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Showing posts from March, 2022

The Rich is looking for energy: 60% support US. The Poor is looking for food: 60% stand neutrality. Both suffer under inflation.

  The Rich is looking for energy:  60% support US  The Poor is looking for food: 60% stand neutrality The Riches are looking for energy:  60% support US  The Poors are looking for food: 60% stand neutrality The Ukraine war creates two different kinds of demand, energy and food.   The rich countries, mostly Western countries, are imposing sanctions on Russia.  In economic size, they represent about 60% of the world GDP.  Some rich countries will have to face a huge energy bill increase. The poor countries in Asia, Africa, and even Latin America are concerned about the supply of food and the rising price.  In terms of population, they represent about 60% of the world population.    The war will make the inequality worse.  We cannot survive without food but we can live with less energy consumption.  It’s the economy, stupid!  If the US and the West want more support from the world, they have to help solve the p...

阿斗遇阿斗,找到新火花? 相濡斗以沫,大洒存在感? 民粹压自由,民主遇专政?

  阿斗遇阿斗,找到新火花? 相濡斗以沫,大洒存在感? 民粹压自由,民主遇专政? 【新阿斗访问美阿斗,能否找到新希望、新思维?擦出新火花?还是,两个阿斗,一唱一和,相濡以沫,互相安慰,试图寻找新亮点、新花样、新模式。洒一洒存在感,演一演具有喜剧效果的领导力?可惜啊!演技都不如专业的喜剧演员,影响力当然也局限在自我感觉良好中。】 新加坡阿斗访问美国阿斗,互相取暖,互相争取存在感。美国阿斗希望新加坡阿斗,能够像他父亲那样提供,最明智的建议,以亚洲人的智慧,睿智和观点提供美国一条新思维,新方向。 新加坡阿斗真的能够做到老爸的水准吗?他的国际思维、高度、眼光,可以和新加坡建国先辈同一个水平吗?阿斗的表现,从1985年以来,有什么令人敬仰、惊艳、独到之处吗? 没有。我们一直到看到他在吃老本。一直在消费新加坡先辈辛辛苦苦建立起来的一切。这包括建国精神,国家机制,甚至基本的民生,如公积金制度、卫生、组屋和贫富悬殊。 美国阿斗的表现,不论国内、国外,从阿富汗到乌克兰,从通彭到基建,甚至人选任命,都让人看到美国的衰落,纸老虎的形象。 两个阿斗加在一起,能够带来新希望、新方向,新思维和新火花吗?美国阿斗从欧洲走了一圈后,能够为美国、欧洲和世界带来什么新的气象吗?看不到。新加坡阿斗出访美国,是想从美国身上得到什么最新的消息、指示,暗示,还是真的想为美国指点明灯,提供一条可行之路? 美国阿斗的思维还逗留在天安门事件,解决问题的做法,还是处于冷战时代。这是美国的不幸,也是世界的不幸。科学技术突飞猛进,美阿斗只能随风起舞让自己在新媒体的幻象中,自己感觉良好自我陶醉。 同样的,新阿斗虽然自认电脑专才,但是,思路跟不上老爸,决策只能跟着老美,老样式,老的资本主义。治国没有更新,依然继续利用低薪、劳工来增加财富。瑞士生活已经遥不可及,贫富悬殊却阴魂不散。 两个阿斗在一起,比较像庄子的相濡以沫,两个一起,互相取暖,互相呼吸,互相泡气。在一个纷乱的世界,躲在白宫里,互诉心事,互相哀怨,找不到一条前进的道路。甚至,埋怨互联网和新媒体,造就了一个一个的幻想、幻象。回到现实,回到实际的国际关系,却无所适从,不知道事情的复杂、错从关系和变化。 两个阿斗在政治上顺风顺水几十年,现在却要面对残酷的现实,而这个现实,不是社交、新媒体和互联网的世界。美国阿斗需要面对来自世界的挑战,国...

The Meaning of Emergency…

  The Meaning of Emergency… [Life and Death] [Life Threatening]  [Living with it] [Too Little too Late]

If the US imposes sanctions on China, will Singapore follow?

  If the US imposes sanctions on China, will Singapore follow? If the US imposes sanctions on China over the Ukraine war, will Singapore really follow?   Singapore did follow the US when the Americans imposed sanctions on Russia over the Russia- Ukraine war.   The public opinion in Singapore seems to suggest NO.   Intentionally or not, mainstream media seem to suggest there are pro-China movements in Singapore, even though less Singaporeans have good command and mastery of Chinese language and culture than in the independent era.  NO is also due to trade, investment and economic reasons. Without economic activities, Singapore will fail.


