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Showing posts from January, 2012

When convenience becomes liability: iPhone and high pay

My brother commented that there was a communication gap between two of us as I was not a smartphone user.  My sister even claimed that she could not imagine life without iPhone.  A relative with a family of four also proudly declared they had 4 iPhones and 4 iPads even the two kids were in primary schools. Am I losing out something by not using a smartphone? Am I going backward without the access of instant messages and information?  Even though I find myself OK but there is an increasing pressure for me to get a smartphone as soon as possible.  I don’t’ feel the communication gap but why others think so. I am confused.  Is this another kind of social divide in the information age?  If there is a gap between those who can afford, then there is even a bigger gap between those who can afford and those who can’t afford. When the PAP sets high pay for political positions, perhaps they only look at those who can afford to pay for either iPhone or high sala...


山不在高,有仙则名。 水不在深,有龙则灵。 是否是可以这么解释:不用样样都争第一,争最高,只要有真心诚心的仙气自然就会出名。不用斤斤计较薪水要最深最厚,只要有股龙的运力,自然就会有国泰民安的灵气。 今年是水龙年,一开年就出了坏消息,我们引以为傲的高薪养廉,竟然破了个大洞。这不只是行动党的坏消息, 更 不是国人乐见的。 刘禹锡的《陋室铭》,今天读来,对当官的来说,还是具有一定的意义。或许,行动党政府应该以这篇铭文作为为官的座右铭。时时细读,或许可以把部长高官的龙的灵气引发出来,这远比高薪养廉来得合算和经济的多了。薪水固然重要,但是思想工作,精神培养任然是不可缺少,但是,这似乎是在对牛弹琴。我们在物资的熏陶下,已经很难分出好坏真错了。 陋室铭 百度图片 《陋室铭译文》 山不在乎多高,有了神仙,就会远近扬名。水不在乎多深,有了蛟龙就会有灵气。这虽然是一间简陋的房子,不过,只要我的品德高尚,刘禹锡也能使它名声远扬。苔藓爬上了台阶,使得台阶也显露出绿意;草色映入了门帘,室内也染成了青色。在这里与我谈笑都是博学而又品德高尚的大儒,跟我往来的没有一个是没有学问的人。平时可以弹奏不加修饰的古琴,潜心阅读佛经。既没有噪杂的管弦乐声扰乱耳朵,也没有繁杂的官府公文使我身心劳累。我的陋室真比得上当年南阳诸葛亮的草庐,西蜀扬子云的亭子。孔子说过:既然有君子住在里面,怎么会觉得有什么简陋呢?( ) 豪宅厚禄一样可以没有灵气 如果和普通老百姓相比,我们部长高官住的可算是豪宅,拿的可算是厚禄,但是人性的弱点,不是住豪宅还是陋室的问题,而是自身修养的问题,自我反省的问题。高薪厚禄也好,没钱开饭也好,只要自我把持不住,都有机会走上不归路。 所以,住在豪宅,也一样可以变得没有仙骨,没有灵气。高薪养廉的大道理,也没有办法使他们变得善良,变得有君子之气。 古今中外,这个人性的弱点一直都存在,而无法根除。因此,堂而皇之的高薪养廉政策,也只能是缓冲之计,只能指标不能治本。 有钱有智慧的人应该出来竞选 真不明白为何美国共和党的一位年收入两千多万美元的候选人,竟然愿意放弃高收入,而去参加初选,想当一个年入两三百万美元的总统。这在我们看来是不是太傻,有钱不赚,还自寻烦恼。总统有其责任使命感,这不是金钱...

Pay Of Top GLC Executives: Adjusting Upward Or Downward

This is an interesting question. When the masters receive less, the servants under them should get less accordingly.  However, if the pay of the masters is based on a certain calculation of their servants’ pay, then the more the servants get the more the masters will be getting – this is another uniquely Singapore !   This top to bottom approach will help ministers to get more if their servants in government linked companies (GLCs) are getting more. While if it is bottom to top approach, the base is so big, it is difficult to move the average of the bottom to increase the pay of the ministers. So, the easier way out is to use the top to bottom approach and the government can use the GLCs to achieve this goal.   We are watching after the pay cuts for political positions, will there be any pay adjustment for top executives in the GLCs in Singapore ? Will there be an upward trend so that to push up the average of the top 1000 earners in Singapore or will there ...


