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Showing posts from June, 2023

Black and White Controversy Political Insensitivity or Sensitivity?

  Black and White Controversy  Political Insensitivity or Sensitivity? When ministers rented black and white houses, did they realise the possible consequences and  embarrassment to the government? It involves political sensitiveness.  Political office holders are subject to public debates, questions and doubts.   They may ignore the sensitivity, like the case of Temasek where no disclosures of Ho Jing’s pay.  Temasek and the government can keep on refusing to answer even if the parliament raised the issue. However, as shown in the black and white saga, the government is forced to come out with ‘independent’ reports and answerable in parliament.  So, are the two ministers politically insensitive on renting the houses? Or, worst case, they think they can do the Temasek way if something happens.  Unfortunately, the controversy goes beyond control and causes public trust, fairness and equality questions.  Perhaps, the government is too p...

黑白屋依然是黑白屋 PAP依旧是PAP 越抹越黑还是黑白分明?

  黑白屋依然是黑白屋 PAP依旧是PAP 越抹越黑还是黑白分明? 张志贤的调查报告出炉了。为了严正对待,还加了一份贪污调查局的报告。人民行动党做事可够认真!不能不佩服,不止全套,还多做一套,无贪污。 接着下来,就是国会辩论。在绝对优势下,人民行动党依然人民行动党,而黑白屋也照旧是黑白屋。我们又被打回原形? 老一辈的新加坡人,已经看惯了这样的表演。年轻一代是否接受这种教条式的作业方式,那就很难说。或许,在行动党政府重视文凭多过业绩的背景下,老的、少的,本地、外地也没有分别了。 不过,教育部和政府现在鼓励国人,放弃文凭至上的观念,以 实际成绩,不同经历、考验来衡量一个人的贡献 。其实,这是告诉国人 要以不同眼光,不同角度看问题,看调查报告。到底有多少国人看明白这点,而身体力行? 对于行动党来说,事情已经办好,国会辩论能够在控制范围内运作。看来,又是一个 【两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。】 当人们回过神来,民选总统有没有得选,已经走过了程序,似乎又是行动党的一个一箭双雕!吵吵闹闹,黑白屋已经成了往事,新总统已经上任。行政效率不可谓不高!

Downgrading the Elected Presidency to jaga. Is the PAP preparing for a contest and preparing to lose it? Why?

  Downgrading the Elected Presidency to jaga. Is the PAP preparing for a contest and  preparing to lose it? Why? Downgrading a person or a thing means you no longer appreciate it.  From no independence, no check on government, to jaga , the Elected Presidency has become less important, less significant.  This is very different from the past when the government stressed the need for a second key, approval for key appointments.  All these are now less important. Why? In the first Presidential Election, they never talked about it.  Even in the highly contested 2011 PE, they also never mentioned the independence or check on government.   Of course, they will never admit downplaying the presidency.   Even if Tharman gets the job, his role, duty and responsibility have been defined, restricted .  Why never in the past, the walkover or elected presidents were reminded of what could do and what could not do?  So, the PAP government is prep...

民选总统变成守门jaga 何晶言论代不代表政府? 会不会演变成PAP负资产? 善意提示还是警告威胁?

  民选总统变成 守门jaga 何晶言论 代不代表政府 ? 会不会演变成 PAP负资产 ? 善意提示还是 警告威胁 ? 【笑话。台湾首富郭台铭 (如果是新加坡人)可以轻易取得新加坡的总统候选人资格。但是,却不能获得国民党提名出征,竞选台湾最高领导人大位。天不时地不利人不和???】 一般上,国家领导人的另一半,不会对政府的治国提意见。最明显的是马英九,他的另一半还要离职,以表清白,不与公务挂钩。其他的另一半,有些喜欢金银珠宝,有些花枝招展,有些幕后支持。 何晶对于民选总统的职权,再度发表看法。这回她说, 总统犹如jaga 看门、守门,不需要知道保险箱里面装了什么,政府在急需用钱的时候,就把门打开。 从不是独立行事,不是监督政府,不是人民投诉社会病态的地方,到现在的看门守门说,总统的地位可以说是每下愈况。越说下去,越低下。 不论多低下,庄子说道都在其中。守门看门也要有门道! 因此,何晶的说法,到底 代不代表人民行动党政府 ?政府没有表示同意,支持;也没有表示不同意,不支持。 言论自由 ? 普通老百姓很轻易认为,贵为总理夫人,名正言顺,当然具备代表政府立场的份量。 这就变成一个罗生门,可以依据网络流量,喜好,认可或者否认代不代表政府,然后,左右逢源,看好民意流向改变选举策略。 一般人说错说对,无伤大雅。甚至,没有人会发现,也没有会拿来做文章。但是, 如果何晶说错了,说了民意不喜欢的,那就变成行动党的负资产,伤害很大 。这对行动党支持的候选人将造成不利,甚至落选。 天时地利人和,似乎站在行动党支持的候选人那一边,也没有人会预料到,他拿不到竞选资格。(即使他在法庭上被定罪过)。 只要有选举,就会出现变局 ,最可怜的是自动当选又再一次出现。那么,什么滑铁卢都可以免谈。 你认为何晶代不代表政府发言?她会不会成为行动党的负资产?

