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Showing posts from June, 2017

From Public Apology to Calling for Public Confidence, Is this a Political Crisis or a PAP Reformation in the making?

    First, PM Lee Hsien Loong made a public apology to Singaporeans - the first in Singapore history.  And then, DPM Tharman called for public confidence - another first in Singapore history. It makes Oxley House disputes or allegations clearly not a family matter.        In Singapore, the government led by the Prime Minister has enjoyed high prestige and reputation. This is why in defamation cases, the prime minister can enjoy higher damage payment.  And we usually see people saying sorry to the prime minister and hardly we see our prime minister or ministers saying sorry to Singaporeans. (except election time). The government never says sorry because they have high confidence. In the past 60 years, with Internal Security Act, the PAP government has shown great confidence in public administration. It is strange to call for public confidence if this is only a family affair.  Throughout the years, even in the passing year...

一种价值,两种诠释。 人民行动党走向分裂,还是内化?每个新加坡人都应该关心不同诠释下的不同国运结果。

天篇: 谁的境界高? 天一: 宗教改革 天二: 领悟有无 天三: 李显龙只看到眼前的实体 地篇: 分裂vs内部改革? 地一: 巫统党争 地二:     蛛丝马迹 - 行动党内部纷争 地三: 李显扬只认内部反对 人篇: 新加坡何去何从? 李光耀价值的争论,似乎成了一个哲学命题。我们真的能够在这起李家风波中学习到东西吗?如果只是把它当成李家内部问题,而没有考虑到更大的治国方向,路线之争,未来选项等思考,这个大动作就未免变成一项零投资回报,而李玮玲和李显扬也成了零牺牲。 李光耀价值,现在最少有两种李家的诠释。什么是李光耀的价值?新加坡人懂吗?明白吗?应该说,李光耀价值还有很多种诠释,人民行动党党内和党外、国内和国外,都会有不同的解读,不同的诠释。 李家的两种不同诠释版本,只是正统价值观,精神面的诠释。它们的目的同样是要维护李光耀的理念,并且极力要维持、维护这种他们各自认为正统的价值观。这对新加坡是好是坏?我们是否可以超越这种正统的官方的诠释,为新加坡找一条新出路? 先秦儒家的发展,到了孟子和荀子,就出现性本善和性本恶的内部诠释。当然,有些儒者,并不认同荀子。 到了宋明理学,也出现诠释上的不同。不过,除了儒家,中华大地,还有道家和佛家。这才让中国变得多姿多彩。 天篇: 谁的境界高? 天一: 宗教改革 我们先看一下西方的宗教改革。 宗教改革(英语:Protestant Reformation)是指 基督教 在16世纪至17世纪的 教派分裂 及 改革 運動,也是 新教 形成的開端,由 馬丁·路德 、 約翰·加爾文 、 慈運理 ,以及其他早期新教徒发起。1517年,路德发表的《 九十五条论纲 》引发了宗教改革的开始。 改革者反对当时天主教會的教条、仪式、领导和 教会组织 结构。 在他们的努力下,新的国家性的改革派教會被建立。早期的一些发生在欧洲的事件(如 黑死病 的蔓延和 天主教會大分裂 )侵蚀了人们对天主教会和 教宗 的信仰,但教義上的歧見才是引发宗教改革的關鍵。其他一些因素(如 文艺复兴 思想的传播、 印刷术 的传播、 东罗马帝国 的灭亡)也都促成了新教的创立。虽然先于路德...

Beyond Oxley Road, the moral of the story is FEAR, and perhaps Enlightenment to learn another route.

The Oxley Road House saga is not a simple family affair.  It touches on the future of Singapore beyond the Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy - our future direction, with or without fear as a mean of administration. It is time we learn and enlighten ourselves from this unfortunate development.     What has happened to Lee Kuan Yew’s values?# A joint statement issued by Dr Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang reminds us to think over and again how we progress in the past 50/60 years as well as the mistakes we made at the same time. For ordinary citizens, especially, critics and opposition members, fear is a common challenge in the past and in the present. We need to revalue LKY’s legacy to see how to remove the fear factor, with or without Lee Hsien Loong in the future. PM Lee Hsien Loong claims the statement contains untrue allegations. However, in some countries, these allegations will lead to Parliament investigations or Congressional enquiry. Here are some exampl...