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Showing posts from November, 2024

《破 。地狱》 疫情后反思人生, 为下一个灾难做准备?

  《破 。地狱》  疫情后反思人生,  为下一个灾难做准备? 逝者要破地狱,活人也需要破地狱。灾难,如新冠疫情,的确需要破一破,让人生走得顺利一点,痛苦少一点。 面对疫情,面对灾难,不同国家,不同人的命运不同。家和国都有本难念的经。同时,国家领袖、政府和家长的应对也不同。《破。地狱》是不是在某一方面也显现不同家庭,不同个人所面对的问题、遭遇、反应。 破地狱的道教仪式,已经成为非物质文化遗产。鲁迅说过,“中国根柢全在道教”, 不论是好是坏,是对是错,了解中国人,离开不道教,更离不开形而上的道家。 李显龙说新加坡人和中国人不同。但是,全球不稳定的环境下,新加坡需要额外努力维持和中国的高价值关系。我们或许有所不同,但是,不能不了解中国。 《破。地狱》引出一些突破,新的方式,新的沟通, 和新的人生反思。疫情让人,看到了什么,又失落了什么?香港尤其不幸,疫情前还发生社会动乱事件。因此,更加需要破地狱,寻求解脱,获得安慰, 《破。地狱》能不能让我们为下一次灾难做出更好的准备?疫情前疫情后,世界已经大大不同,人间地狱层出不断,新的来,旧的没有去,破了一个,另一个又来。 白居易的《自覺二首》:「置心為止水,視身如浮雲。抖擻垢穢衣,度脫生死輪。」

Calling for Change since 2011, Has Lawrence Wong’s PAP really listened?

  Calling for Change since 2011, Has Lawrence Wong’s PAP really listened? George Yeo, after losing in 2011, called for the PAP to change. 13 years later, do you see ‘change’ in the PAP? It is clear that Lee Hsien Loong never listened to the calling and lost another GRC. Now, Lawrence Wong is the new party secretary-general. Do you expect him to make changes? Oh!, perhaps, more vouchers, more taxes, more COEs, more BTOs, more subsidies, but also higher medical insurance premiums, higher new, resale flat prices.        How to build trust? Wong mentioned adapting new needs, and moving to the front rather than staying in the background.  He continued to blame the oppositions, and less confidence, like Lee Hsien Loong, to handle more opposition voices in parliament. Assuming demand for change comes from young voters may be an illusion.  High growth effects and high cost of living are affecting not only the young, but the whole population exce...


  黄循财会不会成为海报男孩?选民信任他吗? 李显龙20年的总理路程,失去了两个集选区。作为过去人民行动党的大选海报男孩,选举期间,到处可见李显龙的海报,但是,还是无法避免集选区的流失。 黄循财将带领行动党,领队竞选即将来临的大选。可能是明年五月、七月,最迟也要在年底进行。这一次,他会不会是行动党的海报男孩?上一次大选,海报男孩并没有赢回选民的信心,即使在有利的冠病疫情期间,在不稳定的时局中,选民并没有接受海报男孩的呼应,给予强大信任。 黄循财认为,整个大环境对于执政党不利,通货膨胀,就业压力,国际局势,地缘政治,导致很多执政党,失去政权,或得票率下降。因此,黄循财和他的团队尽力争取国人信任,例如,通过消费券来降低人们的压力。 事实上, 黄循财忽略一个重点,除了大环境,同时也出现,愚蠢的政客、自私的政客、没有考虑国家利益的政客。 这些政客,缺少远见,自私自利,只想霸占政权,维护既得利益者的好处,让选民只好在烂苹果中,痛苦挣扎。 黄循财如何给自己定位?做一个勇于改变的领袖,还是,继续过去三任总理的路线?不要忘记,行动党是一个有社会主义背景的政党,只是,渐行渐远,从原本的中间偏左,发展到今天的中间偏右。到底行动党如何前进,选民是否会像过去那样,继续买单、给予信任委托?

The PAP’s Game Plan: The Poster Boy Who will be the poster boy for the PAP in the coming GE?

