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Showing posts from July, 2023

Hung Parliament? What would Tharman do if elected? Test of Independence?

  Hung Parliament? What would Tharman do if elected? Test of Independence? Most would agree if there is a hung parliament, the pro-establishment president would prefer the continuation of the establishment party forming government. We are currently discussing the importance of independence in the coming presidential election. Among the hopefuls, who is likely to be less independent.  It seems to be Tharman. Tharman claims he has an independent mind, thinking and belief. His past association with the PAP is a historical fact and the bonding is still there.  Among the 10  supporters, you still see the faces of the establishment, like NTUC .   Ng Kok Song may look at it as an investment. His investment strategy is good opposition makes good government.   Will he invest to maintain the status quo or build up a balanced portfolio of opposition and government; creating competition and bringing in higher returns for Singapore? George Goh may appreciate the ha...

越纪念李光耀越显得, 今天的人民行动党无能,无远见。

  越纪念李光耀越显得, 今天的人民行动党无能,无远见。 我们即将进入百年之大变局,亚洲时代,东升西降的格局。偏偏这个关键时刻,新加坡不但没有出现具有远见的领袖,反而,却拿着过去的光辉,企图掩耳盗铃,忽悠人民。 我们怀念李光耀那一代人的努力,贡献和远见,自认很快的从第三世界国家发展成为第一世界国家,人均处于世界之巅。但是,我们现在却面对一个瓶颈,无法自我突破,找到一条提升的道路。 试问,李显龙初任时总理给你的印象好,还是现在?或许,当时的一切安排,造就了今天的冷酷现实。好的开始,未必是成功的一半。反而因为没有竞争,打压对手,而让自己觉得一切良好。 拿李光耀和李显龙比较,高低一下子就看出来。尤其,近来发生的一系列贪污、被怀疑滥权、缺少独立调查和执法的事件,重重影响了政府的声誉,人民的信任,支持者的信心。 或许,年初计划的一系列纪念李光耀的活动,本意试图强化人民的信任,信心,并且,希望在民选总统竞选中,让心仪的候选人高票中选。 可惜, 人算不如天算,计划赶不上变化 。 越是高调、大事纪念李光耀,反而弄巧反拙,把自己愚笨,缺乏远见的原形毕露。 除了整天利用法令对付假新闻,政治对手,不同意见的人,真的看不出在百年大变局来临的时刻,李显龙和接班人有什么对策、应对手段。

New Equilibrium vs. New Era Good Opposition Good Government vs. Democracy with more diverse views

  New Equilibrium vs. New Era Good Opposition Good Government vs.  Democracy with more diverse views The two presidential hopefuls who are closer to the establishment try to provide two different views of independence.   One asks you to forget about history and the other says he is just performing the job as a civil servant and is not a ruling party member.  They also talk about the future and what they hope to achieve if elected.    First new equilibrium versus new era.       New equilibrium means good opposition makes good government.   It seems to refer to the 5th generation, not the 4th generation.  New and challenging era seems to suggest the challenges the 4th generation will face.  It is a present tense against future tense of new equilibrium. As the president cannot check on the government, what really can the new era president do to help Singapore?  If there is a policy failure, what does the...

相互敬重的善达曼 还是互相取温暖的既得利益者。

  相互敬重的善达曼 还是互相取温暖的既得利益者。 善达曼正式以 【相互敬重】 为竞选口号。十位背书人也献身支持。敬重,尊敬,还是尊重,有没有差别, 特意选择敬重这个翻译,有没有什么特别含义? 还是,高高在上的认为,选民应该由下而上的敬重候选人? 花了一点时间,在网上找敬重的意思。感觉上,敬重比较少用,而尊敬、尊重比较普遍,尤其选举语言,通俗易懂,顺口应该比较好。 相互敬重读起来似乎不那么顺畅,感觉上也不那么贴切,接近人心,甚至缺了一份平等对待,平等尊敬。网上资料显示,敬重也用在宗教上,这里不谈。 比较常用的敬重,反而是下对上的尊敬,尊重。 如:士兵对长官,队员对队长,晚辈对长辈等。 应该说这是不是善达曼的本意。他其实想要做到 ‘和而不同,相互尊敬’ 。不同文化,不同宗教,不同种族,应该融合,和谐共处,为新加坡创造一个新的年代,而他就成为新时代的民选总统。 Presdient for A New Era。 独立的思维比独立的政治联系、背景来得重要。 善达曼似乎想要脱离过去,希望选民忘记他的背景,而只是考虑他当下的独立思维。一个人的历史,一个国家的历史是否会影响他的独立思考,见仁见智。但是,我们的确无法把历史忘记得一干二净。 善达曼也希望新加坡人可以获得 更大的民主空间 。不但拥有多元看法,同时,时时刻刻维系一个强而有力的核心。核心是什么??? 善达曼提出新时代,独立思维和更多民主空间的看法,同时政府又利用法令来对付假新闻,频频不断的以官方立场来定义假新闻、假信息,会不会出现 水土不服,互相抵触,而不是互相尊重,更多的是有些下而上的敬重。 政府要人民敬重,因为法令在它手中?甚至,还出动‘滋事、搞垮政府、拉倒行动党’的言论,到底政府的信心在哪里? 新时代,独立思维和更多民主空间,似乎是很好的竞选口号,年轻人期待民主,成年人认可成熟思维,大家希望一个新时代的到来。 这会不会有又变成一个既得利益者的工具,换汤不换药的竞选?

