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Showing posts from May, 2021

君贵民轻 诸事不顺 唯利是图 思维失真


Opposition politics. From Terence Soon to Tan Cheng Bock. It is hard for older politicians. It is even harder for young politicians.


Is Goh Chok Tong standing taller than Tang Liang Hong and Chee Soo Juan? No, certainly not. He is shorter than he thought.


越傻越拗,阿斗成了阿Q。 不孝不忠,阿龙何去何从?

  越傻越拗,阿斗成了阿Q。 不孝不忠,阿龙何去何从? 自我自大,自我封闭,自我陶醉,自我感觉良好。这是阿斗。 国会硬拗,告人硬拗,4G硬拗,硬拗故居永在。这是阿Q. 国人素质在阿斗管理下,一路向下,不进反而大倒退。用完餐,不清理垃圾,罚300。阿斗素质教育失败,阿Q精神出现, 认为国人只是害怕罚款,因此,罚300是最佳手段。 阿斗是越傻越硬拗,把自己阿Q化。他的‘没有病不要戴口罩’的傻劲,发展到他出席亚细安会议,需要两个口罩防毒,也可以说是阿Q精神再现。 报纸无法吸引读者,阿斗的傻CEO说不利经营,无利可图。因此,只好进行阿Q式的改组,硬拗只有依靠政府津贴才可以继续为PAP宣传说话。 不孝子是弟妹说的,不是我们外人说的。 不忠呢?观其行,则可知。罔顾国人生命,急功近利,让变种病毒入侵;例一。核心新加坡人,现在外人可以顶替;例二。任何爱国爱民语言,与行动党政府利益冲突,就是排外、仇外,歧视;例三。 不忠不孝,难怪现在国人对阿龙即阿Q的看法完全改变:从依靠父亲积德上任的呆子阿斗,演变而成鲁迅笔下的阿Q。 遇到事情,找借口。躲在国会,利用法庭,求胜利。自己无能,把4G搞到更加无能。明明一件事情可以说清楚(印度人),偏偏因为胆小害怕而另一个名称(南亚人)。 中国已经从鲁迅时代的东亚病夫,一跃而成为世界第二大经济体。我们的李显龙,从阿斗进一步退化到阿Q,虽然还不是东亚病夫,可是国际会议一个接着一个取消,已经不是老外眼中的安全区和抵抗新冠模范生。 冠病加速把阿斗变成阿Q。算数高手、才子阿斗2004出任总理。在李光耀的光环和吴作栋的护驾下,却在2011年输了一个集选区。2015年,李光耀走了,阿斗利用父亲阴气,变得阿Q式聪明,赢得大胜利。此后,阿斗就走上阿Q自我封闭的不归路。2020年,利用冠病疫情的阿Q式大选,不孝子又再输多一个集选区。 阿Q最擅长的是告诫国人牺牲,我们要自律,不要随意出门,不要说话,不要不戴口罩。阿Q也不会轻易道歉,机场被变种病毒入侵,也没有自我检讨。口口声声说我们一定要开放,甚至还叫IB打手出来说,宁可关闭1000个商场、小贩中心,也不关机场。 阿Q也是守财奴,一直到现在还认为世界第一的高薪,当之无愧,一点也没有减薪,和人民共同渡过难关的意愿。 新加坡继续被阿Q不孝子硬拗下去将会是一个什么样的结局?阿Q要你付出,牺牲,学习,进修,提升,新加坡人要努...

Money for Crowdfunding. No Money for newspapers. Poor Singaporeans use money in the wrong way.

Money for Crowdfunding.  No Money for newspapers. Poor Singaporeans use money in the wrong way. Ah Q mentality or Ah Q relaxation? Or both. Lee Hsien Loong is acting like Ah Q entertaining Singaporeans! Enjoy! But the PAP will think the other way.  ‘Money for crowdfunding’ is an Ah Q mentality as Roy and Leong cannot win in Courts but can only enjoy a spiritual win.  At the same time, their supporters enjoy an Ah Q relaxation as they know too well they cannot win in Courts under the current situation.  The only thing they can do is to have ‘no money for local newspapers’.  So, everyone is Ah Q.  Of course, you have a choice to be mental Ah Q or a relaxed Ah Q. Some examples of Ah Q mentality: ownself check ownself... Attitude towards foreigners The attitude of public prosecutors in the case of Parti Liyani South Asia instead of India Definition of ‘Core Singaporeans’ by Heng SK Some examples of Ah Q relaxation: just laugh...the reasons behind Amended Pres...

