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Showing posts from 2021

The Future of Singapore: The PAP way, Tay Kheng Soon’s enterprise or our Asian soul???

The Future of Singapore: The PAP way, Tay Kheng Soon’s enterprise or our Asian soul??? Singaporeans want to see performances.   They not only want to see results but also want to trust the delivery.   So far, we have seen the performance of Lee Hsien Loong and 4G ministers.  Do Singaporeans trust these PAP leaders in delivering a better future?   The answer is quite obvious.  Perhaps, this is why Tay Kheng Soon came up with his ‘NTU Enterprise Campus’ project.  We need to create an enterprise spirit, rather than the rental economy of the PAP. Starting from NTU and spreading to other institutions and making the whole of Singapore with enterprise spirit.   This is the alternative way to create wealth and growth. In some ways, this is to bring back our old spirit, or fighting spirit of the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations.   Will the PAP government input these ideas into their planning and strategy options?  Accepting enterprise sp...

Rental Economy means Singaporeans are eating old capital (吃老本) and the PAP government is a ‘Jiak Liao Bee’.

Rental Economy means Singaporeans are eating old capital (吃老本) and the PAP government is a ‘Jiak Liao Bee’.  The PAP is at the turning point as a new book regarding her story from 1985 to 2021 described. The turning point, in fact, began in 1985 as we moved away from the hardworking model to a rental economy.  The then Economic Committee headed by Lee Hsien Loong recommended CPF  and wage cuts to stimulate the economy. In this Singapore model of rental economy, wages and salaries are flexible and controllable items.  We know too well who heads the NTUC and inside the NTUC, there is a PAP. So, if you are doing big business in Singapore, you know you can enjoy some ‘rental income’ from the PAP-NTUC linkage. You also know you have a ‘rental advantage’ when it comes to employment, especially foreign workers and talents.   Of course, the rental economy also comes from our strategic location, our institutions, like banking, medical, legal, languages and even educ...

2021年的PAP留给你什么? 治国无能,整人最行,自吹自擂。 接班无人,管控第一,自寻死路。

2021年的PAP留给你什么? 治国无能,整人最行,自吹自擂。 接班无人,管控第一,自寻死路。 你对人民行动党还有信心吗? 你认为PAP还有进步的空间吗? 你可以对人民行动党失望,千万不要对自己失望,对新加坡失望。改变命运还是需要自我努力,没有PAP, 明天会更好! 岁末回想,2021年PAP到底做了什么?有没有让你动心?有没有让你看到一线曙光? # 消费后请清理,你做到了吗?心甘情愿吗? # 进一步的言论管控,你看到了吗?胆战心惊吗? # 滑稽的接班人,你笑了吗?还是忧心忡忡未来? # 从“合力追踪”到“国会特权委员会”,你看懂了吗?还是懵懵懂懂任人摆布? # 新加坡最有影响力的女人,真的裸退了吗?还是无形的手依然故我? # 高薪依然无能,新加坡真的人才空虚吗? 还是,处处打压,高压对手? #从“新印经济协定”到“外来人口”,短期利益和长期弊端,矛盾越来越失控,PAP可否有智慧解决? #上半场对付前进党,下半场对付工人党,国会的绝对优势真好用,你还相信一党独大对新加坡有利吗? # 贫富不均,高房价,高物价,一个家庭100元,啼笑皆非的帮助,你心寒吗? # 文化基因尽失,连报纸都保不住,‘谢谢’又有何用?博雅学院关门,也要说声谢谢吗?

1st time: SHOCK 2nd time: IMMUNITY 3rd time: BACK TO SQUARE ONE


Ah Long goes ‘jalan jalan’... Where?


喜事还是危机? 热钱、黑钱、脏钱涌入房地产, 新加坡贫富不均再次扩大。

COP and Red Chamber: 机关算尽 use up all the tricks Vs. 将计就计 meet plot with plot


Cognitive Dissonance. Ms Khan may suffer short-term dissonance. The PAP has been consistently dissociated since 1959.


如何存活? 走西方的路, 新加坡看不到前途。 至于东方之道, 我们又掌握多少?


United and inclusive no more: Privileges Committee further divides Singapore Mainstream media expands the division Hate culture grows deeper


Young ‘Internet Candidates’: Any chance for them in the next General Election?


不要只看到工人党的 用人不当错误, 而忽视了行动党的无能。


Raeesah Khan’s lying to parliament: Understanding and looking beyond the male-dominant and mainstream thinking


4G has difficulty handling peace time crises, like Covid-19. Can they handle emergencies needing urgent action and social skills?




Everything is hard to implement except Million dollar salary for ministers…


A worrying trend without safety net...


征富人税,难啊难! 抽穷人税,易而快!


Malaysia’s wandering politics and forward looking Indonesia… How do they impact Singapore?


The Tan Kin Lian Problem: How I learn more about China…


陈欣亮的“如何了解中国问题” vs 杨荣文的“战狼外交面子问题”


New trend in World News reporting: Placing China before the USA?


Putting KPIs above life Paying own medical bills for Unvax


《辣玉莎》火箭升空失败, 工人党应该坚持2030中期远景,不变之心。


COP26: We can achieve Environmental Sustainability without the commitment of deforestation.


Parliament / = social media Crisis = risk + opportunities




Clumsy, clumsy everywhere… Where is the risk management and strategic role of leadership?


The best description of the Multi-Ministry Taskforce: Tiger’s head and Snake’s tail.


当新闻自由遇上背信弃义。。。 人未到,声先道; 媒体自由受关注。 为私利,为美梦; 背信弃义例多多。