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The West urgently needs a Christian Reform or even Revolution

 The West urgently needs a Christian Reform or even Revolution

The first thing that the West must recognise is that they are no longer the centre of the world.  The West also fails to provide new ideas, new innovation, creation to the world, just like what they have displayed in Italy’s G7 meeting.   Their leadership is so weak that more than half of the G7 leaders will likely not be reelected.   

The West has benefitted from their religious reformation.  The Protestant work ethics have helped to build modern capitalism as well as colonisation, expansion and perhaps imperialism.  Look at the G7 leaders now, we see no Protestant or the reformed Catholic ethics.  In a Chinese saying, they have lost their “original hearts” (初心).  They have forgotten how they achieved their current status and only look at the easy way to solve problems, without hard work and hard thinking.   

Christianism as the base of western civilization needs urgent reform.  They need to input different cultures, religions, customs to think of a philosophical way out.  Science may not help them at all.  When G7 leaders meet each other, they forget about the basic science, economics, and only welcome ideological, unrealistic solutions.

No wonder G7 is no longer fashionable.  People look at them as a past history, without a clear direction.  In this aspect, they can not help the world to develop.    They are trying to self protect their own interest, while getting harder and harder to repeat their past expansion, past enterprise spirit, innovation and new ideas. 

 It looks like the world is moving but the West wants to remain in their comfort zone.  Spirituality reform has to come in to rescue the falling west.  Think more about others, rather than thinking how to remain in power, how to win the election.  Even if they win the elections, even if they remain in power, they still cannot come out with better solutions, problems unsolved or even worse as their economies may crash.   

The new G7 financial arrangement for the Ukraine war confirms they have no money.  They have to destroy their own rule-based world financial system to get more money.   


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