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Showing posts from August, 2021

NDR 2021 shows a failed Lee Hsien Loong as he happily announced some policy changes.


从诺雅初院到耶鲁-国大学院: 进口的 西方人文、自由、 创意精神 能否开花结果?


Under ordering of Sinovac: Political decision or miscalculation? Either way, the PAP government does not understand what Singaporeans want.


More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达 A lesson learned after 20 years in Afghanistan


情断阿富汗: 伤心桥下春波绿; (塔利班绿叶遍地)。 曾是惊鸿照影来; (新自由主义魂飞)。


Lesson from the fall of governments in Malaysia and Afghanistan Defending and protecting Singapore Constitution


How to Face Xi Jinping with such poor leadership, judgement and strategy in Afghanistan.


阿富汗局势: 树倒猢狲散 兵败如山倒


Neoliberalism helps Singapore to grow faster but we can’t avoid the dark side of it.


Neoliberalism helps the rise of China and the stagnation of the West


无常 易道 机长卖榴莲 空姐做酒女


Legally right not necessary brings out right outcome - 德不配位,必有灾殃。


The Needham Question, Individualism and Chinese Renaissance beyond Confucianism