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Showing posts from May, 2024

Rule-based International Order and Singapore rule-based political order. Any difference?

  Rule-based International Order and  Singapore rule-based political order. Any difference? The rule-based international order is facing a huge challenge due to the selfish interest of certain countries.   Its relevance, usefulness and effectiveness are no longer sustainable.  So, do we have rule-based order in Singapore?  Rule-based Electoral Boundaries Review? Rule-based false information PORMA? Rule-based  Foreign Interference FICA? Rule-based Presidential Election amendments? …… Wow! So many rule-based practices in Singapore.  Are they all necessary, relevant and applicable? Are there any selfish interests like the rule-based international order?   Fair and impartial is not talk, talk. Fair and impartial is not for certain countries or certain parties define. The world can feel it, the people can feel it and respond accordingly.  People are watching the behaviour of world leaders, local leaders and making their decisions. 

The $400,000 question: Good News, Bad News, or Not News at all.

  The $400,000 question: Good News, Bad News, or Not News at all. Happy News, Unhappy News or Expected News at last. Good Luck to whom, the PAP, Lawrence Wong or  The Opposition?  Humans act while the heavens are watching. Is Money the final judgement?    

新航有难,国家倾全力相助。 新航赚钱,有没有知恩图报?

  新航有难,国家倾全力相助。 新航赚钱,有没有知恩图报? 新航客机遇到严重乱流,政府动用所有可能的资源,倾全力协助。就像在冠病期间,政府也动用财政力量,全力为新航解困。新航的成功,有国家力量作为靠山,加持下得以度过重重难关。 新航是新加坡的面子,新加坡人的光荣。在某一方面,它其实也是人民行动党政府的表现指标。国家政府的大力扶持,支持,为它提供各种设备、基建,内外联系,新航才能取得今天的成绩。不过,这张皇牌似乎越来越不给力。 先不要说新航有没有知恩图报,新航在国际上面对的的竞争, 已经越来越严峻。与此同时,新航的服务,和以前相比,给人一种不如从前的感觉。这好像是PAP政府的写照,服务不如从前,初心不如以前,但是,却要人民无条件支持,因为新航不可以倒,人民行动党不可以倒。 新航有没有知恩图报?PAP有没有知恩图报?对于员工和股东,对于部长和高级公务员,或许有。但是,这个小幅度的知恩图报,却是建立在国家的基础上,利用国家资源才取得的成就。对于大多数新加坡人,却是一种无感。无感之后,会出现什么结果,不得而知? 新航好不好,就像问PAP好不好?这种联想是否能够持续?人民行动党、工会、政联公司,如新航、政府这些过去顺理成章的命运共同体,有没有可能出现脱钩?老一辈国人,习惯这种联想,这种安排,甚至走进投票站,只懂得闪电,是否能够持续不断下去?

No More N C M P Just Get One-Third Seats to End the 40-year History

  No More N C M P Just Get One-Third Seats  to End the 40-year History It is long overdue, with nearly 40% of the popular votes, the opposition still can’t get enough first past the post seats in parliament to deny the N C M P scheme.  So good for the ruling party, like landlords collect free rent and increase rental as they like.   History also tells you no matter how good the scheme is, it has reached the maximum use of its life.  Any prolonged or intentional delay, as Lawrence Wong claimed that the P A P is no longer a dominant party, will work against history.   Singaporeans want more opposition M Ps in the parliament, the question is like Lee Hsien Loong said more opposition M Ps don’t mean a more effective government or parliament.  This remains  to be seen.  Never try, never know.   Do you still believe Lee Hsien Loong or trust Lawrence Wong? Look at this from another side, it must be a very effective master plan th...

内阁微调人数增 - 拼大选。 在野可能组政府 - 玩恐惧。

  内阁微调人数增 - 拼大选。 在野可能组政府 - 玩恐惧。 即将来临的大选,不管人民行动党成绩如何,黄循财必须负责。为了继续一党独大,PAP的精算团队,除了用八卦占卜一个胜选的选区化分,也要玩虚位官位和恐惧人心牌。 内阁微调,事实上,官位增加了, 开支增加了。内阁人数增加了,虚位也增加了。这里举出两个例子。张志贤和王瑞杰就是确保有虚位大奖守着集选区。如果没有了大官位,这两个集选区逊色不少。同样情形,也出现在西部的一些选区。 对于人民行动动来说,虽然部长牌,已经越来越无保障,但是,对于怀旧和注重官位的选民,还是有一定的吸票功能,尤其是位于西部的选区。这张牌,已经足够让PAP赢得超过一半以上的议席了。 这当然不够,还需要制造心理压力。因此,在野联盟,组成政府的风险考虑出现了。大多数选民没有准备反对党会组成政府的心理素质。如果一直鼓吹,两个、三个反对党组织政府的可能,选民就会趋向保守,而不愿意给反对党一个机会。

In a digital world, HDB is still using NETS and cashier’s orders. Perhaps, they are afraid of a repeat of SimplyGo and ERP 2.

