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Showing posts from January, 2022

新现实、新常态。 高教育不再享受高收入。

新现实、新常态。 高教育不再享受高收入。 统计数据显示,大学毕业生的收入在冠病疫情期间,连续两年减少。从政府的立场出发,很自然的可以归咎于新冠疫情,把它解释为暂时性、过渡性现象。疫情过后,会改善。 但是,即使去年的经济取得7.2%成长,大学毕业生的收入没有回稳,反而下跌,这当然也可以说是短暂现象,有机会反弹,收入最后会进一步上升。 但是,也有一种现象,新加坡工资水平,尤其是大学毕业生的收入,出现瓶颈。想要进一步提升,整个经济的结构必须改变,寻找更加高增值的机会,这就牵涉到政府和人力资源的创新、生产力的提高。当然,外来相对比较低工资人才的竞争,更加会导致本地人的工资失去竞争力。 冠病只是把这种瓶颈现象,提早把瓶颈呈现出来。过去几十年,我们利用外来劳动力,压抑本地工资的行为和政策,并没有停止过。疫情过后,这种行为和政策将会继续,因此,本地毕业生的工资,想要回复到以前年年有增加的美景,似乎难上加难。 这是一个新的现实、新的常态。家庭的开支因为通货膨胀而上升,因为消费税而上升,但是,工资却处于瓶颈状态,这是一个很不好受的残酷现实。 那么,人民行动党政府会有什么政策对付这个新现实、新常态?李显龙做了10多年总理,你认为他会有新方法吗?我们现在的困境,虽然未经证实的储备一大推,但是,不论3G还是4G,你有看到‘虎虎生威’的一面吗? 没有。 我们不只看到恶狼在增加人民的负担,还看到狐狸在国会内外,狡猾的找借口,找理由蒙骗过关。 真是。苛政猛于虎。

The New Reality of Geopolitics: Returning Airspace to Indonesia

The New Reality of Geopolitics: Returning Airspace to Indonesia Not only are we affected by big power international politics, increasing regional geopolitics are forcing us to rethink a new normal diplomacy. The new deal with Indonesia in Bintan is the beginning of the new normal.  Singapore will have to face a New Indonesia - new capital, stronger, progressive, … We also face a New Malaysia - new role for Sarawak and Sabah, divisive, uncertain, policy u turn…  Covid brings us a new normal, but the reality of geopolitics cannot be ignored.  Are we ready for this New Normal?

No comment: What Govt Knows You Know, Really?

No comment: What Govt Knows You Know, Really? No comment, don’t know what to say. 无语。 Public perception, trust and belief seem different from the government.   This shows the gap between the government and the people. The understanding of ‘know all tell all’ is fluid, you define the ‘all’.


  大爱?1000万人口,500万穷人。 加州火车窃案影响美国的供应链,拖累竞争力。 最近又有人提起1000万人口的概念。从理论上说新加坡可以容纳1000万人居住。从经济上出发,人口多就是一个红利。而新加坡又是一个经济挂帅的国家。这或许也是人民行动党唯一可以推动经济发展的火车头。 过去几十年,新加坡经济发展的确依靠外劳、外力、外来人才和资本。因此,在接近600万人口中,只有300多万本地人。在200多万的非新加坡公民中,有超过100万人属于低收入者。这个低收入的定义,是指在新加坡属于低收入,回到他们的国家,却不是。因此,他们愿意来新加坡工作,为我们做出贡献。这似乎是两全其美。 这个两全其美看起来像是我们的大爱。我们开放新加坡,创造低收入就业机会给外国人。他们把赚来的钱汇回母国,造福他们的家人。对于那些获得高薪的外来人才,那更加是大大的大爱。当然,我们也从他们在本地的消费中获利。 10%新加坡家庭属于贫穷家庭。 新加坡没有官方的贫穷线。保守估计大约有10%家庭属于低收入者。而冠病将会导致低收入者的人数上升。贫穷人数或许有50万人以上。 因此,简单的算一算,接近600万居民中,有大约200万上下的低收入者。 如果,人口上升到1000万,意味着我们会有400万低收入人群。当人口老化问题,经济失调,失业增加的情形加剧,在1000万人口中,有可能出现500万贫穷人士。当然,行动党会说,外劳,外力不算,因此,500万的数目要减半。 新加坡的经济发展类似美国,在很大程度上是依赖贫富不均,而不是共享财富为目标。今天在美国发生的种种弊端、怪现象,是否不久后也将在新加坡发生。最近,加州出现火车窃案影响供应链,这显示贫穷、贫富不均最后将会影响经济发展。美国的竞争力也会被拖累。 美国贫穷人数数据。现在应该更加严重。 我们为了经济发展而创造了这么多的低收入者,让贫富不均继续恶化,是不是一种大爱的表现?当我们提出1000万人口时,我们如何做到财富比较公平的分配?      这不是一个理性的问题,而是一个感性问题。如果不幸成了低收入者,感觉如何?政府会协助吗?投票的心情又如何?