  朋党资本主义和新加坡地铁总裁新任命。如何避嫌?      英国经济学人杂志2021年的朋党资本主义名单中, 新加坡排名第三。如果把朋党行业和非朋党行业加在一起,那么,我们就和俄罗斯一样,排名第一。      什么是朋党行业?在俄罗斯就很明显,因为,它是一个能源为主的国家,朋党可以集中在这里。他们的这个百分比就很高。新加坡朋党行业比率较低,因为我们没有资源,有的是主权基金,但是,我们的非朋党行业却很大,是不是我们有很多政联公司,甚至上市公司和未上市的公司都和官僚、密友、权贵有关?      什么是朋党资本主义?维基的第一选择认为是裙带资本主义,当然,这和‘关系’,‘权贵’,‘密友’,‘官僚’有关。 中文对于朋党的解释,可以有很多延伸,或许,我们可以联想到,朋友和非朋友的不同待遇,告不告妹妹弟弟,甚至于地铁公司新总裁的任命,是否直接和间接的和朋党资本主义有关?大家心里的标准不同,各自解读,各自评估。      朋党资本主义的发展到最后,就演变成贪污横行。我们可以从经济学人排名第一和第二的国家中,看到和找到很多例子。      新加坡排名第三,甚至加上非朋党行业,我们已经是第一了。难道,我们没有一点警惕和检讨都没有吗?我们如何做到避嫌?让国人认为,我们和排名第一和第二的国家不一样。新加坡之所以成功,防止贪污是重点之重。      当然,我们也可以不把经济学人的排名当一回事,甚至认为,我们与众不同,我们是百毒不侵,贪污和我们无关。      真的是这样吗?

The Big Picture: Empathy deficit or surplus, like behaviour, is a CLOUD, not a CLOCK.

The Big Picture: Empathy deficit or surplus, like behaviour,  is a CLOUD,  not a CLOCK.   Question: The question about mixed public reactions and views about the Ukraine war in Singapore cannot be a straightforward and simple conclusion.  Answer: The quality of leaders has decisive influence over the problem.  Whether he or she looks at the big picture, what is good and bad for the country.   Explanations: Mixed opinions do show our thinking and behaviour are based on clouds, not clocks. A simple clock logic will provide a clear cut empathy deficit or surplus.     {... Karl Popper , the great philosopher of science, once divided the world into two categories: clocks and clouds. Clocks are neat, orderly systems that can be solved through reduction; clouds are an epistemic mess, “highly irregular, disorderly, and more or less unpredictable.” The mistake of modern science is to pretend that everything is a clock, which is why we get se...

Xia Suay! The Quality of US Leadership.

Xia Suay! The Quality of US Leadership.      Not only Xia Suay, it is certainly lacking in humanity.      So far, the US continues to add oils into the fire, without seriously seeking a peaceful solution in Ukraine. Sanctions after sanctions.  Is this the leadership quality that the US wants to show to the world?  Is this the US standard attitude and response to refugees?  Is this due to the US lack of understanding and expertise in international politics?           The world will become more vulnerable and unstable with this kind of leadership.        And Singapore continues to worship this type of leadership and humanity. Xia Suay!  

当你老了,应该得到什么样的尊严? 经济奇迹能否让人尊严活着?

当你老了,应该得到什么样的尊严? 经济奇迹能否让人尊严活着? (上下为网络图片) 新加坡一直尝试创造经济奇迹。过程中有时显示出无比的冷酷、无情,甚至对于老人和跟不上的落势群体过度苛刻。 最近,国会中讨论的年长者和残障人士免费坐公共交通工具的问题,就是一个例子。政府提出的理由就是简单的加重纳税人和年轻搭客的负担。 PAP不会考虑其他的问题,只会知道税务会加重,年轻人要负担多一点。这其实和它提出债务不留给后代一样。美其名未来新加坡人不必担心老年人的问题,其实,就是否定老一代新加坡人的贡献。如果,我们从去年出生公民3万多和新公民增加2万多看,这笔债要如何算? 人民行动党根本不会考虑到年长者过往的贡献,也不会考虑残障人士的不幸。它也不会考虑公平、合理的分配问题。当然,PAP要做到不会加重高薪、高收入者的税务负担。因为,他们害怕税务增加,这些人会抱怨,不高兴。当然,他们本身作为高收入者,也会是受害者。 这是新加坡经济继续创造奇迹的方向吗?这个策略是否可以永续下去?有没有到顶的一天?还是,还没有到顶前,让志同道合者大捞特捞,大赚特赚后,留下烂摊子给后辈。 这是一个值得深思的问题。德雷莎修女的名言让人思考,我们在恶和善之间,要做出什么样的选择。 “ 我宁愿在仁慈和怜悯中犯错,总好过在冷酷和苛刻中创造奇蹟。” 事实上,世界上经济比较发达的地区,已经开始为国民提供免费的交通。一方面鼓励减少对私人汽车的需要,一方面也有助环保。 『在世界各地,城市是不平等和不可持续性的“起点”。美国最大的两个城市,纽约与洛杉矶,也是两个最不平等的城市。在英国10%的最贫困的家庭当中,有三分之一是居住在伦敦的。与此同时,全球有三分之二的能源和70%的碳排放都来自于城市。这就引出了一个问题,即公共政策和城市设计应如何演变,以从该战略上应对这两个日渐严峻的问题。在世界各地,许多城市都希望将交通出行作为解决方案的一部分,这其中尤其是要问是一个简单的问题:如果公共交通是免费的会怎样? 现如今,全球约有100个城市为公众提供免费的公共交通出行,其中大部分城市都集中在欧洲。 』 德雷莎修女和人民行动党选择不同的道路。我们选择冷酷、无情和苛刻来创造经...