What is Ng Kok Song selling? The Spirit of Lee Kuan Yew? A New Equilibruim? Are these relevant?

  What is Ng Kok Song selling? The Spirit of Lee Kuan Yew?  A New Equilibruim? Are these relevant? We have a big celebration for Lee Kuan Yew this year. Among the presidential hopefuls, Ng not only talks a lot about Lee Kuan Yew.  In addition, he had also worked under him. So, LKY is a good marketing strategy, especially, when today’s PAP is different from the past.  LKY is a reminder of the good old days and the fighting spirit under one united team. However, Ng also talks about the future’s new equilibrium where both government and opposition have good and talented people. This is different from LKY who thought the government had no duty to grow the opposition. New equilibrium is the hope of the future.  Ng skipped the talking of 4th generation and he quickly jumps to 5th generation where a good opposition makes a good government.  Lee Kuan Yew agreed that when the PAP cannot produce good quality leadership, it will be replaced.  Ng’s new equilibrium...

尚达曼的动机? 为党、为己、为国?

  尚达曼的动机? 为党 、 为己 、 为国 ? 尚达曼作为前行动党人,为了党的利益出来竞选总统,合情合理。之前的两位不具副总理资格的民选总统,民意不甚理想,甚至让人大失所望。即使王鼎昌和陈庆炎也给人两级观感。 当然,也可能是一种阴谋论。 王鼎昌和陈庆炎两人都知道,无缘总理宝座。民选总统是‘唯一更上一层楼’的选择。 或许,尚达曼也有同样的想法。甚至,也可以这么说,这个选择就是 断了总理梦 。新加坡人也不再需要做同样的尚达曼总理梦。 退了党,不再是政治人物,如何又回到政治舞台?即使不中选,也不可能回去再度领导新加坡。即使新加坡面对各种各样的风险、危机。再加上第三代的舞台已经没有了,第四代也不会提供这个舞台给你。 那么,尚达曼的决定就是为了自己。他的决定已经表明,不再进入政治,不再主导国家。事实上,在党内和内阁, 尚达曼就是一个异数,他的形象与其他内阁成员不同,属于智慧型男 ,有自己的一套想法和理念。因此,他受到欢迎,并且成为最受欢迎的总理人选。 聪明反被聪明误。这样的背景,尚达曼很难融入第三代和第四代,只有当政府需要证明有远见智慧人才时,就把尚达曼搬出来。不需要的时候,就外放让他在国际舞台发光。如果你是尚达曼,心理的滋味如何? 为了国家?尚达曼看过前四任民选总统,心理有数。什么可以做,什么不可以。因此,他没有特别强调总统的独立性,当然也不可能监督政府。这对一个智慧型男,是不是一份有意义又有兴趣的工作?而且,一做,就可能是12年,两任,不是一任。因为下一届民选总统属于非华人非马来人的竞选。 尚达曼为党,为己,还是为国,新加坡人各自判断,最重要的是, 我们要有选择权, 不要自动当选的闹剧。

Tharman Image Problem Old school, used electronic products, not mainstream…

  Tharman Image Problem Old school, used electronic products, not mainstream… Like Henry Kissinger in today’s USA, he is not in the mainstream.  He is a prime minister material but can no longer lead the change as he wishes.  If the US administration under Trump or Biden adopting the views of Kissinger, the world order and the anti-Russia, anti-China political mainstream will be much different.  Tharman belongs to the old school, just like he is talking about the importance of learning other languages, multiculturalism, and social change. It is like a repeat of government statements, an old recorder playing old songs and music. People now are used to the latest handphones or digital products.  However,  Tharman keeps on repeating how good the old electronic products are. Older generations and establishments may still prefer oldies.  But we are really in a different world.  One foreign blogger thinks Singapore is too westernised, with no Asian feel...