COE for George Goh To show broader definition of success Is PEC thinking of the past or the future?

  COE for George Goh To show broader definition of success Is PEC thinking of the past or the future? When considering the Certificate of Eligibility, will the Presidential Elections Committee also assess the broader definition of success.  Singapore education has shifted from academic results to a wider meaning of success. Performance, ability and life-long learning can bring us more diverse, resilient and different talents.     The life of George Goh matches this new education emphasis.  And he is a good example for Sinagporeans to prove, ascertain and confirm we walk the talk.     The brain and heart example, in fact, explains Singapore needs both talents for execution and entrepreneurship.   Exam smart people continue to run the administration, using their brains and talents.    However, increasingly important are the entrepreneurs, big and small, who will make Singapore resilient, sustainable and wealth crea...

理性治国的总理 爱心护民的总统 新加坡成功之道,未来之路? 民选总统以降,爱心在哪里?

  理性治国的总理 爱心护民的总统 新加坡成功之道,未来之路? 民选总统以降,爱心在哪里? 民选总统和以前的总统有什么区别?似乎,非民选总统的爱心更加明显,更加受到尊敬。自从有民选总统以来,除了第一任王鼎昌外,似乎没有人关心储备,更加没有觉得这些民选总统有什么爱心,爱表现在何处? 政府给人感觉只知道钱的问题,债不留后代,消费税,加价,加费用等。虽然有执行力,但是却处处变得无情无义,欠缺爱心。 等待合格证的准总统候选人吴振华以脑和心来比喻总理和总统的职权区分。他认为总理是脑,拥有行政执行权。而根据宪法,总统犹如心的运作。脑和心是一个整体,不是两个中心,因此不可分割。 脑是理性的象征,依据原则、科学方式、数据来分析,依法治国,追求效率、生产力。因此,往往过于形式,欠缺人文考虑,过分依法治国,给人苛政猛于虎的感觉。 总统是国家的象征,团结人民,代表国家。因此,以心,作为爱的表现,关怀人民,体恤民间疾苦,有助纾解政府严酷,无情的一面。有爱心的总统,对于政府有加分作用,能够提高人民对政府的信任、信心。 可惜,民选总统推出以来,不但做不到团结,信任,反而加深人民对于这个制度的误解,怀疑和失去信心。新加坡人看不到爱心,见不着团结,更加不相信民选总统能够带来什么好处。

Change of Government or Hung Parliament? What is the Role of the President? Independent, Check on the government or Ombudsman?

  Change of Government or Hung Parliament? What is the Role of the President?  Independent, Check on the government or Ombudsman? Lawrence Wong said all future general elections face the possibility of government change.  There is no guarantee the PAP will return to power.  There may be a non-PAP government or the worst but likely case of hung parliament, like the recent case in Malaysia.   What will the elected president do? To be independent or appoint someone in the same camp? To check on the past performance of the government and act in the best interest of Singaporeans? To feel the sufferings and feelings of the people and assess who is the best person to run the country?   If you think about the government first, once you have the majority, you form the government (like the present case), then the president is not independent. However, when you already have an elected president with mandate, then there is a general election, the outcome need...

