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Showing posts from June, 2022

“新加坡携手前进”, 想要更新什么社会契约?


Global views or just Western views?




Russia looks East. A new world order? A new market trend?


恶梦惊魂? 类‘泽连斯基’现身新加坡?


As Board Chairman, Who would you appoint as CEO? Biden or Putin?


解决低收入家庭的问题, 不是财务规划,而是提高收入。


Useless Meetings, Fruitless Visits: It’s the Economy, Stupid. Groupthink, anymore?


选择性整体重建计划(SERS): 以往中马票,现在中三万?


Big fish, small fish. Would Lee Kuan Yew suggest ‘Urkraine joining NATO’?


贫富悬殊之百万组屋和10万拥车证: 凸显中产阶级提升之困境


Death of Washington Consensus: New Alignment, New Order, New Geopolitics…


无奈,认命4G领导? 坚持,换得千般恨! 改变,难道只是渴望?


The result of poor planning and strategy: Is it too late for Australia? Is there danger in the South China Sea?


4G越无能,越要支持PAP, 而不是依靠最好的治国方略


The danger of 滥竽充数 ‘Be There Just To Make Up The Number’.