TOC Asia 被认证为假消息源网址 其他的网址就是真消息吗?

  TOC Asia 被认证为 假消息 源网址 其他的网址就是 真消息 吗? 新加坡政府已经确认、认证The Online Citizen Asia 为假消息源。因此,和这个网址有关联的社交媒体,都被认定为假消息源。 这很可能是世界上第一个被国家政府认证的假消息网址。有些国家通过禁止进入,限制在国内阅读,或者,其他方法不让不受欢迎的网址进入。这样做的缺点是,读者还是可以翻墙进入。防不胜防。 新加坡的做法比较特别, 政府认定网址为假消息,读者可以自行决定,假在哪里,真在哪里。 无限遐想空间,可以往好处,也可以往坏处想。或许,还可能造成寻根究底的习惯,真假如何定义,如何确认。 就如胡适说的:大胆假设,小心求证。 TOC Asia 没有被完全封杀,读者还是可以上网阅读。只是,读者事先被通知这是一个假消息源。 在社交媒体不断创新,不断有新的附件App出现的当下,认证一个网址为假消息源,是否是有效的措施,见仁见智? 最可怕的问题,读者会误认其他的网址没有问题,甚至色情、八卦新闻,也是真消息。这一来,真的是得不偿失。

Three Views on Reserves: Political, Investment, and Entrepreneurship

  Three Views on Reserves: Political , Investment , and Entrepreneurship Three potential candidates provide three views on our reserves.  The first one needs no explanation.  It is a status quo, like the 3 past so-called elected presidents. The second one is interesting. From an investment viewpoint, we seek maximum returns with calculated risks.  We want to see good and capable people in competition, using their best talents to provide the best goods and services.  Best companies fight among themselves, however, investors choose the winners and put money on them. The third one is enterprising. A market of imperfect competition, free to go, free to join, regardless of big or small.  Entrepreneurs take risks by starting new businesses. However, the risk is high and most of them fail.      Singapore political culture prefers the first two views. We want billionaires to come as the government says they can create jobs. As a financia...

黄国松: 好的反对党才能激励出好的政府; 在野和执政两方都需要人才。

  黄国松: 好的反对党才能激励出好的政府 ; 在野和执政两方都需要人才 。 准总统候选人黄国松在领取总统参选表格后,发言指出,考虑到新加坡的未来,他有必要挺身而出,给年轻人做示范,不然,新加坡如何出现、培养好的第五代领导。 他同时强调, 在野党和执政党都需要好的人才。只有好的反对党,才能激励出一个好的政府。 两边都需要新血、新人才的加入。新加坡才能够从这种好的竞争中获利,为国家持续发展做出贡献。他的论点 肯定反对党的监督、制衡角色。两边互相竞争,最优的胜出。 不知道他是不是从投资、竞争的角度看新加坡政治?投资人当然要买最好,最有前途的公司投资。在公平竞争的环境下,竞争者都投入最好的人才、服务和产品,争取最后的胜利。 难怪,黄国松认为,在国际政治、国际经济以及在国际地位上,他能够和善达曼并驾齐驱。 他希望他的献身,能够激励更多年轻人出来贡献国家,把在野和执政两边做得更好。 这个论述,不是主流思维,尤其是行动党一党独大的背景,两边都有好的人才、资源,在行动党政府眼中是做不到,也不可能,甚至不需要。 总统选举虽然超然于政治之上,候选人都不可以和政党挂钩,但是,我们是躲不开政治的。总统要独立,但是候选人无论如何也逃不过过去的关系。而且,如果有幸投票,选民还是要做出正确的政治选择。 黄国松的建议,以及他希望年轻人贡献国家,把在野执政两边都建立好,强化好,不知道能否打动选民的心? 这其实涉及一个 ‘变 ’字。 两边都好,跟新加坡只能拥有一支最好的队伍的轮调,大大不同。 他的建议如果落实,新加坡第五代领导是不是行动党人,就成了一个变数。

No excuse to delay succession. Crisis is a good time to learn and refocus. Let’s move forward.

