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PAP losing touch? Calculations go wrong such as SimplyGo, Income, even the design of busstop.

 PAP losing touch? 

Calculations go wrong such as SimplyGo, Income, even the design of busstop.

A new policy or new program needs costs and benefits calculations.  For SimplyGo, it is saving. For Income, more capital. For busstop, safe and convenient.   Now, why do the calculations go wrong?  In Chinese, we say lack of “Ren Xin” consideration, people’s hearts, human touch.    

In the calculations,  negative factors can be downplayed and positive results over highlight.  Human feeling and value can easily be placed under economic, scientific analysis, and reasons.   Even if there are negative impacts, the positive gains can well cover the losses.  Losses are manageable and only affect a small group of people. 

It seems losing touch with a small group of people is OK. Through wealth redistributions or payouts, the gap can be closed.  In the end, the majority of the people still think the government is doing the right thing.   

Losing touch can also be seen as wrong calculations,  mismanagement,  such as underestimating the public feedback, underconsiderating the value and emotion, people’s trust and confidence.  The examples of SimplyGo and Income indicate the government planners did not expect a strong public reaction – losing touch to ground level.  


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