No 4G ministers can handle Defence, Home and Foreign Affairs. No wonder mutant Covid-19 virus can easily break through Changi Airport.

  No 4G ministers can handle  Defence, Home and Foreign Affairs. No wonder mutant Covid-19 virus  can easily break through Changi Airport. Lee Hsien Loong presented his fifth cabinet last year and made a major reshuffle recently. However, there is NO change in Defence, Home and Foreign Affairs ministries.   Why does Lee not want to make changes in these portfolios?     We don’t know.  Perhaps, experiences in these portfolios are not important for 4G ministers.  Perhaps, there is a hidden agenda.  What agenda? None of the 4G ministers can handle these difficult jobs.  Perhaps, 4G is just a drama, where there is no succession plan. Below is the list of 2G and 3G ministers who had headed these portfolios.  We will know how different and how big the gap is between 4G and 2G/3G.   Can experiences in Defence, Home and Foreign Affairs help 4G ministers better handle the Covid-19 crisis?  When mutant virus attacks, ...

前路茫又茫,自讨苦吃,李显龙大势已去。 捞政治资本,护主心切,行动党基业不保。

前路茫又茫,自讨苦吃,李显龙大势已去。 捞政治资本,护主心切,行动党基业不保。 我们说的迷信一点,李显龙气数已尽。不孝子的运气已经走向谷底,很难翻身。 想一想,不孝子要在小贩中心开罚单,马上,小贩中心就禁止堂食。不孝子要和香港搞泡泡,结果一拖再拖,不知几时成行。不孝子急功近利,只想冲经济,结果门户大开,机场失守,变种病毒入侵。 姑且说这是运气不好,无法控制狡猾的新冠病毒。因为,疫情控制失败,也不只新加坡而已,其他国家甚至比我们严重多了。 但是,修宪,告人,李光耀故居,委任总检察长,4G,甚至报业重组,无法盈利经营,这些就很难说和运气有关。不孝子不是用人不当,就是决策失误。精算的数学天才,怎么没有算算自己用人和决策的成功概率? 原本告人就是想提高声望,结果适得其反,激起更大的民愤。网上募捐的成功,已经把不孝子的告人恶习的名气、名望在国外发扬光大。 修宪更改总统选举规定,也是如此,民怨加深。 为何前路茫茫? 垄断的报业无法商业经营,最后却要依靠阿公来扶持。很明显的就是读者人数下降,影响力下跌,广告流失。对于行动党来说,最重要的信息是读者对报纸内容的兴趣、信心大降。一个不能影响选票的报纸,对长期依赖垄断报纸来自我宣传的行动党,将是致命的打击。 另一方面,李显龙告人案的赔款,却在社交媒体募捐成功。成也不孝子,败也不孝子。赢了官司,输了面子。最重要的是行动党民意的下降,民怨却相对增加。 报纸不能反映民意,社交媒体却民怨四起。前途能够不茫茫一片吗? 政治资本还有的捞吗? 人民行动党有必要和不孝子共生死吗? 排外、种族歧视、宗教歧视。。。 国难当前,谁在捞政治好处? 人民行动党还是反对党? 在国家最困难的时候,大捞政治资本,蛊惑人心,一向是PAP的强项。作为执政者,这也是PAP善用,常用的手段。去年,大选前,纸牌将军,就被爆出新冠疫情对行动党有利,所以不孝子就提早举行大选。 大选结束,成绩也出来,PAP胜之不武,反对党虽败犹荣。PAP没有捞到政治资本,反而失去多一个集选区。 但是,严重的新冠病毒并没有离开新加坡,无形中给不孝子的治国带来很大的压力。不但,钱的来源少了,社会、心理、医药、以及冠病牵连的一系列问题,都不是行动党过去依靠 ‘低工资、低财金’ 治国方式,可以轻易解决。 刚好,目前的治国团队,也是60年来最差的。国家在最需要用人的时候却无人可用。PAP里面没有一个人敢站出来...

Failed Succession Plans: 4G, AG, Presidential Election, Temasek, SPH Media…. Lee Hsien Loong, are you doing the right things? Do you really care about the future of Singapore?

