring.    Is the PAP, as a political party, ma

尚穆根的对与错, PAP接班人真的没有问题吗?

  尚穆根的对与错, PAP接班人真的没有问题吗? 尚穆根的对是敢跟洋人说不。比较新加坡和英国,尤其是经济表现,后者可以说是样样不如新加坡。因此,尚穆根可以理直气壮的批评《经济学人》。眼红我们的成就,嘲讽就成了一种选项。 那么,尚穆根真的没有错的地方吗?问题是不是因为我们到今天才出现第四位总理?还是,人民行动党在接班人问题上,做不到选贤与能,黄循财真的是最佳接班人吗?还是政治上的妥协? 人民行动党舍弃最佳人选尚达曼,硬要他出任总统,名义上,尚达曼自愿这么做,到底这里面有没有政治妥协,我们不得而知?尚达曼和黄循财,谁比较获得国内外的信任、支持,不需多加解释。 人民行动党认为无论怎样的安排,新加坡人都会接受。《经济学人》认为在来临的大选,PAP顺利执政,不成问题。问题在于,赢不赢的漂亮?尚达曼和黄循财,谁会带来漂亮战绩?相信大家心里有数,除非选民认为新加坡总理不可以是非华人。 尚穆根在批评别人的时候,单方面的表现出他的对洋人说不的气概,而没有全面的说清楚,黄循财如何才能做到战绩漂亮,甚至接班人是否做到选贤与能的新加坡标准。批评洋人是对的,没有把洋人的批评当成镜子,却是错的。

Is Forward Singapore the new solution?

  After 20 years of  Lee Junior Administration, Singapore is still seeking trust , calling for unity , short of babies , lack of confidence in the future, worry about job security, housing and living.     Is Forward Singapore the new solution? “Your dreams will inspire my actions”.  Really?

20年政绩落得 不孝子, 不光彩的结局。

  20年政绩落得 不孝子, 不光彩的结局。 ---自我解读 — 自我判断 — 谁说的?

PAP is caught in the historic Impossibility?

  PAP is caught in the historic Impossibility? Whether Lawrence Wong is smart or not smart, kind or not kind, lucky or not lucky, his 4G team is caught in the historic impossibility.  THE BIG PROBLEMS ARE NOT GOING TO  BE SOLVED BY THIS ELECTION, said Inderjit Singh in a recent interview. For so many years, housing, cost of living, health care, good paying jobs, remain unsolved despite the higher and higher per capita income in Singapore.  How to gain back the trust of Singaporeans and assure a United People will provide equality and living affordability?        The PAP pretends they are in touch with the people through NTUC, PA, and many grassroots organisations.  These are like PORMA, assuming false news based on their own judgement not the real feedback.     Is luck still at the PAP side?  Is May 15 a special day? Do remember Singapore is not equal to the PAP.   Enough chance has been given to three generations of the PAP.  Lawrence Wong is no different.    

殷吉星的忠告:接地气,了解民情,P A P听进多少?

  殷吉星的忠告:接地气,了解民情,P A P听进多少? 前P A P议员殷吉星最近受访,建议人民行动党应该接近人民,了解人民的需要。不过,他认为P A P还是会继续牢牢控制基层组织,即使被批评,依然故我。通过基层组织接近选民,已经越来越无效,但是,党本身却找不到一条接近人民管道,只好死马当活马医。 最重要的,他指出来临的大选,无法解决新加坡面对的大问题:物价,房价。殷吉星认为,政府在这方面做得不够,几十年没有取得应有的进展。大选红包发了,问题还是无法解决。这很像国际上,流行的口号:脱钩,去风险,产能过剩。 脱钩。人民行动党已经离人民越来越远,传统的基层组织已经无法取得过去的业绩,反而让人觉得浪费国家资源,公器私用。年轻人越来越不认同P A P的做法,而且,敢以选票表示不满。 去风险。危难时刻,选民选择人民行动党。这套道理越来越不管用。除了因为李光耀过世的效用,2011和2020年的大选,已经证明新加坡选民开始意识到去风险,不能够让P A P一党独大,垄断国会。 产能过剩。国会里有太多没有作为的PAP议员和部长。新加坡过去几年,不但在人均上,也在教育上取得进步。这些议员和部长,在素质上并没有比失业的大学和理工学院毕业生好多少。国家需要养这么多无用的人,来维护P A P政权吗?为什么不让其他人有机会发表不同的声音? 脱钩,去风险,产能过剩的下一步,将减少P A P议员人数,即将来临的大选,有好戏看喔!