政治秀演完了,但是,后遗症还在。减薪后的高薪能否激起政治人物的服务热情,同情心,责任心和献身精神?或许在危难时刻,弃新加坡而去?   高薪如何确保船长,把搭客的生命安全放在第一位,而不会弃船而逃?     无心再加减薪,行动党找不到候选人,就把帐算到新加坡人的头上,美其名是为国人的将来好,事实上,就是硬要国人接受新的政治薪金建议。 都什么时候了,还在强调党国的关系,有行动党,就有新加坡。行动党就是新加坡,新加坡就是行动党。在新的政治常态下,党和国早就应该分家了。试问,马英九敢说国民党就是中华民国,如果今天没有国民党那就没有台湾吗?甚至大陆,以前一直高喊没有共产党,就没有新中国,今天,这个意识已经有些模糊了。 行动党的的绊脚石还是新加坡的绊脚石 李显龙总理说,他理解对一般人而言,部长领取百万元薪金是很庞大的数额,但是为了国家的长期繁荣与稳定,不能让薪金成为阻碍人才从政的绊脚石。他真的理解新加坡人吗?他说的部长当然是行动党的部长,他说的绊脚石,当然是行动党候选人的绊脚石。 不要忘了新加坡不是只有一个行动党,不是行动党候选人才可以说是人才,而否定其他政党的候选人。你找不到候选人,组不成军,是行动党的问题,为何要强加在新加坡人身上,吓唬新加坡人没有行动党的人才,新加坡就没有前途。 谁最有资格搭飞机最先逃走 不要忘记,领高薪,也可能会最先弃船而逃,就像意大利船长一样。网上的言论未必可以完全相信,但是,这类的传言却是屡见不鲜。因为,领高高薪水的人是最有资格搭飞机最先逃走的人。谁敢保证行动党候选人中,没有这类爱钱的人,就连总理也说,不是每个人都是具有献身精神,热情服务,不爱高薪的。下次大选,行动党最好能说清楚什么候选人是属于这类爱高薪的人才,以便选民可以做出正确选择。 或许一党独大太久,党政国家工会全部都是自己人,分不清谁是谁,因此,行动党没有人才,就等同国家没有人才,行动党的奖学金得奖者是人才,而邻里学校的毕业生就不是人才。新的政治常态还是如此这般吗? 听听部长,总理还有前总理的话,他们的确是急着找人才,但是却是找跟他们一样背景,同样思维的人。这些人才,就是要 维护行动党的江山,永续经营新加坡 。这对新加坡是否公平? 今天的新加坡已经大不相同了。突然之间,我们有超过 5 百万人,又有这么多外来人口,年轻人也多了,教育水平也高了...

Taiwan election, any lessons for Singapore? Below 50% of votes, KMT is still the parliament majority

Unless the PAP is not bale to come with enough candidates due to fear of losing and low pay, they will continue to be in power for quite a long time. Judging from the recent election in Taiwan , although declining, the PAP will not lose its majority in the near term. It may not decline as fast as what we wanted it to be.  It is a downward trend but even it goes below to 50%, the PAP can still have a majority in parliament as experience in Taiwan .  Voters who want to see an alternative government will have to wait for few more elections. To be realistic, wining more GRCs are the best we can hope for.    Last Saturday’s Taiwan election saw the re-election of Ma Ying-jeou with 51% of votes in the Presidential election.  Taiwan Election Commission also called for the election of legislators (members of parliament) on the same day.  They practice one constituency 2 votes system: one ballot paper for the directly elected MPs, another ballot paper for ...

无心, 哪来减薪不减心。

那么,什么又是有心呢?当下周国会辩论政治薪金时,轮到陈硕茂发言时,我们才真正的看到有心,看到了服务和牺牲。看看一个在华尔街的顶尖律师,因为有心,而甘愿每月领取不到 2 万新元的津贴,他何苦要如此有心呢? 说的白一点,好多自认应该拿高薪的人,很可能会无地自容。他们的无心,选民可能还没有看到,但是,阿裕尼选民已经看到了, 40% 选民已经看到了。 心啊,性啊,理啊,单独看也可以,合起来看也可以,总之,表现出来的知行动作,就显出一个人的认知,良知或无知。因此,在讨论减薪不减心时,就要看一个人有没有这种认知和良知,如果是无知,那么即是无心,减薪不减心,根本不是问题的所在。 无心,何来减心。 有心,有认知,有良知,再配合行动,为新加坡的理念,理想而献身服务,那才有资格谈论减薪不减心。 行动无心,在野有意 这不是说行动党人没有实体上的心,而是,他们对有些事情,是有心的,对有些事情却是无心的。在国会辩论部长薪金时,行动党就搬出党督来,不论辩论的如何,最后还是要根据党的 意愿,立场来投票,这是无心的改变。行动党议员是不可以违背党的立场,要必须随党督的指示而投票。 行动党这一路走来,像是一条变色龙,从左爬到右。当年,它是靠着下层群从的支持而上来的。它是以人民的行动作为依据,所以才叫做人民行动党。现在呢?好像只有行动而没有人民。因为,它服务的对象已经从左变到右了。这或许是无心之变吧! 当然,由于这个原因,行动党就渐渐的脱离群从,开始走向精英治国,离开了基本的物资需求,转向金钱,外国人才,外国劳工,外来投资,来寻求更高的回报,更多的薪金。所以,行动党的心,在人民这方面是从有心变为无心,而对它所谓的人才,投资者,外来资金,就变得特别的有心,特别的在意,深怕做的不够好,不够道地。 爱人变心了,人民怎么办?幸好,还有在野党,没有变心,依然爱着你。下次大选,选民可要认清这个事实,不要被变色龙的左右变法而弄得分不清黑白,投票给负心人。 无心例子,何其多 这里随便举几个例子,让人们看看什么是无心,有兴趣的人还可以自己再加几个: 无心 1 :关闭南大 据说南大一开始成立就注定失败,因此,它最后和新加坡大学合并,不是政府有心,而是无心的无言的结局。 无心 2 :华文命运 因为家长选择英文源流的学校,政府也是没有办法,顺其自然,华文难学,我们也是没有办法的啊!这是无心的自然发...

