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Showing posts from 2022

2022年超级富豪财富大缩水, 你的财富又如何?


Competence issues in a Reserved Presidency System. Compromise or show of weakness?


一碗鱼汤两样情; 省一点赚一点互不相让。


2022 is a Cusp of New and Different Meaning of Progress for the World


1492到2022, 500年的经济资源大掠夺, 欧美不再是世界的领头羊


2022 Year of Imbalance: Foreign money flooding Singapore, locals feeling ‘money not enough’.


新加坡加密货币梦幻灭, 真金白银典当一枝独秀。


From FTX, exam to HDB. The Art of Cheating and its political consequences.


引君入瓮还是偏向虎山行? 不论结局,社交媒体居功至伟。


Under pressure from social media, the PAP wants to have A CONTROLLED DEBATE in parliament.


高储蓄率的迷思、迷惑; 储蓄用尽,可否提取公积金应急?


Be steady, no hurry. To be a winner, drink more milk.


小贩中心强势回归 顽抗通货膨胀,行不行?


Globalisation is dead but not global finance. Free trade is gone but not in developing countries.


家产怎么用,如何计算? 政府很难自圆其说, 说什么就是什么。


Land Sales are like using Ah Ma’s reserves of Pioneer and Merdeka generations.


自豪还是自惭 百年前独立自主 百年后依靠政府


Ageing, Inequality and the Political Messages in Forward Singapore


涨、两级经济发展、不平等社会。 最贵消费遇上中低端收入--- 钱不够用。


Affordability The most misunderstood word in Singapore Showing gap between government and people