By ‘Singapore’s Political Correctness’, the USA is a failed state.

  By ‘Singapore’s Political Correctness’, the USA is a failed state. Why? Debts for future generations. Broken laws and orders, from schools to supermarkets.   Leaders with no foresight, from Afghanistan, Ukraine to Israel. Outdated infrastructure, from airports, seaports, to railway, metro system. Incompetent manufacturing, from low end to high end, supply chain problems. Too many local talking (lawyers, bankers), too few local actors (engineers, scientists)  Surprise or not surprise, fail or not fail, Singaporean intellects and leaders still believe in aligning with the USA.

快刀斩乱麻?亿元增国库? 厘清洗钱案?做选举准备?

  快刀斩乱麻?亿元增国库? 厘清洗钱案?做选举准备?

From Airshow to MacRichie: All Visitors Are Equal. Why ask where they are from?

  From Airshow to MacRichie: All Visitors Are Equal. Why ask where they are from? For the Airshow, we can claim innocence as this is the problem of Airbus and the German military. For the incident at MacRichie, it is our responsibility to ensure all visitors are equal.   Why does this happen in Singapore? Western narrative, American influence, hate speech or the colonised mindset. We welcome Chinese money but have second thoughts on Chinese visitors. What image  do we intend to project?    


  PAP的信心赤字,大选前来得及修补吗? 当前的世界局势,人民对于政治人物的信任度很低。当然,PAP说自己独善其身,不受影响,提出调查数据证明PAP深得民心。真的如此,哪来信心赤字? 新的选举官即将上任,是不是一种转运手段?还是,对于选举,PAP是信心满满,换政府是不可能发生。因此,信心赤字从何而来?有何修补的必要?况且,撒钱已经满足了大部分人的信心回流。 真的没有信心赤字吗?真的没有贫富悬殊,差距越来越大的信心危机吗?当新加坡人辛苦越堤前往新山消费,是不是对于本地通货膨胀的忧心?这种现象一直创造新的高点,到底代表什么? PAP有没有修补信心危机的动作?最近的几宗司法案件,和信心修补有关吗?如果撒钱不够的话,最后关头,还是可以加码的。新的领导班子的确需要修补信心赤字。 泰勒丝来了又走了,是否提高年轻人对PAP的的信心、观感?反对以色列大使馆的中东言论,危害本地的和谐,加分还是减分? 亿万富豪带来工作机会,很不幸带来更多低薪机会。富豪买豪宅,从中得利的却是像马宝山这样的前部长和其他以前用相对低价购买地产的人。这些人有套利机会,一般人很少有这种巨大利益的机会。可负担的组屋,对于年轻一代,真的是可负担得起吗?信得过吗? 信心赤字其实跟经济有关。尤其是所谓的西方发达经济体,如果领袖无法给人们带来经济红利,面对选举就变成信心赤字。应该说,不单信心赤字,领袖素质的赤字,更加令人担心。新加坡不期待未来几年出现高增长,因此,财富的公平分配,税务的分担,就成了信心的指标。如果PAP觉得没有问题,人民却出现相反观感,信心赤字、危机就出现了。


  Wow! From F1 to construction projects,  The case is getting more interesting, more complicated, and MORE PEOPLE INVOLVED. To super rich, these items like tickets, whisky, golf club, bicycles, etc, are all    KACANG PUTEH.