  No excuse to delay succession. Crisis is a good time to learn and refocus.  Let’s move forward. One crisis after another, how will Singapore react?  Old bottle with new wine?  New and young leaders must learn first hand how to solve the challenges. This cannot be an excuse to delay succession. Why? Otherwise, Singapore will not be able to have future leaders.   Many forget the most important key institution is Singapore - civil service and public administration.  We may complain they are rigid, slow in solving problems or never take feedback seriously.   But the world has recognised Singapore’s efficiency and effectiveness, just like our passports rank most powerful in the world. The PAP is in trouble and they keep postponing their succession plan. The old leaders continue to use old methods and the younger leaders have not been given a chance to learn and test their capability. There is no excuse to keep it unchanged. Worse. The poor PAP p...

缘起缘落 圆起圆落 家事国事

  缘起缘落 圆起圆落 家事国事 梦 里不知身是客   逍遥一游 凤凰台上 忆 吹箫 人间之世 众里寻他千百 度 德充一符 柳暗花 明 又一村   齐物之论

Naive! Too naive! Or too ‘pure’? Never expect these things to happen in Singapore. More to come?

  Naive! Too naive! Or too ‘pure’? Never expect these things to happen in Singapore.  More to come? There is so much hot news, well enough to let you forget the white and black saga.     These unexpected political things also come with new terms and new words. Maybe they also have implied meaning. Unparliamentary language.  There is a meaning above and beyond the F word. Leave of Absence, no more MP duties. What do these words really mean? Assisting in investigation, arrest notice, and arrest. Are these the same thing? Mulls, deliberating, and thinking of running. All these point to one thing.   

失落,焦虑,无所适从,。。。 PAP支持者努力找回往日的 光辉、信任、初心?

  失落,焦虑,无所适从,。。。 PAP支持者努力找回往日的 光辉、信任、初心? 人民行动党让支持者无所适从。 他们失去方向,漫无目的的寻找可以安抚、可以发泄的地方。他们甚至把怒火发泄在反对党身上,把自己的错误怪罪于他人。 语无伦次,失态,失落,焦虑,其实正反映了行动党领导在沟通,危机处理,应变能力方面出现很多、很大问题。支持者没有获得足够的信息, 当然就无法配合演出。 时不我与, 怪谁? 一向信任的党,突然变得很陌生,今天的行动党不是以前的行动党。支持者的失落、失魂、不知所措,可想而知。支持者发现初心不在,信任可疑,焦虑又担心行动党如何走下去? 即使想帮忙,也无所适从,不知如何下手,因为只能向其他人一样,看电视报纸。然而,这种管道已经越来越起不了作用和沟通效率。行动党支持者的心理变化,外人很难理解, 精神领袖不在,党内难念的经,又不止一本,而是好几本。 (就像巫统和国民党的忠实支持者那样,看到巫统和国民党发展到现在这个阶段,他们的失落感,急切寻找党魂,不知所措,如何才可以听到正确的指引,找回失去的初心,重新信任党和安慰焦虑的心。行动党最后的安慰,很可能是到目前为止,还没有明显的内乱。或许有,我们也不知道,只是还没有表面化罢了。) 人民行动党的支持者,尤其是忠实的老支持者,对于党发展到今天,一定忧心重重。 几十年的精神支柱,一下子变得信心动摇,焦虑,帮不上忙,甚至,无所适从,不知所措。 支持者没有了方向,党又选择性的提供和一般人一样的信息,甚至误导、片面、一知半解、画蛇添足 、不知所云的解释,对于支持者来说,这是不足够的。久而久之,他们也开始怀疑党,透明度不够, 以救国为名,实际上,就是救党,维护既得利益者。

Fate of the PAP or Fate of Singapore Any difference? Yes. Absolutely!

  Fate of the PAP or Fate of Singapore Any difference?   Yes.  Absolutely! Many Singaporeans believe the fate of the PAP decides the fate of Singapore.  Why does a single political party have such a huge impact on Singapore?    Looks like Karma is coming to the PAP. One bad news after another, a very shady succession plan, losing money at Temasek and MAS and barely avoiding a technical recession … So if the PAP fails, the whole of Singapore will fail.   No. No.  The PAP can no longer decide the future and the fate of Singapore.   She is tired and exhausted without fresh and new talents.  The PAP may be useful.  Her past success and experience can help to advance Singapore.  But it is no more the single engine to grow Singapore.   If Temasek’s biggest challenge is to stay relevant to Singapore’s investment needs, so does the PAP.  How do Singapore Inc and the PAP remain useful and relevant to fut...