Lack of Geopolitics Understanding. Singaporeans do not appreciate a Strong ASEAN. Who is to blame? Listening to Kisohore Mahbubani’s podcast on geopolitics, the cruel fact is “Singaporeans do not appreciate a Strong ASEAN”. Very cruelly, Strong Asean is “rubblish it as many Singaporeans do” . Geopolitics is important, so is Singapore in ASEAN. Unfortunately, Singaporeans have little interest in ASEAN countries. Less concerns, less appreciation, less understnding, and take things as granted as we do not think we belong and will benefit from ASEAN. When we try to station our F-15SG in Guam, what geopolitics consideration do we have? What ASEAN and especially China will think. Closer to Singapore, yes. But also closer to ASEAN and China. Who is to blame for such a lack of understanding? It is easier to blame Singaporeans who do not appreciate and value ASEAN. However, we all are the products of our education system,...
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