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Showing posts from January, 2024

Failure of Education? White Supremacist and the True Story of Ah Q

  Failure of Education? White Supremacist and the True Story of Ah Q In an era of great transition from unipolar to multipolar world, it is easier to be a supremacist whether white, black or yellow.  There are too many propagandas, misleading news, misinformation, fake or wrong information that drive people mad. How to educate our youth during this transition? Deciding right or wrong can be very short term based on 10 or 12 years of education.  30 years ago, the Soviet Union broke apart.  60 years ago, the Cuban crisis.  100 years ago, Ah Q first appeared. 500 years ago, the Age of Discovery and colonisation.  1000 years ago, the Islamic Golden Age. 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty   More than 3000 years ago, the Axial Age. A unipolar world is a short term view of human history and civilization. How to teach ‘the future’ using the past history, experience? In the transition, under peer pressure, internal and external influences...

美其名顺应民意, 不再坚持正确的易通决策, 行动党打什么如意算盘?

  美其名顺应民意, 不再坚持正确的易通决策, 行动党打什么如意算盘? 即使不受欢迎,行动党政府依然会执行。李显龙说过,他之前的总理也说过。在政府眼中,只要是对的政策,即使要付出代价,行动党政府还是会执意执行。为何这次却一反常态,改变初衷,还要多付四千万元维护费用?这是谁付的代价? 精打细算的行动党,为何会顺应民意,这么快就改变自己的立场,况且,长远来看,单一系统的易通,在经济和效率上,也说得通。这个民意的背后,到底是什么?选举考虑,还是在技术上,短期内做不到系统统一,时间拉长,表现出来的无能,对于选举更加不利。 [其实,如果从四千万中拿出一小部分,奖励人们,改成易通系统,是否更加有效? 当然,地铁和公交的网速,以及为没有上网工具的人提供方便,加强全国免费上网功能,可能更加有效解决目前的困境。代价会不会成了转嫁,政府的责任转嫁?] 反正花的是公家的钱。花四千万就可以安稳人心,尤其是年长者的忠心,何乐而不为? 比较严重的问题是,行动党自认深谋远虑,什么事情都考虑清楚,才推出,为何这次如此失算?当然,最容易的借口,就是新旧交通部长交接,无人监督施政。 易通系统的不再坚持,其实和其他行动党的坚持,简直是小巫见大巫。例如: 消费税,交通费,产业税,水电费等等,这些大坚持,行动党就没有放松,依然故我。 不止坚持,还会继续上升的坚持,美其名就是债不留后代的坚持。 或许,这是行动党的退一步海阔天空?到时我们看看天是蓝色还是白色,就知道了。当然,也许会出现红色,夕阳无限好,雨后的彩虹?

The case of S Iswaran: Lucky or not, it is “fate”. Fortune and Misfortune take turns.

  The case of S Iswaran: Lucky or not, it is “fate”. Fortune and Misfortune take turns. What if the PAP’s West Coast GRC team lost in 2020, would S Iswaran’s fate change?  It was a narrow and lucky win for the PAP.  However, it lasted a short while.  We are not so sure whether the luck is still with the PAP or not. It started with a fortune, a lucky win and ends like a misfortune. Both the party and the person now face the music of damage control. Fortune and misfortune take turns, perhaps it is fate.  S Iswaran wants to clear his name and the PAP needs to rebuild the trust. [ Bad fortune is what good fortune leans on, Good fortune is what bad fortune hides in.] [Misfortune is what fortune leans on; Fortune is where misfortune conceals itself.] Laozi, Chapter 58

因为有比较, 才知道做得不够, 才明白什么叫做易通。

  因为有比较, 才知道做得不够, 才明白什么叫做易通。 如果只有一套解决方法,很难看出好坏,方便还是不方便,易通还是不容易通。用新方法代替旧的系统,人们当然会做比较,尤其是科技产品,使用的人很多,一用就马上看到结果。 这是一个竞争的世界,即使一党独大,也要考虑到便民。当人民觉得不方便,不好用,不易通,就会反映,发声,不满。为什么没有预先想到,最可怕的是测试时,已经接到反应,还是不加改善。或许,行动党还抱着“令伯”最大,用者自行解决问题。 易通公交收费系统的整合,似乎缺少一种人文,沟通,反而更加多表现出政府的独断独行。尤其重要的是,如果只有一套系统,我们是看不出问题,做不出好坏的评价。 这其实证明国会里不可以只有一把声音,没有比较,没有进步。

Happiness and Income do not match in Singapore. Trend shows the opposite direction.

  Happiness and Income do not match in Singapore. Trend shows the opposite direction. The 2022 Quality of Life Survey shows a sharp downward trend for happiness in Singapore from 2011 to 2022. However, Singaporeans earn more over the same period.    Higher income lowers happiness?  Money does not bring us happiness or is there a distribution problem? When the rich get richer and the middle class and poor do not feel the same, this will affect their happiness. If we observe the three past general elections, with the exception of GE 2015’s Lee Kuan Yew factor,  the vote share for the ruling party also indicates a downward trend. Lee Hsien Loong has been holding the prime ministership for nearly 20 years. Income has increased a lot under his administration but why does happiness not?  Will Lawrenece Wong right the trend and bring more happiness to Singaporeans?   Lee once said super billionaires bring jobs to Singapore.  And he wants more o...

2024年是变是诈 自己解读。

  2024年是变是诈 自己解读。 新加坡今年将迎来一位新总理。如果是真的,这叫变。如果不是真的,这叫骗,也就是诈。任何事情都有可能,变与不变,骗与不诈,皆是一线之间。或许说,变有变的理由,诈有诈的故事。不到最后一刻,不知是变还是诈。 利率会不会出现变数?向上还是向下?变和诈之间,投资人可要小心,看不到变,失去机会,遇到诈,损失惨重。骗子太多,变数无穷,连有些国家都诈骗,何况个人。网络骗子太多,手法多样又多变,变变变,人人都离不开诈,只能多加小心,自我保重。 消费税上升百分之一,折算起来,就是百分之十二点五。表面的变是一点,诈起来却超过十点。你相信那一个?你的感受是一点还是多过十点。有些人从一点中,可以赚超过十点,有些人,的的确确多付十点以上。 这是变,也是诈。立场不同,诠释不一样。手段不同,变诈不一样。 房价还会上扬,房租还会上升,物价还会上涨,水电也会上升,这是适应发展的需要,也是应对外部压力的调节、疏通策略。这个变化,最后会不会演变成诈?上升的幅度,合理的调整,如何让人们觉得这是变,而不是诈?