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Showing posts from February, 2023

自封自认老朋友,了解互信有没有? 历史试题考出年轻一代互通互联大问号?


A Question beyond History Paper, why are we so misunderstood?


在新加坡,收入和财产分配不均, 严重影响可负担组屋和基本生活。


In Chinese history, a strong and stable China is more generous to the world.


中国“巨大胜利”影响力大,却不受信任? 问题在哪里?落差在专家和民间认知不同?


Still making the rich happy, will the Budget’s cash payouts also keep the poor happy?


只有共同负担,没有共同富裕。 中下层的新加坡梦和提升越来越困难。


The Cultural Revolution with American Characteristics Manufacturing consent despite freedom, democracy, free market and checks and balances


陈佩玲问题和行动党挑战: 主流媒体,越来越不争气; 社交媒体,威胁越来越大。 杯弓蛇影,信心越来越小; 选贤与能,越来越不坚持。


Another win for social media? Suka-suka transfer. Masak-masak appointment. Is this a cooking game of the PAP to make everyone enjoy it?


设立国会听证会审查吉宝案??? 传召总检察长和反贪局局长???


The Colonial Heritages: Cold Storage and Coldstore. Ice cream over ISA. Sweet vs. Bitter.


又要提供低税满足富豪, 又要提供国人可负担组屋; 新加坡模式面临高难度挑战。


HDB Housing: Ownself Praise Ownself Keppel bribery: Ownself Check Ownself The danger of over claiming credits over own achievements


社会分层下,拼命赚血汗钱, 还是务实的拥有八十元包包?


It is just a courtesy call. Dear friend, not true friend.