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Showing posts from November, 2020

勤跑法庭, 不务正业。 这就是李显龙的 ‘人人享有正义’


The End of Anwar ? and the wrong path Democratic Evolution?


In the age of New Normal, Lee Hsien Loong does not know how to handle troubles created by pro-establishment elites and talents.


从不孝子到总理辞职: 制造仇恨, 家国分裂加剧, 宪法治国还是私法治国?


Lessons from Jack Ma III: Rethinking the roles of functioning Old establishments - the PAP is not an exception. Rebuilding the Covid-19 aftermaths is similar to the rebuild of the world after WWII.


Lessons from Jack Ma II: Over protecting and risk free public administration, institutions and banks only benefit themselves but not the economy and the country.


行动党再度高票胜选, 李显龙的秘密武器: 真相衰败,社交媒体, 人工智慧,大数据分析, 财雄势大。


Lessons from Jack Ma I: As bankers, we are very worried about the defaults of Temasek and GIC.


Debate on Minimum Wage reflects the basic and minimum JUSTICE FOR ALL.


祸哉?福哉? 李显龙不想退位。 民主政治竞争反面教材。


Liew Mun Leong’s Fate reflects and affects The Fates of the PAP elites and their associates. 命运共同体 Community of destiny


Don’t be misled by the PAP. We need the spirit of “CROSS THE RIVER BY FEELING THE STONES” rather than “DON’T CHANGE HORSES IN MIDSTREAM”.


这就是李显龙: 政治作风接近川普, 却要装出拜登风度。


PAP’s ‘Good Governance’ is equal to ‘Ownself Check Ownself’. PAP’s ‘Good Governance’ is NOT based on ‘Justice For All’. The Exit Cost for Lee Hsien Loong is too high and the PAP has to follow his ‘Good Governance’. A ‘Good Governance’ must reflect grassroots and not elite thinkings and decisions.


The camel’s nose in the PAP tent. How the PAP supporters feel: Disappointment, Shock, Worry and Lucky.


这就是李显龙: 独霸国会,扭曲正义。 党内改革,妙想天开。


Absolute Majority in Parliament does not mean you are Morally Right. You can amend the motion but the original motion Justice For All Will always be there forever.


Less Trust, More Uncertainties, If the government enjoys the privilege of ‘no mistakes, no wrong.


新加坡要取得 ‘可持续发展’和 在‘不明确未来’中求存, “人人享有正义” 是唯一的基石、选择


For Business and Investments to succeed, Justice For All is a Must.


Live Broadcast Justice For All in Parliament!