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Showing posts from December, 2023

Lack of Geopolitics Understanding. Singaporeans do not appreciate a Strong ASEAN. Who is to blame?

  Lack of Geopolitics Understanding. Singaporeans do not appreciate a  Strong ASEAN.  Who is to blame? Listening to Kisohore Mahbubani’s podcast on geopolitics, the cruel fact is “Singaporeans do not appreciate a Strong ASEAN”.   Very cruelly,  Strong Asean is “rubblish it as many Singaporeans do” .  Geopolitics is important, so is Singapore in ASEAN.  Unfortunately, Singaporeans have little interest in ASEAN countries.  Less concerns, less appreciation, less understnding, and take things as granted as we do not think we belong and will benefit from ASEAN. When we try to station our F-15SG in Guam, what geopolitics consideration do we have?  What ASEAN and especially China will think.   Closer to Singapore,  yes.  But also closer to ASEAN and China. Who is to blame for such a lack of understanding? It is easier to blame Singaporeans who do not appreciate and value ASEAN. However, we all are the products of our education system,...


  新加坡富豪政策的麻烦、困境和政治代价? 新加坡富豪政策惹来的麻烦,不需要多说。连主流媒体也不得不报道。因此,考虑这个政策的困境和所带来的政治代价,比较有意义。 外来钱多了,当然会刺激内需,房地产自然成了首选。有钱人有办法把钱合法合理的进出新加坡,而在新加坡辛苦打拼的人,可没有这么幸运可以顺利,以中介方式汇款。在新加坡很多外劳、女佣都是通过中介汇款,过去没有发生什么不愉快,现在很难说。 就像新加坡人到新山消费一样,外来富豪到新加坡是否持有相同的便宜态度,而本地人又如何面对外来富豪的强势作风?外来的钱把人均大大的提高,不表示本地人的收入也相对提高,不幸的是政府基于人均高,而认为组屋房价还是负担得起, 消费税照旧起。 李显龙认为超级亿万富豪能够带来很多就业机会,多多益善。这个想法是否可以继续下去,带来好处?我们现在看到麻烦,也预见到一些困境。事实上,还有很多麻烦和困境是不可预测, 也被低估。例如我们以低税,坚挺的新元来吸引富豪和抗拒通货膨胀,一旦新元无法坚挺下去,怎么办? 事实上,超级富豪计划,真的能够创造高收入就业机会吗?还是,把贫富悬殊进一步扩大?我们给予富豪税务优惠,却要人民不论贫富,一起负担消费税。当然,政府说,富人消费高,消费税也交多了。因此,富人的贡献大多了。这似乎合情合理,但却忽视穷人的五分钱比牛车轮大的道理。 麻烦已经开始显现。困境和政治代价接着就来了。或许,自认最聪明的行动党政府,不把麻烦当一回事。当然,也不认为会出现什么困境。只要外来的钱继续涌入,人民在媒体操作下,继续相信有钱能使鬼推磨,那就不会有困境,更加不会有政治风险,政治代价了。

Lessons from political reality: Interest rate, Zelensky and Thaksin.

  Lessons from political reality: Interest rate, Zelensky and Thaksin. The year 2023 started with a wind of interest rate hike.  It ends up with a pressure of interest rate drop.  Within a year, in a short term, the reality of interest rate changes affect many people, many companies and the economy.  It will also affect the political future of Biden. One year is short term. What about the medium  term? Comparing Zelensky in 2022 and in 2023, there is a huge performance gap.  Countries have begun to distance and ‘cut loss’ from Ukraine.  People are now talking about the possibility of ‘land for peace’.  The lessons from the political realities are interesting, especially in a longer term. Thaksin returns to Thailand in 2023. He was in self-imposed exile after the military coup in 2006.     His influences are still strong in Thai politics.  We have seen the three political realities.  Short, medium and long term.  ...

三家分晋之修宪 尚达曼值不值得国会为他修宪?

  三家分晋之修宪 尚达曼值不值得国会为他修宪? 民选总统制度是否是新加坡版三家分晋之开始?当初,修宪似乎是为了某人。王鼎昌后,又变成自动当选。四陈过后,轮到哈莉玛,又来修宪,改变总统的权力结构。现在,尚达曼高票中选,也来修宪。 很多东西是说不清楚的。到底是尚达曼要求修宪,还是政府主动要修宪?这么做,当然方便尚达曼在国际上扮演义务工作,但是,是不是一定要这么修宪?往后,如果没有出现一个有分量的总统,像哈莉玛那样,修宪也是白修。 新加坡是国会民主制度,总理和内阁才是政府,管理新加坡。上一次,为了民选总统修宪,已经背弃了这个行政权力架构。这次为了让总统履行国际义务而修宪,虽然没有影响政府的行政,但是,却是为一个人而修宪, 面子高于里子。 司马光在资治通鉴里,一开始就指出三家分晋的礼坏,不是出自三家,而是天子。 乃天子自坏也 。 作为天子的政府,在强大国会优势下,自动为一个人修宪,假借国际义务和贡献来自圆其说,说白了就是‘败坏礼’。这很可能造成行动党第四代领导无法克服的痛。 1991年开创的民选总统制度,以及官委议员制度,在很大程度上是破坏国会的‘礼’。 30多年过去了,行动党是否可以继续依靠破坏‘礼’, 来维系政权?选民选择尚达曼,不是为了面子,而是要他为里子多做事。选民不要表面功夫,而要实际的里子行动,协助解决民生。

Good Schools or Happy Schools. Good Toilets or Happy Toilets.

