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Showing posts from August, 2024

Anything related to the Leader of the Opposition is a public interest.

  Anything related to the Leader of the Opposition is a public interest.  He or she can affect a country’s future.  In a parliamentary democracy,  the Leader of the Opposition will hold the highest political position once his party receives the majority.  So, it is a public concern as voters have to decide their future on the alternative policies put up by the Opposition. We are quite ignorant to believe the forever one-party rule.  For a long time, we have not had the Leader of the Opposition.   Since we now have one, it is certainly a public affair, affecting the future, affecting the election and the future government.  To face or not to face the political reality?    


  马凯硕的“小国论”,或许更加适合今天的新加坡? 小国如果出现具有远见的政治人物,深入洞察地缘政治的走向,或许,可以做出区域、国际贡献,发挥更加大的光辉。反之,应该谨慎行事,做好本分工作。 小国应该做小国的事情。马凯硕2017年的言论,在新新加坡外交圈内,大受批评,被认为不合国情,不利新加坡。2017年,李光耀还在,或许还有一定的道理,放在今天还适合吗? 马凯硕认为李光耀,吴庆瑞和拉勒乐南,三位建国先贤对他有深远影响。他们咋地缘政治上,有独特的分析和见解。“小国论”,有没有受到他们的影响,还是马凯硕本身的结论?在最近的访问中,马凯硕并没有修改立场的意思,只说语气、用词可以改变一下。 新加坡已经不是当年的新加坡,先贤们已经过去,我们只是在经济上表现得亮眼。如果认为,钱就代表一切,有钱就能任性,忘记自己是否有着先贤们的睿智,远见,分析能力,。。。而一意孤行,认为自己比先贤行,这就很危险了。 马凯硕说,他有很多批评者,这些批评者多到可以申请吉尼斯世界记录。可见,他的反对者人数之多。当然,他在一些地方,尤其是中国,是受到欢迎的人物。无论如何,马凯硕认为,有不同的意见,提出不同的看法是好事。 事实上,他认为,他指出的一切是有利西方的。西方,尤其是美国,现今缺少具有远见的政治人物,看不明白新的亚洲时代,多元、多极世界的未来。问题是,新加坡是不是也陷入这个看不明白,分不清地缘政治的变迁。尤其是,外交部里那一些反对马凯硕见解的人。 马凯硕虽然出身外交部,不过不属于主流思维。因此,才有批评者,这当然包括影响新加坡外交政策的人。“小国论”过去了这么多年,先贤们也不在了,新加坡到底有没有培养深入洞察、了解地缘政治的人物为国效劳?看看现在的政治人物和外交官,新加坡是否应该考虑不同的意见?国内政治如此,外交活动也应该如此。

Reset traditional voting pattern. Adopting Opposition proposals and Policy Shifting is the new normal.

  Reset traditional voting pattern. Adopting Opposition proposals and Policy Shifting is the new normal. Lawrence Wong talks about reset, about renewed Singapore dream.  He also makes some policy changes, some of which were proposed by the Opposition years ago.  More votes to the Opposition, more resets and more reforms can happen earlier.  Don’t have to wait until it is too late. Traditional voting pattern that voters looking for the PAP logo to cross needs urgent reset.  PAP likes to talk about money.  In Gresham’s law of “bad money drives out good”, the PAP’s GRC system will face a huge challenge.    The traditional pattern, just putting a minister plus 3 or 4 useless candidates in a team, has helped the PAP in the past.  This system has been broken twice, one in 2011 and the other  in 2020.  Voters begin to realise they cannot accept this “tompang” way of getting into the parliament.    Lawrence Wong hopes to stop this...

