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Showing posts from April, 2021

No Policy. No Solution. Whither PAP. Whither Singapore. The PAP’s Cheap Model of Labour, Finance.


No New Blood, No Young Blood. No New Idea. No New Strategy. And you expect the next PM is from the PAP.


玩“法”者,最终还是被“法”玩回、被“法”出卖。 成也李光耀, 败也李光耀。


Fear, Freedom and Defamation Suits and the future of the PAP.

Self-created and self-destructed useless 4G - thanks to the greatest contribution of the dishonorable son.


政治使命感、投入感、献身和牺牲精神。。。 PAP一代不如一代,迟早面对被替代的结局。


The Dishonorable Defamation Suits fail to silence the Enlightenment of CPF, free speech…..


Who is going to destroy the PAP, or even the Republic of Singapore? ...the Dishonorable Son?


摆脱‘唯有PAP才能治国’的束缚, 新加坡才有希望。。。


PAP is the problem, not Heng Swee Keat.


慎终如始 Carefulness and Sustainability of the Progress Singapore Party


133,000新元的正义? 盲者看得到; 老师洞察到; 公道在人心。


The Dilemma of the Dishonoarable Son 骑虎难下 Impossible to stop halfway hold a/the wolf by the ear(s)