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Showing posts from January, 2017

Aljunied Voters are absolutely right to reject Ong Ye Kung in 2011

Under protecting the citizens and over protecting the PAP government are what Ong Ye Kung is trying to promote. Luckily, Ong was rejected in Aljunied in 2011. However, he does a back-door listing by entering the parliament in another Group Representative Constituency.    Aljunied voters had far sight in rejecting Ong Ye Kung. They rejected Ong for promoting one-party rule politics. They also rejected him for failing to protect citizens rights and supporting giving more protections to government upfront, without question. Ong Ye Kung is a potential future Prime Minister. While he has the potential for keeping the standard operating procedures of the PAP one-party politics. This is his potential that Singaporeans have to know - potential to maintain the status-quo. These are the news headlines of Ong Ye Kung:   One-party rule 'may be way for Singapore to succeed': Ong Ye Kung Multi-party system has real long-term risks for Singapore: Ong Ye Kung Multi-...


否极泰来念起来比较顺口,但是,泰极否来却也是一种自然的规律。资本主义的发展,经济发展的结果,却也是如此。有些国家胜出,有些公司壮大起来,相反地,有些国家,有些公司却一败涂地。全球化让中国壮大起来,相对的,欧美日等先进国家却出现问题。 而他们往往把在政治上,选举上的失利,归咎于民粹。就像英国脱欧,特兰普当选,都是民粹在搞鬼。 事实上,大家心里都明白,经济蛋糕没有平均分配,贫富悬殊,中产阶级看不到希望,就如英国首相特里莎·梅说的一样: 【脱欧后更"全球化的英国":愿景和代价 英国首相特里莎·梅周四(19日)在瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛对各国政商精英发表讲话,设法澄清涉及英国"脱欧"的另一件事:英国将成为全球贸易领袖。 英国脱欧的主要论点之一就是摆脱束缚,独立自由地与全世界通商交易,成为更"全球化的英国"(A Global Britain)。 她对全球化现状的评判包括: 全球化创造了人类历史上前所未见的巨量财富,但许多人感到自己并未受益,甚至受害。 许多商界精英不守规矩,逃避税赋义务,推诿社会责任,没有设法让更多人分享增长和财富。 反全球化趋势正在被那些擅长派系和恐慌政治手段的政治领袖所利用,因此需要全球精英来抵御逆流。 而脱离欧盟、欧洲单一市场和关税联盟之后的英国将成为"全球化的英国",担当起国际自由贸易领袖的角色。】 英国首相特里莎·梅把英国脱欧美化成“全球化的英国”。她认为 “反全球化趋势正在被那些擅长派系和恐慌政治手段的政治领袖所利用,因此需要全球精英来抵御逆流。” 她认为 全球精英 应该一起合作来对付民粹主义的抬头。 但是, 全球精英 也知道问题出在梅首相所提出的前两个问题: 全球化创造了人类历史上前所未见的巨量财富,但许多人感到自己并未受益,甚至受害。 许多商界精英不守规矩,逃避税赋义务,推诿社会责任,没有设法让更多人分享增长和财富。 尤其是第一个原因。 当越来越多的人认为自己没有在全球化的过程中获得好处,反而好像是受害者的时候,也就是泰极否来的开始。‘泰极’是全球化创造了前所未有的...

SAP Schools Without Higher Chinese???

2016 ‘O’ Level exam result is out. But... SAP (Special Assistance Schools) schools offer Higher Chinese but students can also not to take Higher Chinese as a ‘O’ Level exam subject. Recently, my friend gives me another reason, perhaps a rather ridiculous one. TAKING HIGHER CHINESE MAY MAKE THE GCE ‘O’ LEVEL CERTIFICATES LESS PERFECT!!! If you score all ONE except Higher Chinese, like the following example. My friend also prints another picture. When his child collects his certificate, the teacher has to use a spray to darken his hairs in order for him to meet the school rules for certificate collection. What kind of value education are we given to our children?  Despite knowledge learning and bonus points for JC admission, our students choose not to take Higher Chinese exam for fearing to be a perfect scorer. Without asking right or wrong for hair dying, the teacher just wants to help the students (to fulfill the school rules) to get their certificates.    N...

新加坡的外交困境:无人理睬,没人关心。 新加坡武装部队装甲运兵车在香港自从去年11月被扣后,我们只是单方面,偶尔看到听到新加坡方面的说辞。新加坡政府的意思是说,不知为何运兵车被扣留,责任似乎是在运输公司,而且我们以往都这么做,也没有出事。 除此之外,在国际上,甚至在亚细安国家中,新加坡的运兵车事件,似乎不是什么新闻,说的白一点, 就是无人理睬,中国方面已经懒得理你,即使新加坡单方面向香港当局表明立场(什么立场?),还是没有下文。这种官样立场,似乎是向新加坡人说明,行动党政府拿了高薪,确是还做一些维护新加坡利益的事情。 但是,在国际舞台上,新加坡国防部说什么,国防部长说什么,说的再大声,也是无人理睬的。难怪,在新一轮的人民行动党的18人中央执行委员中,没有国防部长黄永宏的名字。黄永宏在2015年的大选,时任行动党组织秘书,意气风发,可以说是一个有功劳的中央执行委员。回想当年在提名中心,黄永宏的豪气,现在,变得对牛弹琴。 说到没人关心,这是新加坡外交部的苦呀!没有一个亚细安国家愿意帮助新加坡,做中间人拉线,把事情降温,早一点把运兵车拉回新加坡。美国也不出声,没有帮新加坡这个小弟出声。 但是,美国海军却能够很快,很顺利的把被中国捕鱼一样捕到的水底探测器拿回。12月15日探测器被捕,17日中国国防部就回应会归还。中国国防部还说中方与美方一直就事件保持沟通。这和新加坡的运兵车事件相比,有很大的不同。中美双方一直在沟通,而新加坡却是音信全无,没人理睬,无人关心,似乎新加坡在演独角戏。 美国的立场很清楚,探测器是在公海,但是看在不同国家眼里,也可以说不是公海。这是一个有争议的海域,可以变得公说公有理,婆说婆有理。而最接近这个海域的国家-菲律宾也没有出声。因此,看到下面这条早报的新闻,也不出奇。 想一想,新加坡运兵车在香港被发现,立场上就不能够搬出公海的问题。因为,这是香港特别行政区,是中国的一部分领土。黄永宏似乎没有把立场和问题说清楚。 当然,黄永宏更加不可能像美国候任总统特朗普那样的‘豪气’,形容事情的发展: “中国在国际水域“偷取”探测器,行为前所未有,又说“偷取”的探测器他们(中方)可以留著。” ...

Belt, Road and Shanghai Security Cooperation - Capitalism first, democracy second.

Despite uncertainties ahead, perhaps the only certainty for big development is ‘One Belt One Road’. To guard and protect the developments along the belt and road, Shanghai Security Cooperation, with the joining of India and Pakistan as full members in 2017, is playing a key role in the new silk roads. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a political, economic and military organisation and her main concern is security. The SCO is primarily centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns, often describing the main threats it confronts as being terrorism, separatism and extremism. ( ) Under this framework, democracy is secondary. SCO’s main focus will be economic development under the state-led capitalism. China and Russia are key partners in SCO, with India and Pakistan joining SCO soon, in term of population, this will be the biggest Co-op in the world. Looking back in...