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Showing posts from July, 2021

不畏惧世界级挑战: 尊重运动员 应当高于 对PAP政客的尊重


Tommy Koh and MAS Chief Testing water for the establishment?


Overestimating own capability and strength 不自量力


挡箭牌重覆使用, ‘部长声明’无法解决问题, 只能代表总理和政府无能。


New Normal. Old Practice. No detailed data. No further information. Will the CECA show in parliament go on?


Character Assassinations of Progress Singapore Party or Leong Mun Wai? Who to trust… PAP, MSM, PSP, Social media or others.


《失落的十年》 已经在新加坡开跑了。 您觉察到了吗?


From Growth Triangle, Suzhou, to CECA, our external wing just fails to take off.


CECA is a Self-destruction of the PAP and a trigger of Lost Decade.


CECA黑狗偷吃, PAP白狗当灾? 还是新加坡人自食其果?


White flag or black flag? At cross roads, more Singaporeans will raise white flags or black flags??? Perhaps, both.


Make-up pay fails to attract political talents for the PAP


‘差别对待’是新常态 不是歧视 更加不是炒冷饭?


Shanmugam’s challenges Ong Ye Kung’s nightmares