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Showing posts from June, 2024

How does Lawrence Wong see Ting Pei Ling? Asset or Liability?

  How does Lawrence Wong see  Ting Pei Ling? Asset or Liability? From Grab to DCS to MetaCamp within a short time period,  how Singporeans see Ting Pei Ling’s job opportunities?  Can young Singaporeans suka suka change jobs as they wish? Do young Singaporeans really enjoy plenty of jobs offered? Lawrence Wong, as the chief PAP leader responsible for the coming general election, will have to think carefully whether Ting is an asset or a liability?  It is  right to field young and potential candidates.  However, Ting is the most controversial young PAP MP so far.   Will she be fielded again?  How does Lawrence Wong see Ting? Added value or minus points? Lawrence Wong wants to attract young voters, and wants to build up his ‘friends of the PAP’.  What will young Singaporeans feel when comparing job opportunities with Ting Pei Ling?   Oh! Not everyone is born equal.  Some have good starting points.  Some people know someone.  Some are associated with someone.  No wonder Lawrence is promoti

Quarantine 隔离 没有流血的武统?

  Quarantine 隔离 没有流血的武统? 美国智库又提出另一种武统的结果。这是一个没有流血的武统,就像封城,把整个台湾隔离开来,进不来,出不去。智库认为,利用灰色地带,隔离台湾与外界接触,不动用武力,在国际上比全面进攻和全面封锁,更加不受批评。 随着中国国力和军力的提升,任何形式的统一都有可能。武统是一项不得已的选择。一提到武统,人们当然会想到流血,美国专家已经做出不少兵推,死多少人,流多少血,经济损失多少。。。 作为国外华人,我们不希望看到流血事件的发生。没有流血的武统,对于海峡两岸都好,对于世界局势不稳定伤害也最小。事实上,美国智库已经认识到,美军已经做不到类似柏林空投式的援助,只能鼓励巷战来拖延统一。 对于台湾人来说,是好?是坏?可能有人更加好,有人更加坏,有人欢喜有人愁。试问,有哪一个地区,领海领空能够任由军机军舰,一天24小时,不停的被隔离,而民心不受影响。美国人为了台湾操了不少心,问题是一个内忧外患,民心分散,没有远见的国家,还有能力操多少心,总统选举过后新的世界格局将更加明显。武统不武统,离美国越来越远了。

Mural - A Test of Freedom of Expression How the Government Reacts and How Friends of the P A P Respond?

  Mural - A Test of Freedom of Expression How the Government Reacts and How Friends of the P A P Respond? The Mural of a smoking sam sui woman is a test of freedom of expression and its limits.  There are different feedbacks and opinions, conservative, progressive, value judgement or creative arts.   From the U R A’s response - think and rethink, the government is judging and assessing which is the right way, especially considering the image of a controlled, partial free, partial progressive, partial conservative Singapore. What is our value judgemnt of a smoking, young, beatiful samsui woman? How far is it away from the fighting spirit of our founding fathers and mothers?  We are now building our Founders’ Memorial.  Samsui women played and represented our past hard work and determination.   A Mural is just not an ordinary mural.  Just like the Danish cartoons incident, it is not as simple as it looks. Election is coming. The P A P is now building their network of friends.   What are

