The Future of Singapore: The PAP way, Tay Kheng Soon’s enterprise or our Asian soul??? Singaporeans want to see performances. They not only want to see results but also want to trust the delivery. So far, we have seen the performance of Lee Hsien Loong and 4G ministers. Do Singaporeans trust these PAP leaders in delivering a better future? The answer is quite obvious. Perhaps, this is why Tay Kheng Soon came up with his ‘NTU Enterprise Campus’ project. We need to create an enterprise spirit, rather than the rental economy of the PAP. Starting from NTU and spreading to other institutions and making the whole of Singapore with enterprise spirit. This is the alternative way to create wealth and growth. In some ways, this is to bring back our old spirit, or fighting spirit of the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations. Will the PAP government input these ideas into their planning and strategy options? Accepting enterprise sp...
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