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Showing posts from October, 2021



Clumsy, clumsy everywhere… Where is the risk management and strategic role of leadership?


The best description of the Multi-Ministry Taskforce: Tiger’s head and Snake’s tail.


当新闻自由遇上背信弃义。。。 人未到,声先道; 媒体自由受关注。 为私利,为美梦; 背信弃义例多多。


Foreign Interference to blame for the Failure of Well-designed Scheme: From Multi-Ministry Taskforce to Open Electricity Market


Is Pandora Papers a kind of Foreign Interference? Or A Calm before the Storm in Singapore?


PAP的政治警钟、政权危机: 新加坡人技术低、反应差、提升慢、学习弱 跟不上新现实就失业、公司倒闭。 总理、部长、高官是否也依据同样标准?


Winning elections is easier than winning over the Covid-19 for the PAP.


Foreign Warning, not interference: US Debt Ceiling and Our draw on CPF


谁是人民行动党的假想敌? 外来内部? 比政府滥用权力还可怕?


Question of Foreign Interference: Are you a foreigner? Is this a foreign source?


Soon, all things PAP, even good ones, are bad.


裸退,你想得美! 除非你有本事换政府啦!