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Showing posts from October, 2022

一枝独秀的星洲房市 为何没有钱不够用的问题?


Reaping without sowing Renting economy, interest rate, oil and gas.


鞭长莫及还是老外难应付? 假新闻法和外国干涉法管不到老外 只好邀来公开辩论?


Xi’s third term means China is ‘unwilling to show weakness’ or ‘not to be outdone’.


逆天而行 新加坡2020大选PAP失民心 大马2022大选巫统历史再现?

To the world, Joe Biden will cause more damages than Liz Truss in the longer term.


黄循财后知后觉还是秀感觉? 劳心劳力者的薪酬远远不如脑力活动者。 说到底,或许,只有权贵和既得利益者才是最后赢家。


National Security or Crisis Psychology Who will win the hearts of the people? Who produces better solutions to the world?


大胆假设 小心求证 今天的假新闻,明天的。。。


Obama fails to change America. Trump fails to make America great again. Biden fails in both.


旧瓶装新酒之新社会契约: 缩小贫富不均,改善育儿养老,组屋和低薪。


Elon Musk on Ukraine and Taiwan: From Idealistic to Realistic?


主流媒体拿纳税人的钱, 却不让纳税人阅读全文。 结果是两头不到岸,人财两空?


New Citizens, Will they always support the PAP?


老一辈英文教育的既得利益者 为何成为反对行动党的积极分子?


What is a Government’s time? What is “without basis”?


永平休息站不停,经济有待复苏。 以前羡慕星洲,今羡慕印度尼西亚。


It’s a rich man's world! From HDB resale flats to private properties