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Showing posts from July, 2020

In Game Theory, LO just follows the new Nash Equilibrium. Cutting payoff is just the New Normal.

冷嘲热讽、酸言酸语。 PAP最恨你不爱钱、不贪财。

Cabinet’s invisible person - Citizens, voters and Singaporeans

Cabinet’s invisible person -  Citizens, voters and Singaporeans Strange? There is an invisible person in the Singapore Cabinet as shown in the above Straits Times’ screenshot.  Who is the invisible person? Why? In No.3 ranking for the post of prime minister, logically the invisible person is Chan  Chun Seng. By popular demand, Tharman may be the invisible person. Spiritually speaking, it could be Lee Kuan Yew who would come back when Singapore is in trouble. Shadow cabinet is on the way. The leader of the opposition may be the invisible person watching the Cabinet. Unfortunately and sadly, the invisible person may end up to be the most powerful woman in Singapore, who posts many comments on Facebook regularly.      For parliamentary democracy, checks and balances are the invisible person. Citizens, voters and Singaporeans are the invisible persons watching the decision making and policy implementation in the Cab...

识时务者为俊杰? 刘程强和李显龙。您尊敬谁?

Crisis cabinet? We want doers, not the same group-thinking economic ministers again.

天意:PAP自己打败自己 报应:设计盛港 反输4席

Singapore education, what goes wrong? Young Singaporeans refuse to listen to the PAP.

路越走越窄,选项越来越少, 李显龙的苦日子越来越多。

From Rationality to Emotionality, A new Social Contract after GE2020?

中文华语走下新加坡政治舞台, 和马来族群一起成为关键的少数。

Philosophical Daoism and the Workers’ Party How the weak wins!

李显龙继续领导,PAP何来改变、改革? 冷酷无情、脱离现实,行动党走向败亡。

A Reformed PAP or A Reformed Opposition. Both should reform to make Singapore Great!

清晰的不光彩委托 - 不信任PAP超越害怕失去PAP

Dishonorable Son, Dishonorable Election and Dishonorable Mandate.


The Awakening of Young Voters

PAP拿人命当赌注,利用国难骗选票, 邪恶到极点,这样的政党还投票给它做什么?


The PAP Continuity, Strong Mandate and the Media

After life-long training and coaching, Tan Chuan-Jin still cannot handle house visits.


GE is about the Continuity of Singapore. Voting for the Opposition is to strengthen the system.

Strong mandate means more NCMPs.  More NCMPs mean more useless PAP MPs daydreaming and sleeping in the House.  

Today’s WP is better than the WP of the past Today’s PAP is worse than the PAP of the past.

来了一个穿蓝衣的 新公民义工

工人党关心中下层人民 行动党照顾资本家

Divide and rule Two-headed PAP is sending confusing messages to cheat votes.



知法犯法 王乙康 陈川仁


Heng Redundant, Tharman Jobs Creation