Failed Succession Plans: 4G, AG, Presidential Election, Temasek, SPH Media…. Lee Hsien Loong, are you doing the right things? Do you really care about the future of Singapore?  Singaporeans, how many more blank cheques are you going to give to the PAP? Under Lee Hsien Loong, we only see how Singapore is falling.  With or without intention, things are certainly not doing well in Singapore.  We need more money but the PAP has no way to find the needed money under Covid-19 crisis. Confidence is going down too.  Lee Hsien Loong is not able to present workable succession plans in politics (4G, PE), economy (Temasek, GIC), laws (AG), and propaganda (SPH Media, social media, POFMA). 垂死挣扎 In Chinese, we call actions like these ‘to put up a last ditch (or death-bed) struggle.’ His latest move is to restructure the SPH Media.  Making a former PAP chairman to head the SPH Media, is this one of his ‘dying kicks’? In just a few more months, we will see another succession pla...

High Pay Monopoly Lack of Passion Lack of Creativity The fate of the SPH Media is the future of the PAP.

High Pay Monopoly Lack of Passion Lack of Creativity The fate of the SPH Media is  the future of the PAP. Who can define the future newspapers in Singapore? Not the PAP, not the SPH Media.  Like social media, it is the readers, the users, the customers. Newspapers in Singapore were forced to group into SPH in the 1980s.  High Salary SPH senior management was rewarded handsomely then, some even drawing pay near to a minister’s salary. One of them was Mah Bow Tan, the defeated PAP candidate in Potong Pasir SMC in 1984. The President’s Scholar got elected into parliament through a backdoor GRC system. Senior management and senior journalists are drawing high salaries.  Compared to the compensation of political appointments and senior civil servants, and also contributions to the nation, the PAP government then realised they were underpaid - senior people in the media were drawing the same or higher salaries than politicians and officials, especially junior ministers and...

用心良苦,依然曲终人散, 非盈利SPH报业祈求生路? 囚鸟新闻,天天监督指导, 纳税人的阿公钱继续供养?

  几十年前的老歌《用心良苦》,《曲终人散》和《囚鸟》,很适合拿来形容SPH报业控股的过去,今天和未来。 用心良苦 ,用尽一切方法,法律和行政手段,进行大合并组成报业控股。最后却成一个空字。 。。。 情滅了 愛熄了 剩下空心要不要  春已走 花又落 用心良苦卻成空 我的痛 怎麼形容 一生愛 錯放妳的手 。。。 曲终人散 ,垄断市场,垄断新闻,政府大力支持,政党大力吹捧,终于敌不过盈利下降的厄运。红极一时,读者还会怀念吗? 。。。 我终于知道曲终人散的寂寞  只有伤心人才有  你最后一身红  残留在我眼中  我没有再依恋的借口  。。。 囚禁的鸟 ,世界新闻排名倒数最后几名,还高喊自己有高尚节操。忘了做新闻的自由和独立,得到读者的爱自然越来越少,因为只能冷冷的看着说谎的报道。 。。。 我是被你囚禁的鳥  已經忘了天有多高 如果離開你給我的小小城堡  不知還有誰能依靠 我是被你囚禁的鳥  得到的愛越來越少 看著你的笑在別人眼中燃燒  我卻要不到一個擁抱  我像是一個你可有可無的影子  冷冷的看著你說謊的樣子 。。。 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ SPH报业控股走到今天,以及接下来的非盈利方向,无论是过去、现在和将来,他们在做决定的时候,从来就不征求读者的意见。 这表示什么? 读者不是新加坡报业控股的服务对象。他们的真正服务对象是政府 - PAP政府。 这就像一间公司,他们生产什么东西,推出什么服务,都是不重要。有没有人(读者)要它的产品/服务不重要,它的目地就是为特定机构服务和生产产品。这就是报业控股的未来。 它的存在就是为提供钱源,接受指导、监督,散布政府所要传达的信息。因此,它的将来,就像是高级网军。 纳税人有必要清楚知道,我们交的税,已经无条件支持了一家国营电视台、广播公司。现在,我们交的税,又拿来支持另一间国营报业集团。他们在很大程度上,不是独立单位。指导、监督都是来自政府,不是读者,不是纳税人。 报业控股重组,走非盈利路线,事实上,也就是拿纳税人的钱,为PAP政府服务。他们有没有问过读者,心目中需要一份什么样的报纸,什么样的新闻?没有,一点也没有。他们甚至连事先的调查都没有做,然后,就告诉读者之这是最好的选择。 这种小圈圈的决策,也正是PAP政府的决策范本。一个不听读者的声音,一个不...