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Showing posts from November, 2021

4G has difficulty handling peace time crises, like Covid-19. Can they handle emergencies needing urgent action and social skills?




Everything is hard to implement except Million dollar salary for ministers…


A worrying trend without safety net...


征富人税,难啊难! 抽穷人税,易而快!


Malaysia’s wandering politics and forward looking Indonesia… How do they impact Singapore?


The Tan Kin Lian Problem: How I learn more about China…


陈欣亮的“如何了解中国问题” vs 杨荣文的“战狼外交面子问题”


New trend in World News reporting: Placing China before the USA?


Putting KPIs above life Paying own medical bills for Unvax


《辣玉莎》火箭升空失败, 工人党应该坚持2030中期远景,不变之心。


COP26: We can achieve Environmental Sustainability without the commitment of deforestation.


Parliament / = social media Crisis = risk + opportunities