Malaysia: Institutions Collapse or Institutions Crisis

Malaysia: Institutions Collapse or Institutions Crisis Listening to this interview, it is quite obvious there is an Institutions Crisis. Not only are the institutions not functioning, the parliament is also not able to check on it. There is always a saying that Malaysia is becoming a failed state.  Not long ago, in his 2022 New Year message, the former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad saw no change in Malaysian politics and warned of the danger of Malaysia becoming a failed state. To some countries, the current Institutions Crisis in Malaysia is already a failure.  By this definition, it is a failed state.   It is an interesting development.  Without damage control, it can develop into another 1MDB for the current government.  And Malaysia is expected to hold a general election this year with 5 million new and young voters!  

With a super majority in parliament, can the Hong Kong government outperform Singapore? Perhaps, the two are fighting for second rate performance.

With a super majority in parliament, can the Hong Kong government outperform Singapore? Perhaps, the two are fighting for second rate performance.   Will the new elite legislative Assembly and supermajority in parliament give the Hong Kong government a better performance?  Not sure. Will the Chief Executive or new CE with the support of the House provide a better future for Hong Kong? What the majority of people there want is prosperity, can the CE deliver? Can the PAP elite represent the people?  The not-so-diverse Legco also faces this problem. How do people’s representatives do a check and balance, and question the government?   In the past, performance can overcome this question. But the recent developments show both cities are not performing at their top.   In Singapore, we see the PAP government is less productive, efficient, and foresight than the old PAP.  They also acknowledge they are not able to attract talents and are at the cross-road...

王乙康和PAP的公关问题: 止于自我检讨,无视时代改变,一党独大最好。

王乙康和PAP的公关问题: 止于自我检讨,无视时代改变,一党独大最好。 人民行动党的最高道德标准就是自我检讨,不是人民的监视、监督、制衡。自我检讨,自己定下标准,自己规范做事,自己处罚自己,所有的事情,都是以自己为中心,当行动党说自己监督自己的时候,就是说它是 以自己,不是人民大从的道德标准,来行事、来处理问题。当然,它也不会罪己。 这是过去的行动党,过去他们有业绩,有经济发展,人民看在钱的份上,将就一点,就盲目的,一再投选行动党。时代已经改变了,现在的行动党,业绩有问题,经济发展也出现瓶颈,社会和福利缺口越来越大。如果开口闭口就一直怀旧一党独大,即使主流媒体每天吹,就像老旧连续剧,没有创意的连续剧,越看越不是味道。 王乙康和4G部长认为自己有能力,维持过去的辉煌,过去的优势,过去的一手遮天。时代已经改变了,李显龙无法复制李光耀的荣光,甚至,也无法跟上吴作栋,因为他连提到瑞士生活的勇气都没有。连他自己也承认行动党在十字路口。一个站在十字路口的人,还想唯我独尊,一党独大。 王乙康作为可能的总理人选,为了固化行动党一路来的传统,再次重申一党独大的神主牌,并且认为这是道德的最高标准。 王乙康试图通过自身的背景、经历来证明一党独大才是新加坡未来的最佳选择。或许,因为他的反对党父亲的背景,他想要证明他更加爱行动党,他要比其他的行动党同志,更加有必要证明他比他们更加坚信一党独大的道德高度。因为他父亲做不到,而行动党却做到了。这不是最佳的证明吗? 不论他是基于什么原因,坚持一党独大作为行动党的策略,过去或许还行,现在和未来,却是一个很大的问号,甚至,可以说是公关问题。行动党死死抱住一党独大这个神主牌,反而成了一个不可逃脱的累赘,因为,将来一旦发生什么事情,人民就会把责任归咎于一党独大。什么都是一党独大的错。 王乙康提出的制衡一党独大的机制,其实是很好笑的。国会里有反对党,法庭还有总审计长等等,这些组织,60年来都存在。 似乎,他没有提到总统也是制衡的机制。 但是,一党独大的弊端,让我们看不到进步,反而在李显龙管理下,进一步收紧、控制。 马来西亚和印尼已经开始背离一党独大的政治。作为我们最重要的两个邻国,王乙康的坚持,可以说是一枝独秀,独树一格,但是,也造成如何说服国人的公关问题、信心问题。尤其是新媒体时代,一党独大又遇到经济开放,行动党不可能像以前那样...

