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New Equilibrium vs. New Era Good Opposition Good Government vs. Democracy with more diverse views

 New Equilibrium vs. New Era

Good Opposition Good Government vs.  Democracy with more diverse views

The two presidential hopefuls who are closer to the establishment try to provide two different views of independence.   One asks you to forget about history and the other says he is just performing the job as a civil servant and is not a ruling party member. 

They also talk about the future and what they hope to achieve if elected.   

First new equilibrium versus new era.      

New equilibrium means good opposition makes good government.  It seems to refer to the 5th generation, not the 4th generation. 

New and challenging era seems to suggest the challenges the 4th generation will face.  It is a present tense against future tense of new equilibrium.

As the president cannot check on the government, what really can the new era president do to help Singapore?  If there is a policy failure, what does the president do to correct it?

It could be an empty hope.  You cannot change the government's decisions.   


When coming to democracy, one agrees with diverse views and warns of a divided society. It is inevitable that Singaporeans want more freedom and democracy in expression.  There is an absence of checks and balances, accountability in this hopeful view.

‘Good opposition makes good government’ clearly defines there is a check and balance. It is different from diverse views which can still operate under a one-party rule democracy as in the past and future(?).   

Are we talking about two types of democracy? One with check and balance and the other without it, a status quo.   

Both presidential hopefuls provide hope and encouragement but with two different outcomes.  One remains the same.  One is a trend that is inevitable. However, there is a time gap or time lag. 


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