  鸡肋,烫手山芋,行动党的选前豪赌? 大选要来了。选前当然要有所行动、准备。毕丹星被告,不管怎么看,即使有人否定,大家心知肚明,这跟大选有关。行动党一连带的负面新闻,自然想到冲喜、冲喜。 为了让人觉得不是伤人事件,提告方表示, 只要求罚款了事,不要求坐牢。 所谓的专业律师,政治评论者,也出来说明,毕丹星不会失去议员资格,国会也认为他可以继续进行议员的任务。这是鸡肋心态,又要退兵,又不想退兵,曹操最后选择退兵,行动党选择前进。结果如何? 不担心的毕丹星,还是令人放心不下。作为反对党领袖,可圈可点,可以说是胜任。这个胜任,就成了烫手芋头,山芋这么烫手,对于面对大选的执政者来说,变成一项挑战。最可怕的是, 现在变成认党,不认人。 最好在未羽翼丰满前,就先折损他。 新加坡人普遍认为,国会需要反对党。这是行动党的压力,不管做得怎么好,好的政党,好的候选人还是有机会中选。最近的一项爱德曼报告,全球各地普遍不信任政、商,媒体领袖。 在新加坡,46%的人担心被政府领袖误导。这对高高在上的行动党来说,如何说服选民在选票划上闪电? 在无法取信选民的背景下,行动党的鸡肋选择是否正确?最后会不会变成吃不到的烫手山芋?

POFMA? Nearly 50% Singaporeans worry the government is intentionally misleading them. How to go to GE? No wonder the G needs to spend and spend!

  POFMA? Nearly 50% Singaporeans worry the government is intentionally misleading them.  How to go to GE? No wonder the G needs to spend and spend! Can the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act also apply to government leaders? So many Singaporeans in the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer report worry that government leaders, business leaders and journalists are intentionally misleading them.  In fact, this is the problem of the world! The Edelman report has the title: A collision of trust, innovation, and politics.     Is trusting the government and trusting the political leaders the same thing? How to detect the leaders are using the government as cover to gain political advantage? Such as spending and spending in the coming general election?  Singapore is lucky we have money we can afford to spend. And we think of the government and leaders as one identity. Oh! No. DPM Heng said the Budget 2024 was not meant to increase Singaporeans’ reliance on the government.  Ministe

泰勒丝给新加坡选民带来梦幻, 是否也带来积极向上的精神?

  泰勒丝给新加坡选民带来梦幻, 是否也带来积极向上的精神? 花巨款取得泰勒丝在东南亚的独家演出,自豪的认为这笔生意很合算,给经济带来不少好处,油水不留外人田。从某一个角度看,这是不是一种“小美国”的表现?只有独赢,别人输赢与我无关,也不值得同情,有本事就来竞争。 或许,也是基于这种独赢道理,配合年轻人的需要;同时,反对党根本捞不到好处,新加坡选民会感激政府,带来经济效益,让新加坡出现梦幻,给年轻人造梦的机会,满足心理上的追梦的需求。就如,不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经追过梦。 泰勒丝在上回美国大选支持民主党拜登。这次大选前的超级星期二初选,泰勒丝也鼓励美国选民踊跃出来投票,这回她没有明确支持谁。她的歌曲,在一定程度上,属于反对派,边缘者,乡村而非城市的女性声音。有人说,她懂得游戏规则,懂得利用这些规则,却有意无意的背叛它。或许,这就是吸引霉迷的地方。 行动党政府会不会在即将来临的大选,取得有如泰勒丝式的独赢,现在评论为时过早。行动党给年轻人带来短暂的梦幻,梦幻过后,新加坡人还是要回到现实。最为重要的是,我们有没有看到泰勒丝梦幻背后的精神:反对、边缘、背叛、利用规则又背叛它。 行动党或许只是看到铜板的一面,纸币的一角,而没有看到整个大局。梦幻毕竟不是现实,尤其是时间一过,快感过了,梦幻与现实的距离越来越大,独赢的机会就越来越小。

Strange? Why do people first seek help from WP not the government or PSP? Who is promoting populism?

  Strange? Why do people first seek help from WP not the government or PSP? Who is promoting populism?  Different approaches to the plight of the vulnerable - who politicised the matter?

No Full Funding because of Failed Propaganda. Failed KPIs.