债留后代 民选总统的迷思? 用人不当照样 误国误民。

  债留后代 民选总统的迷思? 用人不当照样 误国误民。 民选总统设立以来,没有一位总统知道储备的详情;问了也是白问。储备和债留后代有关吗? 后来,人民行动党政府更进一步,强调债不留后代。储备即使有多雄厚,也不可以拿来用;更加不会举债,让后代负载累累。拿我们的标准看美国,肯定是债留后代。 民选总统的另一个功能,就是用人 ,高官的人事任命,需要获得总统的批准。用人不当,误国误民,储备被亏空,后代还是要负责。司法出现偏差,贪污没有纠正,行政效率低下,国安漏洞百出等等,都可能发生。虽然没有动用储备,但是,经常项目开支得不到控制,照样债留后代。 一旦出现误国误民的事,储备还保得住吗?外国有很多例子,用人不当,国家的钱就白白不见了。即使正当使用,策略错误,误读误判,例如地铁维修这样的小事,也会让国家生产力受损。更何况更大的投资、司法、国防、经济等各方各面的用人不当。 民选总统的迷思,就是即使自动中选,还是票选出来,我们看不到总统在储备和用人方面的执行力。难怪,在何晶眼中, 一人一票选出来的总统,不具备独立行事权力。民选总统不是独立行政、不是监督政府, 不是社会申诉专员。 既然什么都不是,那么如何保护储备,如何确保用人得当。更加不用说债不留后代的使命了。 行动党政府把民选总统想得很深、很细、很全面,但是,真的能够确保债不留后代吗?自我检讨,债留后代,如何搞清楚?

Walkover or Contest? George is the Winner. Kiasu, Kiasi for the PAP.

  Walkover or Contest? George is the Winner. Kiasu, Kiasi for the PAP. George Goh is the winner whether there is a contest or not.  But to the PAP government, it is Kiasu if there is a walkover and Kiasi if there is a contest.    Walkover. Kiasu. George will seem as a victim in a well designed Elected Presidency.  Singaporeans will see the well qualified, PAP endorsed candidate run away from a competition.     Talk is cheap.  The PAP can claim how good their candidate is but how to trust a system when the referee, goalkeeper, player, and timer are from the same team.   Kiasu! Kelong!      Contest. Kiasi. When there is a contest, there is a risk of losing . At least 40% will vote against the establishment candidate and a combined of more than 60% If there are multi-corner fights.   This is not only risky but the outcome is beyond our imagination. While is it the price of independence? George Goh has a hu...

一人一票选出来的总统, 不具备独立行事权力。 民选总统不是独立行政、 不是监督政府, 不是社会申诉专员。


Doing right against popularity or Doing wrong against popularity? Is PEC doing right or wrong when issuing COE? It will decide whether there is a walkover.

  Doing right against popularity or Doing wrong against popularity? Is PEC doing right or wrong when issuing COE? It will decide whether there is a walkover. Doing the right thing even if it is unpopular.   Is this the ideal president for Singapore? Independence is not important as long as he or she is doing the right thing. The impression of all the past elected or walkover presidents is pro-establishment.  Singaporeans are used to this calling and it is why they demand change and independence.      The popular demand in Singapore is that a contest should be held for the coming PE.  All potential candidates have expressed their willingness to face each other.     So, even if it is unpopular, will the President Election Committee make the right decision in issuing a Certificate of Eligibility?     What is the right decision? A walkover or a contest? PEC is under the Election Department which is under the pr...

老人当自强之安全行 从让座到让路,法理凌驾怜悯心? 从故居门到租屋门,‘不让’精神燃烧中。

  老人当自强之安全行 从让座到让路,法理凌驾怜悯心? 从故居门到租屋门,‘不让’精神燃烧中。 【路上行走,随着时代的进步,人行道已经不再是行人的专利。先是脚车,接着电动车;然后,快递车手也跟着进来。人口老化,老人不能不自强,因为,我们面对的是一个‘不让’的社会,其他人行道使用者,法理上没有义务为老人让路。 反映在居家,屋子越来越贵,房子越建越小,如果能够合理的租到又大又绿又便宜的黑白屋,何乐不为?故居的政治好处,如果能够一再使用,唤起同情心,为何要礼让,不加保留。因此,激起怀旧,‘不让拆’才是硬道理。】 搭地铁不让座,路上走,同样的,也不让路给老人、幼童和残障人士。这种 奇特的‘不让’风景线,到处可见,似乎已经是新加坡社会,进步的象征。 法律没有规定行人和搭客一定要让路让座。因此,人们可以依据本身的喜好,自行决定怎么做。怜悯心可以放一边,以自身的利益出发。 在路上走,一群学生嘻嘻哈哈走来,然后嘻嘻哈哈的走过,没有当老人是一回事。跑步者一路跑来,老人要让路,不然被推倒,那是你的不对。遛狗者的狗,脚踏车的车,你也要自行闪避,不然,遭殃的可是老人、幼童、残障人士。 处处不让,需要处处警觉,以防万一。 ‘不让’精神,是不是另类甘榜精神的体现? 新的甘榜精神就是不让座不让路,有便宜,就要捡,就要拿。 难怪,一看到便宜的黑白殖民地老屋,就要租来住。 大多数老人,可没有这福气。大多数老人更加没有资格,可以顺利租到廉价的黑白老而大的绿屋。因此,新加坡老人,不得不自强,人家不让路,政府不让好处给你,你就需要 自己照顾自己 。 政府说自己检讨自己是一种美德。 政府如果遇到什么不对,就会自我检讨,不需假借他人。从另一方面看,就是不让别人检讨政府。如此一来,老人自己照顾自己反而成了一种美德?不让别人照顾和美德还有这么一层关系,或许黑白屋最终的结局,会以美德来判断,部长不让的背后原因,就是美德;害怕黑白屋空置,浪费国家资源。有人住,才有人气,没人住,会变成鬼屋!

