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Showing posts from May, 2020

Ho Ching, Ho Ching, everywhere. Is she campaigning for the PAP?


Turn NDP Funpacks into Free Face Masks with a Design Competition.

社会责任凌驾于个人自由之上 = 新加坡成功之道?

Old-style PM, Unqualified President, And New Normal Economy.


The Future of SIA and the Future of Singapore - How to Best Use Our Reserve.

回头路: 从对付假新闻到发出律师信,人民行动党改弦易辙应对大选。

From helping the rich to helping the poor

We? - 李显龙应该说清楚何晶是不是政府成员之一

Normal IQ and Low EQ are all we have for 3G 4G PAP leaders

利益冲突、高薪养廉、《收租经济社会》(rentier society) 的不均分配冲突,一幕一幕将在后新冠时代上演。

Lack of Hindsight: From Covid-19 to Reserves, Temasek.

包租公包租婆心态下,后新冠的新加坡经济重振, 将比之前的任何时侯都来得困难。

You trust the PAP so much, but the PAP does not trust you at all.

Ho Ching’s Salary, getting darker and darker?


From International Gold Standard to Singapore Standard, we are over paying our ministers.

新加坡如何面对 停滞性通货膨胀的挑战?