  The PAP’s Game Plan: The Poster Boy Who will be the poster boy for the PAP in the coming GE? Lee Hsien Loong or Lawrence Wong? Coming soon, we will know who will be the secretary-general of the PAP. If Lee retains his post as secretary-general, will he be the poster boy?  Or instead, the new poster boy is Wong, who is the prime minister. If Wong is elected as the new secretary-general, will he be the new poster boy?  Does Wong have the national popularity to be the poster boy? Interesting to see how the party plays the election game!   

黄循财有没有让人改变的感觉? 国人如何看待改变,有必要做出改变吗?

  黄循财有没有让人改变的感觉? 国人如何看待改变,有必要做出改变吗? 【八年前,选民给了特朗普一次改变的机会,让美国再次伟大。结果他连任败选。现在,再一次给他压倒性改变的机会。这说明选民要求 改变的意愿有多高 !】 美国政治哲学家 桑德尔认为,特朗普胜出,是因为选民认为,他会做出改变。选民不满当权者,听不进他们的心声。同时,对于国家、社群渐渐失去归属感。精英和普通人脱钩,有和没有间的距离越拉越大,而民主党却没有给予选民,改变的意念。 拿黄循财和美国选举比较,似乎不适当。因为,李显龙最近在美国,强调新加坡社会和政府,有着高度的信任。新加坡政府时不时的做出调整,改变政策顺应民情。因此,新加坡人不期待改变,只需要修整,调整现有的政策,就可以了。 改变,还是不需要改变?调整、修整、修正、修订,真的能够满足人心吗? 几十年来,新加坡选民认为,不需要改变。而且,在野党也提不出什么好的改变政策。即使有,受到政府支持的媒体也刻意不给予报道。因此,即使想给在野党一个机会,也下不了手。 这是过去的共识,所以,才有信任度高的说法。 到底新加坡人要不要改变?需要不需要改变?这个答案,也许和今年美国总统选举一样。选举前的民调,好像势均力敌;结果却大大不同。选民不表态改变,期待改变,民调却反映不出来。当然,也可能是报喜不报忧。 事实上,新加坡也有要求改变的选民,只是未过半数。如果比较吴作栋和李显龙任期的议员人数,一个先输后赢,一个是越输越多。吴作栋试图改变,寻求瑞士生活,可惜失败。李显龙追求经济,希望亿万富豪越多越好,结果输更加多议席。黄循财到底要调整,还是要改变,选民又如何看他、信任他?

Lee Hsien Loong lost 2 GRCs. How about Lawrence Wong, sooner or later?

  Lee Hsien Loong lost 2 GRCs. How about Lawrence Wong, sooner or later? In the 20 years of Lee Hsien Loong Administration, the PAP lost 2 GRCs.  2011 in Aljunied GRC. 2020 in SengKang GRC.    Lawrence Wong will have his first test in GE 2025.  Wong has acknowledged that the PAP is no longer a dominant party.  So, will he lose another GRC or more? Singaporeans will decide whether losing GRC is at an increasing or decreasing speed.  How soon, faster or slower than Lee Hsien Loong? In the US, Lee claimed that there is high trust between Singapore society and the PAP government.   If this is true, Lawrence Wong may even gain back a GRC rather than losing another GRC.  Lee said Singapore is quite unusual.  Other countries may not easily duplicate the same.  From the economic results and performance, yes. But it is also unusual in its political reforms, GRC, NMP, NCMP, FORMA, constitutional amendments, etc.     ...