  In a digital world, HDB is still using NETS and cashier’s orders.   Perhaps, they are afraid of a repeat of SimplyGo and ERP 2. Successful applicants for BTO flats need to settle their booking, down payments in NETS or cashier’s orders or CPF.  Just a small inconvenience, a small $5 fee for the Cashier’s order, why complain when you are lucky to have a BTO flat. But the government is telling the world how good we are in digital development, e-transfer, and i-banking.  And yet, citizens and PRs cannot enjoy these benefits.  Two steps forward, one step backward. SimplyGo and ERP 2 are bad examples. The HDB payment system for BTO flats has to be conservative. Just to show the old system is still useful and workable and no need for change.  It seems different ministries, different departments are doing different digital development.  Maybe this is the reason that they want to change the name to Ministry of Digital Development and Information.  ...

自我感觉良好的双语成绩 不孝子的文化传承故事,听听就好。

  自我感觉良好的双语成绩 不孝子的文化传承故事,听听就好。 或许,这是高高成长,钱多多的代价。 也许,我们看不到失去的,表面的世界第一,让人迷失的高所得的幻觉中,而自我海海,海过了头。 失去的,有可能追回来吗?有啊!中港台再加大马,谁说新加坡没有中华文化?我们有华裔馆,华族文化中心,还有华社,还有,沾沾自喜的特选中学,这么丰富,为何维持双语双文化,对于新加坡华人来说,是这么大的挑战? 本地一些年轻父母了解母语的重要性,不孝子这么说,你当然可以相信,一些代表了什么?一些还不够中港台和大马加在一起。在多级的新世界,当中文成了另一种商业语言,新加坡的双语双文化人才,来自哪里?来自本地的年轻一代? 不孝子的二十年,我们看到钱生钱,外人拿了一大把钞票,把房价炒高,把物价抬高,本地人只能怪罪自己生产力没有提高,忍痛面对各种各样的压力。不孝子走后,新加坡又将面对语言文化的困境,再一次没有机会在新世界新次序中获利。 这一次,不是钱,不是生产力,而是软实力,语言文化。前二十年既然追不上,后二十年更加难追。新加坡能够一直这么幸运,没有语言文化优势,还可以一枝独秀吗?人工智慧真的能够帮到我们吗?

From SimplyGo to ERP 2, is this a Transport Ministry problem or a PAP problem?

  From SimplyGo to ERP 2, is this a Transport Ministry problem or a PAP problem?   The Transport Ministry has a big miscalculation, planning problem.  Perhaps, the PAP government can blame the previous transport minister for never delivering his job efficiently and effectively.  As long as this is a PAP government, Singaporeans will think the job is not well done.  They make a U-turn for SimplyGo, will they do the same for ERP 2?  No matter what, we spend millions of dollars on these 2 projects.   This is clear evidence that the PAP government is not as good as what they claim.   Besides the transport ministry, what about other ministries, will they make the same poor planning?  HDB? public hospitals? CPF? Education? Reserves?... In a recent interview, Lawrence Wong admits “the days of a dominant PAP “are over””.  Singaporeans want to have more checks and balances on the government.   We are now at a crossroad of a less product...

李显龙留给黄循财一个 “资本运作,无钱不行的新加坡”。

  李显龙留给黄循财一个 “资本运作,无钱不行的新加坡”。 李显龙说过,超级富豪,超过10亿身家的人才能创造就业机会。因此,我们需要吸引他们,为我国贡献工作机会。这其实就是资本运作,有钱就有投资、工作,无钱什么都不行。 同样的道理,我们的主权基金,也财大气粗,能够创造就业机会。这种垄断式资本运作的结果造就财富高度集中在1%、10%人手中。演变成社会不平衡,贫富悬殊。的确,几十年经济发展下来,越来越多人感觉跟不上,薪金没有增加,开销却没有减少。 20年的李显龙总理任期,经济的确大有成长。但是,这套钱生钱的资本运作,对于中下层的人来说,却是看到蛋糕,吃不到蛋糕。我们看不到黄循财如何跳出这个模式,他只能鼓励国人, 往非物质发展,钱生钱的玩意,只适合国内外的有钱人,有资本的公司。 百万元的组屋,甚至开价两百万元的组屋,已经成了常态,对于收人固定,打工为生的新加坡人来说,要想回到以往的‘居者有其屋’的理想,很可能必须牺牲其他物质方面的开支,才能完成拥屋梦,而且组屋面积越来越小。 整个公积金的运作,税务,消费税,医疗,教育,国防等,都是资本运作,人民负担消费税,公积金,而后国家进行分配、投资、运作,没有钱,什么都不行。 因此,羊毛出在羊身上,谁是羊,超级富豪?主权基金?外来人才?洗钱团伙?投机分子?还是,善良的老百姓?百万组屋对于有钱人来说,不算什么,但是,对于普通人,那可是天价,要用多少年才能完成拥屋梦?

LHL’s last speech makes people worry about Singapore From planning, trust to international standing

  LHL’s last speech makes people  worry about Singapore From planning, trust to international standing State media boast about Lee Hsien Loong’s 20 years of achievements.  In return, he highlighted three fundamental strengths of Singapore’s success story.   Long-term planning. Political stability and trust. Good global standing.    Yes. The PAP government has long-term plans for Singapore.  Our outstanding economic performance proves the success story. However, it also creates many unsolved problems like, housing, cost living, rich-poor gap, healthcare, foreign employment policies… Lawrence Wong is going to take over the prime ministership.  Do you think he will change the PAP long-term planning?  Most likely, it is the status quo.  So, the problems remain unchanged.  The PAP has a way to keep political stability in Singapore. From the inherited ISA, media control, fear of the Communist, GRC, PRs turned citizens, to the la...