  Good Schools or Happy Schools. Good Toilets or Happy Toilets. Vietnam wants to make their schools a happy school, different from our ‘every school a good school’.  To a child, which is better - good school or happy school. Good school usually means good academic results, just like the ranking of world universities.     Good does not mean healthy.  Happiness, according to the Vietnamese education minister, is a positive school culture.  Many parents would like to have their children happily growing up, with less stress. I was in Mid Valley SouthKey yesterday.  They have 5-star toilets.  Not only good but excellent, much better than those toilets in City Square.  I tried to use the toilets but all the cubicles were full of smoke. Is this a good or happy toilet?  (In fact, in Singapore, we also have unhappy toilets too.  Smoking is really a social problem that makes non-smokers unhappy.  So do elite schools or even a n...


  新加坡以前赌中国输,现在不可以赌中国衰弱。 黄循财去了一趟中国,回来后似乎也配合中国的口吻,不可以赌中国衰弱,其实,跟习近平说的也差不多,不要赌中国输。黄循财还强调,永远不要押注中国衰弱。这个“永远”,到底是与时并进,还是自打嘴巴? 那么,为什么几十年前,新加坡会豪赌中国输?1980年终结南洋大学以及华校。40多年前,豪赌中文必败,华文无用,当然也意味中国不可能崛起。现在,听到不可以赌中国衰弱,的确很讽刺。或许,行动党的精英 不是不懂历史,就是迷信西方永远强大 。 当然,这笔账不可以算在黄循财身上,况且,到底能不能当上总理,连他自己也不知道。回答海峡记者的提问时,他也说不清楚,这是不是他第一次和最后一次主持副总理级别的新中双边合作联合委员会。 华校生曾经被笑成中国直升机 Chinese helicopter。当年,根本没有想象到直升机竟然发展成了无人机。 或许,几十年后的今天,当大疆无人机,行销全球,用无人的角度,看着新加坡的时候,才发现新加坡其实很短视。 新加坡的短视,是否只是局限在这里?行动党只看到有人操作的直升机,而忽略了无人也可以操控飞机。黄循财短短几个月,连续走访了中美两国,在美国,他强调,美国是新加坡的安全和国防支柱。在中国,不赌中国衰弱,是不是指经济方面的支柱?例如:数位人民币?

High Cost of Living. Just get used to it? So simple?

  High Cost of Living.   Just get used to it? So simple?   Little can be done.  The government wants Singaporeans to get used to the high cost of living.  GST, COE, BTO, rental, property tax, public transport fares, all these are contributing factors. The simple excuse is market forces and external factors that the government has no control. So, the only thing that Singaporeans can do is to seek help, assistance, subsidy, discount, rebate or cash payment for the very needy. High cost of living will continue, so do the tax revenues from GST, property taxes, etc.  Without the ‘High”, revenues will also not be ‘High’.  The reason for the  ‘High” is also very simple.  No debt for future generations.  The major economies in the West will most likely enter recession next year.  Low interest rate is expected but inflation remains the issue.  This means the high cost of living will remain but the middle and low income familie...

费解?上诉费和杂费。 为何盛港市镇会要付多于阿裕尼-后港市镇会。

  费解?上诉费和杂费。 为何盛港市镇会要付多于阿裕尼-后港市镇会。 新加坡上诉庭最终判决,盛港和阿裕尼-后港市镇会在上诉案中败诉。因此,需要负责支付对方的上诉费用。败诉赔钱是当然的,问题是为何盛港市镇会要付出这么多。 在整个上诉案中,阿裕尼-后港市镇会才是主体。因为,这个市镇会的阿裕尼集选区-五个选区和后港单选区都涉及在内。而盛港集选区,只有前榜鹅东单选区,现为盛港集选区的一部分,牵涉在内。 榜鹅东单选区,无论怎么大,人怎么多,都不可能超过一个集选区。费解?在上诉费和杂费开支上,为什么盛港集选区要付出多于阿裕尼-后港市镇会? 在费解中,让人牵出不少联想,幻想,逻辑何在?我们在新闻中看不到案件的两方的解释。媒体也不进一步报道。或许,新加坡人已经习惯了,费解归费解,问了也是白问。