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Showing posts from January, 2018


第四代行动党领导 从新航问题,看新加坡的竞争力。 How to trust you if you are not ready 过去风光不再,新航和第四代行动党领导还能继续吃老本吗? 新加坡航空公司推出《数码创新发展蓝图》,作为转型的一部分。新航是新加坡的王牌,新加坡的骄傲,就业的首选,但是,在日益激烈竞争的国际市场,也不得不转型改造,以图持续发展。 新航虽然不至于像吉宝海事那样在巴西行贿,鼓励贪污。但是,也曾经因为和其他航空公司勾结,垄断市场被被罚款。 【新加坡航空、法航荷航公司、英国航空公司等11家航空公司因十多年前达成并实施价格垄断协议行为,被欧盟委员会罚款7亿7600万欧元(约12亿新元)】 在新加坡以外做生意,不像行动党在新加坡国内搞政治那么容易和简单。在行动党特殊的政治文化下,这里的垄断定义和贪污定义,可以做选择性的解读,无需和国际接轨。失去了一党独大的优势,在海外,吉宝,新航,胜宝旺,淡马锡,新加坡政府投资公司等,如果依照在新加坡做生意的习惯,例常运作,就会惹上麻烦,罚款是小事,坐牢都有份。 难怪,行动党政府在国内可以这么从容的慢慢来,接班人可以像粤语长片,或者台语连续剧那样,拖泥带水,演个没完没了。这种慢动作的确能够吸引到粉丝成为忠实的行动党支持者。他们之中,有些还嫌演得不够慢,希望一直停留在过去的时光,李光耀的时代。 新航的急迫,反映激烈竞争的现实。新航知道它只是市场上的一个选择,没有了新航,国际民航不会为此停留下来,能够代替新航的航空公司很多,廉价航空更加的多。 反观所谓的第四代人民行动党领导,他们还在为谁出任总理不知所措。转型改造,也不知道在哪里? 这就是行动党在没有竞争下的好处,因此,他们一直在为一党独大铺路,深怕没有垄断优势就办不了事。但是,对于人民来说,这就是一大损失。试想,新航如果没有竞争,机票价格就可以居高不下。如果没有廉价航空,有可能出现这么多旅游点吗? 新航辛苦的推出的《数码创新发展蓝图》只要遇到一些低级错误,就很可能变了样。例如,最近的网上强制性买保险事件,即使新航有最好的大数据分析,由于保险政策的反反复复,游客、搭客未必...

How to trust you if you are not ready

G4 leadership How to trust you if you are not ready G4 PM, which way to go or still undecided? Looking at the development at the so-called 4th generation PAP leadership and guessing who is the Prime Minister is not only a joke but clearly showing the indecisiveness of them. Their joint statement and PM Lee’s announcement of no immediate or change of appointment of the DPM mean, and confirm, Singapore is at a cross road – those capable cannot take over and those incapable will take over in a hurry. What a well planned succession! They are wondering what to do. They are afraid of the future as do Singaporeans. We are a high cost country but they are not enough high paying and good quality job. We need foreigners but.... Like all of us, they may not have the skills to face the future. It will be costly for any misstep or any mistake. They know it but they are not ready to face it. G4 PAP leaders are too afraid to face the future. It is different from Goh Chok Ton...


KOM corruption shows a failed PAP succession plan


Who is the real threat to Singapore?

If you have time, these two videos from Russia and USA will give you some knowledge about Stalin and Stalinism and perhaps, fake news.  Copyright: Coursera.