从处理冠病到处理油污, 黄循财的总理路肯定比吴作栋艰难。

  从处理冠病到处理油污, 黄循财的总理路肯定比吴作栋艰难。 和吴作栋相比,黄循财所获得的精英顶尖人才的支持,的确逊色不少。我们拿第一第二代和第三第四代行动党领导层相比,就看出明显的不同。前者的领导,很多可以独当一面,后者则令人担忧。 黄循财因为领导处理冠病有功,得以出任总理。吴作栋似乎没有什么功绩,反而在李光耀不看好的背景下,出任总理。照理来说,应该是黄循财的总理路比较顺畅才对,为何黄循财却面对困境,甚至不敢有吴作栋瑞士生活的壮举幻想。 冠病属于无法预测的世界大事,不是经常发生。油污相对来说,不是什么新鲜的事,新加坡政府自认在这次的油污事件中,尽了责任,第一时间快速油污处理。  我们不是专家,无法正确评论。但是,看到行动党最近成立的气候行动和心理健康委员会,油污事件似乎是一个警告,一个讽刺。 黄循财和吴作栋处于不同的历史阶段。一个大力成长(growth)一个注重发展(development)。黄循财已经不能随心所欲的盲目的像吴作栋李显龙追求成长,而不顾及发展。成长是要付出代价的,移民,外来人才,组屋,生活费,税务负担等问题。人均高不代表所有国人,所得都高。很多人无法在成长中获得好处,反而造成贫富不均,个人发展不起来。 黄循财面对行动党三代人留下来的负担,看到成长,却做不到令人满意的发展:贫富,人口,人才,房子,生活开支等问题。因此,他提出新的社会契约,不再追求高收入,注重生活品质,人生意义,给成功新的诠释。这是对内,对外他还要处理多极世界的万千变化。 面对不可能完成的任务,黄循财和行动党就提出,大力提倡, 新加坡要团结一致,共同面对未来不可测的挑战。这个团结,当然就是继续给予行动党一个强大的委托。 这样的官宣,几十年来不停的以不同的方式出现,而且都很成功。造成问题的是行动党,解决问题的也是行动党。是神也是鬼。 一直以来,行动党宣传,它是唯一能够领导新加坡度过难关,继续向前的政党。不管什么情形,选民就是要支持行动党?这样的口号,过往的确很吸金吸精获得大力支持。黄循财是否能够依样画葫芦?成长期,人们被高经济成长率蒙骗蒙蔽,以为可以拿到发展的好处,哪里知道贫富距离,组屋和生活费等问题却无法获得解决。黄循财如何说服选民,认为他能够提出更好的替代方法,以新的社会契约精神,让国人对未来充满信心,共同面对挑战?

The West urgently needs a Christian Reform or even Revolution

  The West urgently needs a Christian Reform or even Revolution The first thing that the West must recognise is that they are no longer the centre of the world.  The West also fails to provide new ideas, new innovation, creation to the world, just like what they have displayed in Italy’s G7 meeting.   Their leadership is so weak that more than half of the G7 leaders will likely not be reelected.    The West has benefitted from their religious reformation.  The Protestant work ethics have helped to build modern capitalism as well as colonisation, expansion and perhaps imperialism.  Look at the G7 leaders now, we see no Protestant or the reformed Catholic ethics.  In a Chinese saying, they have lost their “original hearts” (初心).  They have forgotten how they achieved their current status and only look at the easy way to solve problems, without hard work and hard thinking.    Christianism as the base of western civilization needs urgent reform.  They need to input different cultures, reli

马房失火和咖啡店失火。 一个问人,一个问保险。 (新加坡华族文化特色之一?)

  马房失火和咖啡店失火。 一个问人,一个问保险。 (新加坡华族文化特色之一?) 马房失火,孔子问人怎么样了,有没有受伤。宏茂桥咖啡店失火,李显龙问,幸好有买保险,财物和生意的损失,有得赔。这让人感觉,他的一位前部长说,幸好有保险,开刀动手术只需要八个新元。 孔子毕竟是圣人,人命关天,马是身外物,他不问马,他问人有没有受伤。或许,孔圣人的时代,商业没有现在这么发达,也没有保险业;没有保险的概念。李显龙就不同,我们身处一个没钱不行的时代,万一没有保险,生意,个人和家庭都会面临困境。甚至,在最后关头,政府还是需要出来帮忙,不然,会被认为不近人情。即使不想帮忙,也不得不出手相助。 在新闻报道中,还是看到咖啡店老板,说出幸好没有人受伤。那,是不是,他比李显龙更加关心人命?还是,记者过度报道李显龙的保险论,而忘记了报道李显龙也是关心人命。没有办法,钱不够用已经根深蒂固入了新加坡人心,样样东西都要用到钱,做生意要买保险,看病更加要买保险。没有保险保护,很可能会陷入绝境。 看重保险,这是事后的保障。那么,保险之前,又可以做些什么?看好自己的生意,注意安全,防火。看好自己的身体,保持健康的身心,注意饮食,运动。 事前的准备工作,还是必须的。 自己保护好自己,因为政府的援助是有限的,尤其是大开支的项目,如房子,医药,真的是家家有本难念的经。所以,政府能够做的就是给予补贴,消费券,小额现金等,自己的命与运,还是要靠自己,除非有一个孔圣人,不停的关切人命关天。 李显龙的保险论,反映新加坡的现实。我们离孔圣人的人命关天,有一定的距离。新加坡特有的华族文化,将如何发展?离孔圣人远一点,融入他族和国际文化多一点,才显示出新加坡的特色,甚至以外语来传承、教导华族文化?

