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Showing posts from July, 2022

谁会飘扬过海来看你? 老太婆?解放军?


Worry of the government: Playing with fire, the decline of the US is faster than expected.


4G的亚洲素养和东方文化认知??? 新加坡还在自认‘我们是例外’????


When the head of NTUC was not re-elected, it proved the union had failed to defend the working class.


不可能的任务: “新加坡携手前进”下的全民新共识。


Victims of the war? Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson, Mario Draghi. Who’s next? Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden?


‘向美国说不‘--- 国际新趋势、新发展。 越来越多国家同时也去美元,去美债。


Prosperity over democracy: Will Forward Singapore bring wealth to middle class, poor Singaporeans?


德国理性不再, 法国自主无力; 欧洲回到中世纪???


The Sri Lanka bankruptcy and jacking up a car’s rear. Don’t let the ‘extra petrol’ blur your eyes.


没落的蓝筹股G7,后来居上的潜力股金砖。 时局的变化比我们想象还来得快。


Endurance, tolerance and the alternative…


未来20年的大震荡、大冲突: 选边站下的文明冲突。


CPF is a failed Social Contract. Individual over share value; Rich over poor.


移民悲剧、难民危机: 从新审视新教精神和启蒙运动。 富人钱太多,穷人身无分文。


Poor political judgments of SERS, SportHub, and GST…show the poor quality of ministers. What is a political judgement? Caring for people.




From Cryptic Response, Jumping Bean to Comprise. Most people just want to jump up and down.