Korean drama: Undercover Invisible hands remain even after change Old and conservative influences still strong

Korean drama: Undercover   Invisible hands remain even after change Old and conservative influences still strong Many people know about the famous Korean drama ‘Squid Game’.  However, I strongly recommend Singaporeans to watch ‘Undercover’ too. South Korea, as we know, has many ups and downs in political changes - coups after coups, bloods after bloods, changes in political systems and forming and reforming political parties and almost all former presidents ending up in jails. ‘Undercover’ tells a story that even after political changes and gaining democracy, the old and conservative forces are still within the establishment.  They continue to believe their old ways of doing things and practices and their beliefs are right. They think they are protecting the country, safeguarding their motherland.  This is why major political changes, like the Arab Spring, 2018 Malaysian election, (or the results of  the Thai and  Myanmar coups), are not necessary t...

Authoritarian Resilience no more. The PAP is at the turning point, less resilient.

Authoritarian Resilience no more. The PAP is at the turning point, less resilient.  The past Singapore Resilience was built under the model of authoritarian resilience.  However, the PAP is no longer a resilient party with less talents,  and even their once ‘proud succession plan’ has gone into trouble. What we see now is a Singapore under Lee Hsien Loong with more controls, more rules and regulations, less checks and balances.   Yes, they want to keep their authoritarian way of governance.  But Singaporeans want to see results, efficiency and effective delivery.  Under Lee junior, we don’t see the performance or the resilience we used to before. This means we have doubts, we suspect things are not well done under his administration. We are not sure about their long-term planning and governance.  This is why we don’t trust the PAP any more.    The PAP wants to keep their authoritarian resilience practises like the past.  But th...

风水轮流转,李光耀的报应: 无人清理,几层楼高垃圾出现在行动党市镇会。

风水轮流转,李光耀的报应: 无人清理,几层楼高垃圾出现在行动党市镇会。 2011年大选,李光耀警告阿裕尼选民,如果把票投给工人党,这里就会变成贫民区。当然,垃圾也会无人清理,就像现在发生在人民行动党管理的市镇那样。 李光耀同时也说,阿裕尼选民会后悔5年。11年过去了。风水轮流转,无人清理垃圾的情形,居然在行动党管理的市镇发生。当然,我们可以借口,冠病疫情导致人手不足,因此,发生这样的事情,可以原谅。 如果这件事情发生在工人党的市镇会,那么,行动党政府会这么说?他们一定会重提李光耀当年的警告,现在应验了。 风水轮流转,行动党已经不是当年讲求效率,讲求绩效,追求最好,追求第一的政党。组屋垃圾清理无能,无效率,低生产力,已经证明李显龙政府无法提供李光耀时代的政绩。 这是新加坡人必须面对的命运。我们可以选择让李显龙和4G继续在低效率,高工资的模式下,继续管理新加坡。当然,也可以换政府。选民有权决定自己要的政府,继续选择现在这样连垃圾清理都会出问题的李显龙政府,还是要让反对党试一试。 李显龙政府不只是面对风水轮流转的管理命运,同时,在很多决策上,也朝向豪赌轮盘、豪赌运气的方向发展。这从冠病疫情的控制措施,消费税的提出,言论限制法令等等可以看出来。因为连一个人举牌都可以构成犯罪行为,这样的保赢赌法,可以说已经用尽了豪赌手段。 从风水轮流转到赌运气,新加坡人看不到李显龙政府的执政能力,只看到总理和部长在豪赌新加坡的储备,熬尽我们的老本,忘了初心,却拿不出业绩来。或许,正如李显龙自己说的:行动党来到另一个转折点。这个转折点可以是风水轮流转,也可以是赌运气,李显龙和行动党的选择其实并不多。

