According to the Global Trends 2030 #1, a majority of global citizens feel that current government structures are inadequate to face future challenges. Will Singapore be an exception? For example, an efficient tax collection system does not mean it understands the tax burdens of the people. Even the PAP government claims to have first class public administration, the recent policy solutions and responses have failed to gain public confidence and support. (Or less public confidence and support as compared to SG50 era). We are no exception to the global trends. More and more non-traditional players, NGOs, will participate in the debates besides a stronger opposition. Down the road, not only the PAP has to discarded their old and ineffective SG50 model, the oppositions and other players will have to adopt new models too. All of them can not ‘copy and paste’ the old SG50 model. They will have to seek new creative solutions and balances in ...
Current affairs 时事