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Showing posts from September, 2022

相煎何太急之 生产力、工资和竞争力。


同归于尽 Mutually assured destruction


英日国葬两样情 过去式和未来式


Imperfect world order, Multilateral system, Small states, ‘Might is right’. What do all these mean?


新加坡持续房价上升 需要持续人口增加来支撑。


Job scam, love scam, banking scam,... But no scam is bigger than the war scam between Russia and Ukraine.


与富豪争房住, 新加坡人如何养老?


Foreign talents and political correctness - special effort and compromise.


为民谋福利 才是 真正的人才


Talents fail to prevent the Fall of Great Britain Is Singapore an exception?


用尽工业革命遗产, 花完搜刮来的殖民地财富, 大英帝国何去何从,看不到将来。


Lucky or unlucky in the UK??? Stupid King. Stupid PM. No more constant presence in the world…


新常态下的悲剧: 封锁台海就像 冠病封城一样频繁


Look East Policy now and then: Russia to China, Malaysia to Japan.


堕落的民主, 任性的自由。 新加坡的另类挑战?


No change. No reform. Wave against the PAP getting stronger and stronger.


败选11年后, 杨荣文的改变诉求, 行动党做了多少?