未来经济委员会有没有 反映未来的政治结构? 虽然不是样样事情都说政治, 事实证明任何事情都离不开政治。

  未来经济委员会有没有 反映未来的政治结构? 虽然不是样样事情都说政治, 事实证明任何事情都离不开政治。 未来经济走向应该考虑未来政治走向。成员应该多元化,而不是利益集团的继续,应当反映、反应民意。职总不算,因为在三位一体下,政府、行动党和职总是利益的共同体。 2017年成立的经济咨询委员会,已经监督了23个产业转型蓝图。七年前和现在,有什么不同?黄循财出任总理,提出5C之外的思考,并且,他认为行动党一党独大的局面,将一去不返。 政治上,PAP必须面对更加大的挑战。已经失去两个集选区,如何赢回人民的信心和信任? 经济上,国内外的问题更加多。没有人可以确保,新加坡的未来的正确方向。 而偏偏未来经济委员会,还是故我,没有考虑到政治可以轻易改变经济的事实。我国企业和员工的适应性、弹性、诉求,真的可以不需要考虑政治变迁的现实吗? 也或许,新的未来经济委员会,不需要考虑这个政治问题。因为,它的前提是选民依然会选择人民行动党,政府继续由行动党来做。所以,委员会监督的蓝图,也将继续,不会受到政治变迁,选民期待所影响。这和黄循财的说法,似乎不太一样。政治上受到挑战,未来经济方向,难道不需要进行调整吗?

A Monolingual Singapore. Better Growth. More Prosperity. Better Unity. More Harmony.

  A Monolingual Singapore. Better Growth. More Prosperity. Better Unity. More Harmony. Singapore will become a monolingual state after the passing of Pioneer and Merdeka generations.    Is this possible? Is this good or bad?  Will it help us to achieve more economic growth as there are savings and productivity gains from using only one language? Single language use will also foster more unity and more harmony in society.  One language makes direct communication and less misunderstanding through translations and interpretations. These advantages will then transform more prosperity, growth and money. Is this a possible dream that even the USA can’t reach there? Wait a minute, where is the intangible essence in this dream?  Do we really need different cultural intangible assets to unite Singaporeans?   To achieve harmony?     The Asian Century is coming.  It is a process that even the West has recognised. What it really means if S...

三位一体, 职总、英康保险的困境, 也是政府、人民行动党的困境。 也反映应对策略,了解民情的困境。

  三位一体, 职总、英康保险的困境, 也是政府、人民行动党的困境。 也反映应对策略,了解民情的困境。 从英康保险的困境,看行动党的应变能力,应对策略,和民情反馈。几十年来,我们已经习惯政府、人民行动党和职工总会,三位一体。这点政府已经自我认证,职总是具有影响力者。 因此,英康保险目前身处的困境,也反映了行动党政府的困境。让英康企业化,是一种脱离困境的手段、策略。但是,对于怀念建国初心的人,这么做却违背社会主义的惠民色彩。 走向资本,追逐发展,不也正是政府在走的路吗? 向外寻求资本,因为本地无人愿意出高价买下51%英康股权。这像不像,本地企业,本地工人,不愿意做,我们只好开放,让外资、外劳,外来人才,自由进来。或许有些有其正当性,有些没有正当性。但是,这条路,却是近二十年来,新加坡经济发展高速的选项。 倒过来看, 英康在高速经济发展中,为何没有得到甜头? 反而从市场主导者,成为陪跑者。国人所得增加,英康没有从中得利?职总解释为政府已经推出有利于平民的医药医院和养老退休保险,因此,英康在这个市场没有发展机会。所以,企业化,引入外资和国际管理,才能取得长期发展的机会。事实上,是求存。 职总和行动党政府的应对策略,就是这么简单。让市场来决定,企业赚到钱,政府税收增加,然后,把这些增加的收入,进行惠民政策,一部分分配给保单,减低保费;一部分税收,发放津贴、消费券、扶贫。 这套做法,为什么会被人认为违背初心?是不是分配不公平? 政府的医药保健和公积金养老制度,真的这么好,好到英康的长期发展受到伤害? 还是,行动党在收集民意,反馈民情方面,欠缺周全考虑,只看到市场、资本、钱?这不是第一次,也不是最后一次困境。而且,困境和挑战会越来越多、越大。

From Market Leader to Market Loser NTUC Income’s “Longevity” and Sustainability issues?

