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Showing posts from April, 2020

Transparency, Accountability and Hindsight of the PAP

Josephine Teo, The New and Unexpected scapegoat?


Never seen a challenge like this in Singapore history, can 3G + 4G PAP leaders solve them?

总理的口罩 就是跟人民不一样。

The Anger of Aunties and Uncles - one-off Intensive social pressure or a worrying trend?


Strong Institution, wrong PAP policy options for Covid-19. All Singaporeans have to face the music.

Republic of Guessing

Covid-19 hindsight and transparency

冠病袭击,无计可施; 跪求老爸,快来救命。

No hindsight. No foresight. Temasek fails to see masks as strategic investment in the first place.

Risk Assessment Failed, PAP will fail further without checks and balances.

问责国家储备是民主素养、公民权利 - IMF认可并且建议一套标准。

The Real Face of the PAP

从赶尽杀绝到物极必反 – 不孝子的邪恶心路历程

Cry, sad and worry after reading “I’ve never liked the Workers’ Party“ #