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说不清外汇储备 道不尽数字游戏 – 国家篇

我国的外汇储备到底有多少? 这是一个看来连政府都无法回答的问题。好几年前,政府告诉时任总统的王鼎昌,这需要大约50个‘人年’。 当然,你也可以相信政府公布的一切,就像早报社论说的一样:

淡马锡不辱使命: 政府之所以要成立政府投资公司和淡马锡控股,目的在于更好地管理我们历年来辛苦积累的国家储备金,确保它能保值或增值 (07.07.2012)


淡马锡投资组合总市值再创新高 (06.07.2012)


淡马锡2011净利润下滑16% (中国证券报, 06.07.2012) 







数目不会说话,但是,解读和理解却可以有好几种。当然,人们有权选择只相信一种 主流媒体的报道。很不幸的主流媒体最近也出现了有关‘地铁车门没关就开车‘的造假新闻。因此,完全相信主流媒体,未必能正确解读,充分理解新加坡发生的事情。报纸的社论和报道只能是一种解读和理解,读者有必要自我分析,自我结论。

这里有必要提出北京大学汇丰商学院一位洋教授 (Christopher Balding)对新加坡外汇储备的分析。




#1 外汇储备相差一倍?

# 2 投资回报只有0.004%

#3 人民是窄取财富的源头?

#4 人民为政府服务?




假如,Balding 教授的分析是对的,我国的外汇储备就少了。。。一倍?那公积金局怎么办?



Temasek and GIC should manage $1.46 trillion SGD. Given the most recent government balance sheet listing $705 billion SGD of assets, this would imply a discrepancy of approximately $740 billion SGD.
Using government of Singapore numbers and investment policy statements there is a $760 billion SGD discrepancy in financial accounts.  How long can these differences be ignored?

If we accept their surpluses and borrowing as accurate and their balance sheet as accurate, this would imply the government of Singapore they earned .004% since 1974 rather than the 7-17% they claim.
Now that is some creative accounting.  Who says Singapore doesn’t have creative industries?  Too bad they are the wrong kind.

Oil dependent countries run large budget surpluses because of the enormous ongoing royalties they receive from resource extraction. The government of Singapore is running public surpluses not because the tax burden is incredibly high but because the spending on its people is incredibly low.  Singapore runs large budget deficits because it over taxes and under delivers public goods and services.  Singapore is treating its people as sources of wealth extraction. Rather, people should be considered resources.
The people of Singapore deserve better than Myanmar and Bangladesh.

According to the World Development Indicators from the World Bank, when we compare Singapore to other major SWF countries with more than a few years in existence, the differences are stark.  Singapore ranks last in education spending and last in public health expenditure. The government of Singapore is capturing the financial benefits of its citizens productivity and not providing the public goods and services its people have every right to expect.
Whereas oil rich states have enormous sovereign wealth funds because they won the geographic lottery, Singapore created enormous sovereign wealth funds by capturing the economic productivity of its people.
The government of Singapore has built sovereign wealth funds not through natural resource wealth or shrewd investments, but capturing the financial wealth of the people of Singapore. The people of Singapore work for the government.


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