  From Market Leader to Market Loser NTUC Income’s “Longevity” and Sustainability issues? Reading the NTUC statement and considering the business model of NTUC Income, Income has a “longevity” issue as the company was once a market leader and now a losing party in the well covered medical and retirement insurance market. So, Income’s sustainability is in question.  She needs to survive or in  better word expansion in the changing environment.  The insurance market has changed, especially the income per capita of Singaporeans has increased a lot.  Hence,  Income needs a new direction to adapt into the new market situation and challenges.  And so, Income needs a new partner.  And they cannot find a local partner to make Income an ownership of  Singapore.    It seems she will follow some local big names, like NOL, SPH,  fail and go down the drain if no action is taken.  Oh!  SPH Media Trust is lucky as the government is ...


 P A P的“初心”平衡策略,英康保险如何做到? 英康保险要出卖了。要卖给一间德国公司。民间反应认为,违背初心,连许通美也引用拉惹勒南的警告, ‘不要把新加坡发展成为一个只懂价格,而不知价值的国家’。 英康保险出卖,是否违背初心?英康保险当然不这样认为。未来资本,增加资本,强强结合、互补,反而让英康有更大的发展机会。同时,也能为国人提供更好的、价廉的保单。初心未变,服务更好,为国贡献更加大。根本是强化初心? 因此,指责出卖是违背初心,并不适当。人家为发展,为提供更好的服务而做出出卖选择,考虑到大从的利益,引进外来资本和国际联系。所以,更应当被看成发扬光大初心,维护初心,加强初心的行为。 那么,为什么有些国人,还是认为这是违背初心,出卖祖业的行为。这些人是否应该被禁言、被批评?当然不可以,不然,民意、民声、民生、如何找到管道发泄。事实上,无声的沉默才是最可怕,一旦爆发,不可收拾。 或许,我们可以通过三个例子,看看新加坡初心的不见,改变,维护和金钱支持的初心。 南洋大学的1955年创校初心不见了。新加坡还有几个人记得?行动党的偷龙转凤初心策略,不可谓不成功。 华联银行收购案,最后以理念相近,与大华银行结合。放弃发展银行的强制收购,选择大华,可以说是维护初心,结合后,初心得以保存、维持下去。 需要金钱支持的初心 - 新报业媒体信托。或许很难相信,以前还是上市公司,赚钱行业,现在需要政府注入援助金,才能维持初心。或许,这个初心,与时并进,迎合时代变迁和不同时段政权需要。 看到报业媒体的新发展,我们应该庆幸英康没有像政府要钱,继续维护初心。或许,为了平息民心,英康最后将落入三大银行中的一间,就像当年的储蓄银行那样,虽然做不成‘人民的银行’,最终,还是肥水落入新加坡。英康作为‘人民的保险公司’,是否也会殊途同归?

PAP losing touch? Calculations go wrong such as SimplyGo, Income, even the design of busstop.

  PAP losing touch?  Calculations go wrong such as SimplyGo, Income, even the design of busstop. A new policy or new program needs costs and benefits calculations.  For SimplyGo, it is saving. For Income, more capital. For busstop, safe and convenient.   Now, why do the calculations go wrong?  In Chinese, we say lack of “Ren Xin” consideration, people’s hearts, human touch.     In the calculations,  negative factors can be downplayed and positive results over highlight.  Human feeling and value can easily be placed under economic, scientific analysis, and reasons.   Even if there are negative impacts, the positive gains can well cover the losses.  Losses are manageable and only affect a small group of people.  It seems losing touch with a small group of people is OK. Through wealth redistributions or payouts, the gap can be closed.  In the end, the majority of the people still think the government is doing the ri...