From comedy to tragedy, so fast, so quick and surprise or not surprise!


Thoughts of colonialism remain unchanged: Political fault lines and racial discrimination

Thoughts of colonialism remain unchanged: Political fault lines and racial discrimination   The western civilization continues to maintain the thoughts of colonialism, imperialism and supremacy.  The Russia-Ukraine war sees the repeat of the 19th Century thinking, geopolitics: Political fault lines in Asia (especially in China and India) and racial discrimination against Africans. No improvement, no change, the West, especially the US, still remains the old way of thinking.   The West has failed to upgrade their cultural, social, political understanding of others.    Different views and opinions, especially opposite or alternative actions, seem to be political fault lines.  Black lives matter, white supremacy, equality, racial discrimination never disappear, remain the same from the past.   The think tanks in the West have failed.   So smart yet so outdated.

‘我思故我在’不符合PAP教育原则。 匠工、机械式的再教育、培训才符合PAP政治。

  ‘我思故我在’不符合PAP教育原则。 匠工、机械式的再教育、培训才符合PAP政治。 ‘我思故我在’离PAP的教育制度太远。他们根本没有想到塑造独立人格,培养我思、自我反省、自我批判、自我改进的新加坡人。这些才是真正的终身学习之道。当然这样一来,人民行动党的一党独大将会走向末路。 新加坡的教育制度,就像工厂,制成品有使用期限,过期就无用了。除非,制成品获得提升、改进,才可以延期使用。人民行动党议员洪伟能在国会,只是说出事实的真相罢了。这种观点在立国之初,或许,还说得过去。现在,还在继续这套方法,不但过时,而且会严重伤害到新加坡的竞争力。 是的。医生、律师、工程师等的确需要接受再训练再提升,因为设备、相关专业知识不断更新。尤其是电脑工程师、生化方面的专业人士,更新速度更加快。不论知识如何更新,进步,独立人格,独立判断的精神不可缺少,这是终身都要坚持和学习的。 洪伟能可能不愿见到新加坡大学在搞博雅教育,人文素质方面的提升。难怪,耶鲁-国大学院不幸夭折。无论如何,世界大学的教育趋势就是要培养比较全面、尤其是人文素质的加强。 或许,他还想着如何提升德士业务,如何提升德士师傅的效率,如何提升业绩,德士的使用率。因此,培训是一个方法,员工必须再训练,加入电脑技能,人工智慧,效率才会提高。 说白了,就是把人当成工具、机器。每一次提升,就是强化效率。无法配合的人,就像老旧工具和机器那样,被淘汰掉。因此,洪伟能建议大学教育的有效试用期为五年。虽然,他过后道歉,认为自己只是强调教育提升、培训的重要性。 我们认真的想一想,这种想法是符合人民行动党的利益的。 新加坡每五年来一次大选,新加坡选民就必须接受再培训、再教育,(选区重新划分)以便接受PAP的药方,同意为什么政府不公开,不透明,不受到制衡的理由。每一次总统选举,也需要再培训、再教育接受不同的选举规则和候选人的规定。 因此,‘我思故我在’如何能够立足?没有‘我思故我在’的启蒙,大多数新加坡选民安然接受人民行动党的再培训、再教育,自然而然在大选中投票给闪电。 人民行动党政府的教育就是训练工匠,一种有形的,看得到的眼前利益。而忽视无形的独立人格的培养。 洪伟能其实就是一个喜剧演员,他让国会辩论添上一点笑声,除此之外,他有没有认真、严肃的思考新加坡的前途?但是,他却成功的把严肃的预算案辩论,焦点...

Russia-Ukraine War: No winners, only losers but a possible third runner who benefits from it.

Russia-Ukraine War: No winners, only losers but a possible third runner who benefits from it. Russia and Ukraine are losers. The world is also a loser. Will there be someone who will benefit from the war? The rich become richer? Who is running away with all the benefits? USA? China? India? or Europe? A reminder Ukraine population 1991: 52 million 2021: 42 million Future: > 30 million

Money and Might: Reserve. How to defend and protect our richness.

  Money and Might: Reserve. How to defend and protect our richness. If money is a show of might, then Singapore must be very mighty as we have a strong reserve. Russia has US$630 billion in reserve before the Russia-Ukraine war, while Singapore has US$418 billion. Are we really rich and mighty? Yes. We are very rich and mighty on a per capita basis. With a small population, our reserve is two-thirds of that of Russia but in terms of per capita, we are many times ahead of Russia.  Wow! Singapore, with our wealth, must be several times more powerful than Russia. In reality, we are not even having F-35s. Reserve can go down significantly like the case of Russia now. And our money and reserves are parked outside Singapore. (远水救不了近火)Distance water are powerless against nearby fire, just like the case of Ukraine today.  Of course, you may say Ukraine has no money and reserves, so they ought to be less mighty. However, the spirit of the people shows a different story.  Then...