似曾相识燕归来, 说谎、骗子、罪犯、破坏者。。。 特朗普如何取得最后胜利? 一人一票让特朗普中选,而非捐款、媒体、经济垄断。

  似曾相识燕归来, 说谎、骗子、罪犯、破坏者。。。 特朗普如何取得最后胜利? 一人一票让特朗普中选,而非捐款、媒体、经济垄断。 特朗普高票中选美国总统,靠的是一人一票的选举人票制度。虽然不是每个美国选民都前往投票,但是,有超过60%的人投票,而特朗普以绝对优势胜选。 这对一向以为,只要控制媒体,霸占主场优势,政治献金多,就能轻易取得胜利的政党,是一个当头一棒。民主党几乎控制所有的美国媒体,捐款遥遥领先对手,也掌控主流经济。过去几十年,美国已经形成蓝大于红的政治格局。而特朗普也不是主流思维的政治人物。 选举通常都会利用候选人的人格,攻击对方,通过控制媒体和网络,大事宣传,抹黑、污名,官司等,都是惯用的手段。那么,特朗普如何突围,取得胜利。当然,一方面是一个老人的斗争。 另一方面,对手做得太烂,候选人犹如草包一样,硬要支持者,投不下,也要投。再加上,政绩不加,国内国外,差强人意。美国人的自信心,自豪感,满足感,样样都没了。因此,只好在两个烂苹果中,选出一个比较满意的,即使这个人有着狂人、骗人、犯罪的记录。疯子好过一个笨蛋?

Think Positively about Trump's second term. The World has changed a lot over the past 8 years.

  Think Positively about Trump's second term. The World has changed a lot over the past 8 years. Not sure about American internal politics. The elites are still fighting each other. And the infrastructure, debt and interest payments, social divide, rich-poor divide are hard to solve.  American politics and society have not changed much over the 8 years. Will it experience revolution-type of change during Trump’s second term?  Not likely.  Even if Elon Musk manages to make the Administration more efficient, the political culture will remain the same.     Outside the USA, the world looks positive despite potential trade war.  In the past 8 years, BRICS’s GDP is now bigger than that of G7. Developing countries will have bigger say in world politics and trade.  American-type economic development is not the only option.   The world has also learned and known a lot about Trump in his first term. It is either the world making the same...

昨日苏维埃,今日美利坚。 精英们与群众脱节,人民失去自信心,老人政治。。

  昨日苏维埃,今日美利坚。 精英们与群众脱节,人民失去自信心,老人政治。。 历史学者弗格森爵士(Naill Feguson)指出,从历史的发展看,今天的美国,有着类似当年苏联衰败解体的特征。这包括老人政治,政治精英不了解人民,而美国人本身越来越失去自信心等。 因为绝望而死亡,在苏联人们酗酒,吸烟,绝望死亡。在美国,同样的情形,吸毒,无家可归,绝望死亡。苏联后期,人均寿命减少。美国也是如此,冠病加上绝望自杀,寿命不增加,反而减少。当普通人在绝望中,精英们没有对策,活在自己的舒服圈。 弗格森也指出,美国媒体、经济、政治捐款都是掌握在精英手中。这些精英多数是民主党人。难怪,美国这次的选举,人们形容是精英和穷人的战争,怪就怪在特朗普竟然是穷人的代表。  弗格森只谈到美国的内部问题,其实,和苏联一样,对于外部的发展,也做出错误的判断。几十年来,美国的外交政策,累积到了拜登身上,就出现各种败象,从阿富汗、乌克兰、中东,再到各种经济、贸易、金融制裁。美国的朋友越来越少,敌人却越来越多。 昨日苏维埃,今日美利坚;明天是谁?其实,在欧洲,我们也看到类似情形,日本有吗?我们有吗?

Hung Parliament? Not likely in Singapore. But it is getting more common now.

  Hung Parliament? Not likely in Singapore. But it is getting more common now. Do not expect a hung parliament in Singapore in the coming GE. The PAP is expected to get less votes, perhaps also less seats.  But it will still hold a comfortable majority.  This year, at least four parliamentary or legislative elections in the world ended in a hung situation. The latest was Japan where the LDP and partner combined lost their simple majority. In India, Modi’s BJP as a single party lost her simple majority. Luckily, with the help of junior partners, Modi claimed victory as he obtained a simple majority.      White in France and Taiwan, one single party had a simple majority.  These two places have presidents but their parliaments are still important institutions for checks and balances. In the 2023 Thai general election, no single party achieved a simple majority.  In the 2022 Malaysia general election, a hung parliament was declared. Both co...