Departure of Saw and Ng is a surprise yet not so surprise when comes to money and shareholdings

The resignation of Saw Phaik Hwa as CEO of SMRT and the ousting of Ng Ser Miang as Chairman of WBL have no relation except one is making good money and the other is not making enough money for their companies respectively. Either making more money or not making enough money both have to go.   SMRT is making too much money but the larger population is not happy. WBL is not making enough money so the shareholders are not happy, even though Ng has a strong political connection in Singapore . The greater surprise is Ng due also to his international standing as the Vice-President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) while Saw’s resignation is expected and her leaving is only a question of timing. For profit maximization and return on investment principles, the ousting of Ng is correct as the Company Board is responsible for the business performance to the shareholders.   If the shareholders are not happy, not making enough money, not getting better returns, even how st...


如果行动党政府能够把社会下层的人,也像上层的人一样,把他们的薪金提高到第一世界的水平,那么,人民还会在意让当官的多拿一点吗?就是因为,这个差距太大,人人看了才会眼红,就连第一世界富国的领袖都要流满一口水。 行动党政府似乎还搞不清楚状态,不知道减薪的目的,还以为这只是一场数字游戏。人民不喜欢高薪,我们就减几十个百分点安慰安慰一下民心。千万不要忘记,数字减了的背后意义,这不是,大声告诉人民,我减了多少,人民就应该在下一次大选,回馈选票给行动党。 这笔账不是这么算的。但是,一向迷信数字的行动党,能够摆脱这个数字游戏吗? 干鱼的提示,色盲的迷惑,减薪者能够明白吗? 慌了, 行动党开始慌了,国会辩论地铁事件前,先叫地铁总裁走路,做个替死鬼,然后,部长可以大论一番,地铁事故的来龙去脉。堂堂一个总裁,上个月还说不辞职的,现在却不得不下野了。说到底,她是一个中了数字毒手的可怜人,她一心追求利润,最终还不是败在数字中吗 ? 她的高薪,不也是顺着行动党的游戏规则进行吗?何错之有。 行动党政府在减薪声中,要记得国中还有需要帮助的人民,在人民处于危难的时刻,要有江湖救急的风度和急迫感。在数字游戏的过程中,要看清楚方便人民,利益人民之道,要有忘利见危的意识。 干鱼的提示,救济最需要救济的人 先说,枯鱼之肆 - 干鱼的故事。这是一个很多人都知道的寓言故事。庄子没钱开饭,就向当官的朋友借钱,朋友要他等到明年等有收成时才借钱给庄子。庄子就说了这个干鱼的故事。一只快要渴死的鱼,要求人们帮忙给些水解渴,那人却说让他找人开一条河过来。鱼说,到时他就成了一条干鱼,只有到市场上才找到它这条咸鱼了。 行动党政府在下层人民最需要帮助的 时候,是否有伸出援手,还是只是照规矩办事。比照同样的道理,来衡量工人党毕丹星的说法:救济人民是政府的责任,不应由议员来承担。他说: “ 我们不希望陷入得自行推出福利计划的局面,因为这将让国人不去关注政府为什么没有帮助穷人,这也会把照顾穷人的责任放在反对党手中,那是不对的。 ” 碰到前来寻求经济援助的居民,这名负责友诺士区的议员会请他们到友诺士民众俱乐部,向那里的社区发展理会职员申请援助。 毕丹星的这番言论被认为是不负责任。我们扪心自问,毕丹星有开一条河的钱吗?他有国家资源可以动用吗?社理会有钱,难道还不拿出来救济人民吗? 减薪者是否可以从庄子的寓言中...

Pay Cuts: The Beginning Of The Decline Of The PAP

Money is always the secret of success for the PAP. Now, they have partly given away this secret weapon, where else, can they find another replacement?   For too long, the willingness to serve in politics is linked to money so that the PAP can attract calibre people to join the government. This in fact is the story of the PAP. We should not look at this old normal. The other side of the picture is the new normal that we will see more and more committed and calibre opposition candidates willing to step forward for the country, for Singaporeans. With a minus for the PAP and a plus for the oppositions, this is the meaning of the decline of the PAP. With this decline, we will see the decline of the PAP associated political organisations and activities, like the NTUC (members voting against the PAP), PA (for example the replacement of George Yeo) and the main stream media (losing their influence to social media). In addition, the PAP is also losing its influence to the youth and youn...