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Showing posts from February, 2016

LKY Effect, General Election and Presidential Election Same voters, different response, different result. Why? LKY is a key factor for GE2015, even for GE2011. However, LKY has little effect or perhaps, negative effect in the coming Presidential Election if there is one. Why do Singapore voters react so differently in these two elections? We may call it certainty vs. uncertainty. Political background Result GE Voting under uncertainty   Vote for PAP PE Voting under certainty Vote against PAP proxy In the GE market, the PAP creates an uncertain political background, for example, the PAP may not return to power. This uncertainty, or fear, or LKY effect, will always give the PAP the benefit of doubt. In the PE market, the PAP, however, creates a certain background. With supermajority in the Parliament, the PAP can even remove an Elected President.  The fear or the LKY effect has lost its role. When the P...

修宪, ‘前进’,团结在行动党的旗帜下?

《宪法委员会》的目的是为了修宪,让新加坡有一个配合时代改变,适宜的民选总统制度。 ‘前进Majulah‘的网上录像,目的是要国人为新加坡做出牺牲,不能再不理新加坡,而要为捍卫新加坡而站出来。 他们似乎忘记了新加坡国家信约,忘记了团结一致的目的就是要建立一个【公正,平等的民主社会】。 SG50一过,行动党就急不及待的要团结国人,为什么?难道,2015大选的70%得票是一种统计上的意外,还是未来几年的日子不好过,经济改革和重组,需要付出代价,像过去50年那样,中下层的人民,又要付出牺牲,代价。因此,有必要再度团结他们? 不论是修宪,还是’前进‘,我们似乎看不到新加坡国家信约的影子和精神: 建设公正平等的民主社会 新加坡共和国的理想,就是要 建立一个公正,平等的民主社会 。而国家信约,其实就是国家宪法不成文的一部分。这是一种精神,一种高于明文规定,黑纸白字的没有法律约束的精神和理想。 问一问我们自己,我们做到了吗? 行动党已经对这个理想,渐行渐远。对这个精神,进行陌生,冷处理。 行动党忘记了,公正,平等的民主社会。它要依靠修宪,’前进‘来继续完全执政,继续垄断选举,垄断政治。 总理李显龙在给予《宪法委员会》的指导原则里,我们看不到【公正,平等的民主社会】的字眼。我们看到的是宪法要与时并进,要配合今天的新加坡政治。为谁与时并进?为谁政治配合? 同样的,在’前进‘的录像里,我们除了看到高呼团结外,没有看到我们要为【公正,平等的民主社会】做出牺牲。那么,我们到底为谁牺牲?’前进‘提到法国的’解放‘,美国的’自由‘,而把我们的’前进‘拿来与之相比?想一想,我们在为【公正,平等的民主社会】而前进,还是为行动党而前进?我们为巩固一党专政而前进,还是为新加坡民主而前进? 不论是修宪,还是前进,我们都要配合建国的理想和精神: 公正,平等的民主社会, 这是一种价值。行动党应该问一问自己,它离这种价值有多远?行动党是否还有这种价值精神?

Optimal Inequality, Ideal Poverty Level and the Poverty Simulation Exercise

What is the purpose of Poverty Simulation exercise for the rich? It is to let them experience the inequality and poverty level in Singapore. The Channel Newsasia reported, ‘more Singaporeans are signing up to understand first-hand the stress and constraints faced by the less fortunate.’#1 Ironically, Singaporeans have accepted the inequality and poverty level in Singapore, even though Singapore has one of the highest Gini coefficient in the world. And the government has never defined a poverty line. Hence, without guidance, rich people will never have a clear cut idea the inequality and poverty level. The simulation will provide a guideline and reference point. Poor people’s standard and quality of living is similar to the simulation exercise as claimed. This is the ideal and optimal level. And the PAP government recognizes it, even though an unofficial one.    Majority of the voters also believes that our current poverty level is at its optimal and agree with th...

爱 * 回家 * 团圆

过年过节,把爱带回家。一家团圆,把爱得气息推高。 香港无线连续剧《爱 回家》第二版,由于缺少爱,缺少家的温情,被逼把马家召回,还为马家添了一个新成员(孙女)-马家好。真的很难想象,一个家,没有爱,会是什么样子?如何团圆?家又如何好起来? 。。。 在世間不聲不語有一種愛 柔韌到叫鐵石種出花開 任我飛不經不覺背包超載 停頓處 你撐住我的感慨 無限暖 最美是這一種愛 在政治上也是如此。 美国两党的初选,出现了反对当权派(Anti-establishment)的现象。民主党的希拉里面对党内强大的反对势力,因为她被认为不够亲民,是华尔街大亨的支持者,也就是选民认为她缺少爱,没有把爱带回家,而她的对手,却激进(progressive)要把爱传给更多人。同样的,共和党的川普,以保守,激进维护美国人利益,异军突起,把爱传给自己人,传给支持者,打动了保守者的心,鼓动他们的爱。 反对当权者,反对主流政治人物,美国人认为,这些政客,只是维护当权者的利益,当极左和极右把他们爱,宣传开来,却反常的非常受到欢迎。爱要这么说?爱要怎么才能到家?为什么当权者无法让人有爱回家的感觉? 在中东,社会次序被破坏,家国不保,哪里有爱可言。因此,难民涌向欧洲寻爱。但是,一大群难民的涌入,欧洲政府和人民吃不消。欧洲人的泛爱已经开始面临考验,他们现在要把爱带回自己的家,而不与他人分享,或者限制泛爱。 在中国,成千上万的普通百姓回家过年,爱和团圆饭融合在一起 - 回家的感觉真好。与此同时,贪官污吏却不把爱带回家,他们把钱,上千上亿的带回家,以财产代替爱,代替团圆。这些非法资产,无法让人有爱得感觉,家的感觉,团圆的感觉。奇怪的是,以‘财’易‘爱’,已经有几千年历史,改也改不了,革命也革不了。爱回家,不是这么简单的一回事! 在台湾,倾向台独的民进党把国民党拉下来。选民倾向相信国民党卖台,出卖台湾的利益,因此,一个对台湾没有爱,即使有爱,也不是出自真心的国民党,不得不下台。这一刻,台湾人根本没有看到国民党的爱,爱回不了家, 国民党的爱到不了台湾人的家,最终的命运就是黯然下台。 在新加坡,最少有一个家庭,爱回不到家。团圆饭变得不团圆。好想有个家,有个美好的家,但是,却偏偏做不到。 珍惜爱,珍惜团圆, 珍...
Failed Minister, Failed School, And Failed Press. The tragedy of Benjamin Lim presents a failure in our state to protect Singaporeans.  In this particular case, the rights of a young student. However, the PAP would claim only a small chance and percentage of people will be so unluckily. Despite its failure, it is an acceptable norm for majority of Singaporeans.  We have agreed with the PAP government in the way they handle the case and accept the fate that we can’t do much, like  what Benjamin’s father  told The Online Citizen: [When asked if the family would take action against the police, Mr Lim said, “My family is not so well-to-do so we do not know how far we can pursue the case. But although we are poor, we have our dignity.”] #1 [As Benjamin’s father, it is now my duty to seek justice for my son. We do not know if he has indeed committed the alleged offence of “outrage of modesty” of the 11-year-old girl. Until the coroner hearing, we do not wan...