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Showing posts from January, 2021

接种冠病疫苗的“常”与“无常” 基本统计学、科学、政治


"明知山有虎 偏向虎山行" Marching towards the mountain with no fears of tigers. (take the bull by the horns)


Allowing a freehand to the PAP as well as one-party monopoly, Singapore is like a bicycle without a brake - checks and balances. For too long, we have forgotten we need a safety brake to stop the PAP.


对抗冠病,搞到连坐制再现。 行动党穷途末路,只会玩高压。 教育部长黄循财开课啦!大家温习秦朝灭亡的历史。


Humiliation and Repentance: Wang Gungwu and George Yeo


Chinese is a language of science and technology, and surprisingly Capitalism too.




Not only will the PAP not change internally, it will become even more conservative to hold on power.


Donald Trump - The Terminator of the Great American Dream, Democracy, Capitalism. A Watershed begins with the Fall of Western Civilization and Philosophy.


维护政权、保护既得利益。 人民行动党越来越保守。


Can the affordable housing program sustain if we continue to create less value-added jobs in the Covid-19 economy?


2021 could be even more unpredictable.