Volunteering for the Opposition Rather than risking for possible offences

  Volunteering for the Opposition Rather than risking for possible offences What is the key point for delivering the letters to the Ministry of Home Affairs?  To express different opinions, wanting the authority to notice their views.  Why? Are there any alternatives? In a super majority parliament, the ruling government can pass any drafts, bills, constitutions amendments with their more than two-thirds majority easily, quickly and as long as they wish.  Delivered letters will not get a mention in parliament, unless you have a representative there. Maybe students and their supporters should consider volunteering their time and effort to the opposition.  This is the legal and proper way to get their views heard. Those with leadership capability and strong political commitment can even stand as candidates.     Helping the opposition or even the PAP (change within) is the way for consideration.  In particular, the PAP, they want to be inclusive and urgently need young Singaporeans’ suppo

陈钦亮的幽默, 断手断脚的长颈鹿。

  陈钦亮的幽默, 断手断脚的长颈鹿。 前总统选举候选人陈钦亮,最近在脸书上载一只断手断脚的长颈鹿雕像。他说四十多年前,买了两只同样的长颈鹿雕像,一只送给李显龙,另一只放在办公室,后来搬到家里。几天前,意外发生,家里的那只断手断脚。 事情这么巧,李显龙刚刚退下总理的高位。陈钦亮家里的雕像就变成断手断脚。巧合,还是暗示?幽默,还是现实? 或许,人们更加关心的是李显龙的那只长颈鹿雕像,是否也面对同样的命运?也或许,不知所终? 难怪,我们需要比较坚固的建国先贤纪念园,那就不会发生断手断脚的命运。

Decision On Zelenskyy What is Lawrence Wong’s thinking?

  Decision On Zelenskyy What is Lawrence Wong’s thinking? An opportunist? A Weaker Leader? A Strategic thinker? A Continued Western Narrative… Would there be a difference if Lee Hsien Loong were still the Prime Minister?  Perhaps, Lawrence Wong wants to take this opportunity to show the world he is the boss.    Since the decision is a favour for the West, he can make use of it to please the British organiser who welcomed Zelenskyy at Shang-rila.  By doing so, his favour shows the weak side as he cannot take the pressure from outside. Maybe he is a strategic thinker. He takes advantage of the situation to prove the usefulness of rule-based international order.  Just like his “never bet on a losing China”.  These are calculated moves that make him different from Lee Hsien Loong.   After all, Lawrence Wong just repeated the Western narrative of world development.  He can claim the decision on Zelensky is the organiser,  But the decision on landing in Singapore is in whose hands?   Lawrenc

泽伦斯基的最后一里路?还是 基于规则的国际秩序的最后一里路?

  泽伦斯基的最后一里路?还是 基于规则的国际秩序的最后一里路? 或者,两者都是。缺钱,世界正处于缺钱,缺稳定,甚至可以肯定地说,尤其是西方世界缺少 具远见,有魄力的领袖 ,因此,不得不走这最后一里路。 这一里路走完,世界将会进入一个新的开端。有人说这是一个多极世界的开始。 同时,基于规则的国际秩序,将面临史无前例的新诠释。以联合国为例子,以前围绕在西方的规则,将从多数变成少数,就像很多国际组织,将面对新国际和区域组织的挑战,如,上合组织,金砖组织,新的金融交易工具和投资银行等等。 中国人说,这是百年未有之大变局。考虑到这么多发展中国家,比较确切的说,是五百年来的一大转变。五百年来,第一次出现后发制人的可能性。一带一路的海上和陆路丝绸之路的延伸,金砖大于G7, 变化一直在不断演变,让人感觉计划赶不上变化。 泽伦斯基的小红点行,似乎是最后一刻的临时决定。不过,主办方有意邀请却是意料中的事。这是计划,不是变化。而这个计划真的没有办法赶上变化。因为,整个国际形势,地缘政治,两年来发生了质的变化,根本就不是香格里拉三天会议能够改变的。变化的行动胜过计划中的口动。 泽伦斯基来到亚洲,这一里路在亚洲最西化的地方落脚。这里我们倡导基于规则的国际秩序,新加坡奉行维护这样的国际秩序,我们也基于这个原因支持乌克兰。但是,我们不得不承认,这是具有双标,在诠释上出现偏差的国际秩序。而且,正面临大多数发展中国家的质疑。甚至,西方阵营也出现不同的声音。特朗普, 以及他的同伙??? 黄永宏说不希望发生在欧洲和中东的冲突,在亚洲重覆。这是说给谁听?西方,泽伦斯基,美利坚?还是,他也感受到新的国际秩序,新的危机,即将到来,而大多数亚细安成员,不选边站,希望和平发展,新加坡也清楚表明,我们是 pro Singapore。