  No Full Funding because of Failed Propaganda. Failed KPIs. Cut funding. No full funding.  As reported,  (SMT) did not meet key performance indicators for digital reach, youth reach, vernacular reach and average time spent on its websites and apps. This proves the ineffectiveness of mainstream media.  No wonder, the US Ambassador to Singapore sees ‘no need’ to deal with Singapore’s traditional media. He prefers to use social media. The irony is this is also the state of the PAP’s propaganda. The past effective propaganda machine is no longer reaching the youth, the community, and social media.  People are unwilling to spend time reading the state sponsored propaganda.  What is next?

No Babies. Who flies the F35?

  No Babies. Who flies the F35? Singapore’s birth rate hit the historical low of 0.97, well below the replacement level.  The world’s lowest birth rate is South Korea, hitting the new low of 0.72. It seems money cannot solve the problem as shown in the case of South Korea, despite her $270 billion financial incentive.  When money cannot solve the problem, it becomes a real problem with no answers and solutions. There is a Chinese saying, “when money can solve a problem, it is not a problem.”   No babies. Who do you think would fly the F35 in Singapore, Japan and South Korea?  All these are low birth rate countries. Maybe, perhaps, foreign talents again. In the near future, foreign talents will be guarding our defence, and of course, our reserves.  Where is the Singapore core? 


  自我设定为以色列,万一变成哈马斯,怎么办? 巴勒斯坦和以色列之间的历史恩怨,从超短期历史看,就是现在教育部的公民教育:一个小时哈马斯和以色列的卡萨冲突。教育部希望,学生能够利用这个课程,塑造自己的观点、立场和同理心。 这个一个小时的课程受到家长质疑,这么复杂的历史,如何能够说得清楚。卡萨冲突,以色列巴勒斯坦冲突,这个课题,是一个限制级,不适于公开讨论的话题,更不要说示威请愿。大人不宜,小孩却要自己发挥,找自己的立场,观点,同理心? 我们喜欢把事情简单化,好像有点像老子的细微开始,利用PPT,就能够把事情说清楚,然后依据几个拼图,就开发出自己的结论。这好像叫小孩上网,看社交媒体,然后自己下判断。难怪,有时候,结果让人跌破眼镜。老子的意思,是要我们了解前因后果,把基本问题搞清楚,才来行千里路。 新加坡一直认为,自己的成功是依靠本身的不断努力。在外部环境不利的背景下,凭着坚毅的果敢的精神,排除万难,取得世界人均前几名。因此,我们比较像以色列,几千年斗争,才有落脚地,生存下来。那么,我们有没有可能成为巴勒斯坦,卡萨?很多人会认为,这是发神经,不可能。不要忘记,巴勒斯坦有同样的悠久历史。 不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有?戴手表,戴一时,戴一世,还是天长地久?以色列,巴勒斯坦,无解,有解,能解,还是不想解?

No worry about Leong Mun Wai But the future of PSP

  No worry about Leong Mun Wai But the future of PSP Leong is a single person. The party is the future, or does it have one?  From day one, the Progress Singapore Party has never wanted to be an opposition party, learning how to be an effective opposition. PSP wants to play the role of Team B, an alternative to the PAP.  Projecting an image of elite, smart, above other parties, even better than the PAP. They fail to realise they must first learn the opposition politics, the underdog politics.   It seems no one in the party knows alternative party politics. No one has good experience in opposition politics.  They pretend they know how the government works as their past PAP association. The Team B mindset is leading the party to nowhere.        It is not a Leong Mun Wai problem.  It is the party problem. Look beyond POFMA, and so-called parliament behaviour, is PSP a committed party?  Do they really know how to win in an election? The reasons, hard work, ground work, teamwork, organisati


  避免亚洲出现冲突,黄永宏向谁喊话? 新加坡国防部长黄永宏认为,我们必须不惜代价避免亚洲出现军事冲突。因为,一旦冲突发生,将会影响世界未来10到30年的走向。因此,我们需要尽一切努力,不要让冲突发生。 如果亚洲一旦出现军事冲突,很可能就发生在中国和美国之间。台海,南海,朝鲜半岛,甚至中印边界都是地缘政治的危险地带。因此,黄永宏是向中美喊话,希望他们克制,不让冲突升级。他的喊话很直接简单,世界不能同时出现三个战区。 那么,黄永宏是向中国还是美国喊话?美国进入选举年,两个老人争取总统宝座。中国没有选举问题,而且金砖组织已经赶超七大工业国家。但是,美国政客和精英,会聆听小红点的喊话吗? 一个放开克制,自信心回来。一个想要继续担任世界警察,到处宣扬所谓的国际次序。世界已经进入一个新的发展阶段,黄永宏认为应该利用外交和贸易来降低冲突风险,其实美元,金融,科技手段,不也是更加可怕的威胁吗?