Gap between Singaporeans and the government: Hope and Fear - the GST balancing act

Gap between Singaporeans and the government:  Hope and Fear - the GST balancing act   ‘Hope’ means the PAP government is confident the GST increase will not affect the livelihood of Singaporeans. The government is also confident people should not fear the increase. While Singaporeans, especially the middle class, the poor, weak and sick people are thinking of more ‘fear’ over ‘hope’ unless they are betting a 4D, Big Sweep or going to a casino.  It is a chance!  There is hope!  And no fear of losing! The PAP calculates the GST increase like a lottery and acts like a casino owner.  All means are in their hands, even if it results in inflation or affects the economy and the people, the PAP is still the winner.  So, there is no fear and only hope for a better future.   People now have less trust, and less confidence the 4G leadership will deliver good results for Singapore.   Therefore, ‘fear over hope’ is the first reaction.   Fur...

If Malaysia were a ‘failed state’, What is the consequence for Singapore? Were we became half a ‘failed state’?

  If Malaysia were a ‘failed state’, What is the consequence for Singapore? Were we became half a ‘failed state’? The former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his 2022 New Year message saw no change in Malaysian politics and warned of the danger of Malaysia becoming a failed state. Mahathir is a controversial figure, like Lee Kuan Yew.  Some may disagree that Lee is a controversial figure.  But our current economic and political problems, 4G, FICA, POFMA, no free lunch, stop at two, languages, cultural development etc… can not run away from Lee Kuan Yew and his influence.   Bad or good we have to accept it and look forward to avoiding the mistakes happening in Malaysia.   Yes, if Malaysia were a failed state, judging from the recent flood management, nobody seems to know what to do and command,   (they even outshine us by saying once in 100 years), what Singapore can do if our neighbour failed? Just look around, in the community, in ...


  2022的“加”声。 2022年,不论喜欢不喜欢,新加坡人都要面对一个“加”字。 加税 ,产业税已经起了,接下来就是消费税。 加价 ,交通费,电费已经涨了,接下来就是各种物价的调高。 加压 ,这有多层意义。税起,物价升,新加坡人的生活压力当然增加。尤其是,底层人民,老弱病残,负担增加,收入未必赶上物价和生活费用。 加压,也会是心理压力,生理压力。每天为生活而烦恼,为加价而忧心,尤其是遇到家里成员生病,学习出现问题,失业,等等用钱就可以解决的问题,却偏偏遇到钱不够用的困境,作为家长、一家之主的人,压力一定不少。 加压,也可以是政治压力,社会压力。人民行动党几十年来,对于打压对手,舆论控制,根本没有放松,也放心不下,尤其是,所谓4G接班人的问题无法解决,当然,不可以有所松懈。我们从2021国会的表演,一个人的举牌示威,POFMA和FICA的海陆空管制言论,可以了解2022年,打压言论的,打压自由的政治和社会动作,如果没有增加,也会和去年一样。 打压也显现行动党在李显龙领导下,越来越没有信心,有信心的政府,有办法的政府,无需加重人民的生活负担,心理压力,经济压力和精神压力。 当然,加重人民的压力,也表示这个政府和人民脱节。一方面不了解民情,一方面信心不足,能力有限,创造财富无能,遇到财政困境,就只会向人民开刀。 2022年,大家需要调节心态,不论新常态还是旧常态,在一片“加”声下,努力做一个快乐的人。