In Singapore politics, Decoupling, De-risking and Dedollarization mean what? How about looking at it from the opposite side.

  In Singapore politics, Decoupling, De-risking and Dedollarization mean what? How about looking at it from the opposite side. (In the West, especially the US, Decoupling means to end the economic relationship with China. Finding it hard to do it, De-risking is then invented to depend less on China.  However, the developing South also wants to do de-risking by relying less on US dollars, with the ultimate aim of decoupling the dollars.)   Decoupling in Singapore politics can mean a PAP man resigned from all his official positions and party membership.   So that he can stand in the Elected Presidential election as an independent candidate. Decoupling in this case means he is a free man with an independent mind, a fresh start without historical background. He has cut all his relationship with the PAP.   Like the case in the West, a total Decoupling is not possible, not logical and not workable.   But the Election Department, government and many Singapore...

总理梦 断,超脱主流政治之上; 接班人 选,依剧本继续演下去。

  总理梦 断,超脱主流政治之上; 接班人 选,依剧本继续演下去。 既然退出政治,出来选总统,那就是离开主流政治架构,不再是国家的内阁领导班子。即使有一天,国家有难,需要一个聪明,有远见的政治人物来领导,这也是不可能的事了。 难不成,辞职总统宝座,重新投入选举,千呼万唤高票中选,又来出任总理,领导国家?不要忘记,总统任期六年,这可是总理接班人的过渡和新任命的关键时刻。 新加坡人期待的总理人选,就这样画上休止符。 接下来的发展,就和这个想要选总统的人无关。能够想出这样看似毫无破绽的剧本,不可谓不高招。 第四代领导的总理人选,一直让人放不下心。跑道太短,自行放弃后,现在虽然又内定一位,但是,很多人还是不看好。即使能够登上大位,很多人猜测,也像第二代领导的总理那样,扮演 暖席者。 因此, 总理接班人的剧本,没有改变;反而获得加强,减少可能的竞争 。只不过把最佳人选排除在外。既然没有了最适当人选,那就跟着剧本演下去。想要改剧本,换男主角,就看导演和编剧怎么说了。 总统在重要时刻可以扮演重要的角色,例如,国会没有政党过半数,又如,储备和重要人事任命。但是,过往没有一个总统,违背执政党的意愿。难不成,新总统会是一个特立独行,国人利益为先的人吗? 选择退出政党和政治,选择投入总统选举,获得职总支持,说到底,这套剧本还是很吸引人,很正面的。 接下来,是考验是不是独立独断,为国为民的时刻了!

2023 Tharman beats 2017 Halimah A Joke? A Comedy? A Tragedy?

  2023 Tharman beats 2017 Halimah A Joke? A Comedy? A Tragedy? The Elected Presidency is a joke, a comedy or a tragedy.  Anyway, this is the teaching of the PAP government making us believe it is not. Tharman 2023 stands in an ‘open’ election and certainly beats Halimah 2017 in a ‘reserved’ election.    It is A Joke. The reserved election is to protect the minority, from the GRC system to the presidential election.     It is A Comedy.   We are educated to believe the EP system is an independent, fair, and no walkover.  But race over merit, race over performance. It is A Tragedy.  Everyone is made to trust the EP system will work for a better Singapore and the reserve is well protected with a second key. The PAP’s propaganda is so effective that it turns a tragedy into a joke and a comedy.  And so, we ‘ownself laugh ownself’, ‘ownself joke ownself’ and ‘ownself teach ownself’ about the EP.      A ...