Pineapple OK Watermelon NOT OK

  Pineapple OK Watermelon NOT OK Pineapple can Watermelon cannot Yellow OK can Green NOT OK cannot Pineapple, Watermelon, Yellow and Green all bring benefits to mankind . Why so exclusive? 

撒钱解决不了 收入错配。 贫富不均的下一阶段, 如何强大家园?

  撒钱解决不了 收入错配。 贫富不均的下一阶段, 如何强大家园? 下一阶段的发展,如何在收入错配,贫富不均的背景下,强大家园?继续增加消费税以及其他的税率,同时,又要保持大公司大企业大富豪的税务优惠,事实上,就等于继续扩大错配和不均。 当然,这不是新加坡的问题。先进发达国家已经面临这个问题很久了,而且,看不到解决方法。举债,货币宽松,补贴,撒钱救济,等等已经成为进行式,重覆使用,就像在止痛药,越来越不见效。这显然已经成了一种选举工具。 新加坡人均收入已经是世界的领头羊。这显示贫富不均,财富分配失衡出现严重问题。纾解生活费上涨压力,只能一时、短暂的解决方法,不是长期协助中下层国人的药方。收入错配不解决,救济津贴就不可能消失。这其实是一个中产阶级减少的挑战,贫富不均,两极分化越来越严重的象征。 说真的,你看到共同前进了吗?你会继续支持收入错配,贫富不均,救济金年年发放的政策吗?错配与不均带来社会不安,不平,不公,将是一个很难解决的问题。即使新加坡法律很严,铤而走险,犯法,贪污,违规的事,增加的可能性大大提高。政府只能把这些归咎于中下层的问题,中下层的挑战,利用撒钱、有钱能使鬼推磨来解决?

GST “Ownself Check Ownself” Many years later…

  GST “Ownself Check Ownself” Many years later… Is this a typical “ownself check ownself”?  Anywhere, it takes more than 5 years to discover the wrong.  The G is so powerful that even with a built-in self check system, it takes so long to discover the error.      SimplyGo is lucky it takes less than one year.  But the G already knew the inconvenience and public dislike in advance.  They still went ahead, ignoring the feedback.  The u-turn costs $40 million to maintain the old system.   Recently, the parliament also once again debated  about Singapore’s reserve.  “Ownself check ownself” has been in place for many years since we started to accumulate and invest our reserves.   In fact, few people know how the “ownself check ownself” of Singapore reserve work. It is different from GST and SimplyGo and you may only find out whether the checking system works or not when there is a change of government.   

新山华族历史文物馆 感恩 义助南洋大学 尊敬 兴举传承大旗

  新山华族历史文物馆 感恩 义 助南洋大学 尊敬 兴 举传承大旗

Failure of Education? White Supremacist and the True Story of Ah Q

  Failure of Education? White Supremacist and the True Story of Ah Q In an era of great transition from unipolar to multipolar world, it is easier to be a supremacist whether white, black or yellow.  There are too many propagandas, misleading news, misinformation, fake or wrong information that drive people mad. How to educate our youth during this transition? Deciding right or wrong can be very short term based on 10 or 12 years of education.  30 years ago, the Soviet Union broke apart.  60 years ago, the Cuban crisis.  100 years ago, Ah Q first appeared. 500 years ago, the Age of Discovery and colonisation.  1000 years ago, the Islamic Golden Age. 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty   More than 3000 years ago, the Axial Age. A unipolar world is a short term view of human history and civilization. How to teach ‘the future’ using the past history, experience? In the transition, under peer pressure, internal and external influences, one can easily become a white suprema