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Showing posts from October, 2024

李光耀故居的摊牌时刻已经到来。 不知鹿死谁手?

  李光耀故居的摊牌时刻已经到来。 不知鹿死谁手?拆还是不拆?大选前决定,还是大选后才决定?李光耀千算万算,还是无法算到需要摊牌决胜负。。。

Family affair or State affair? Family values versus state politics?

  Family affair or State affair? Family values versus state politics? Is the family affair affecting the state affair? Or is the state affair affecting family affairs? Or both affecting each other and cannot be divided clearly. What are family values? What is state politics? Holding a family value till death is a commitment, determination and persuasion. While state politics is different, flows, fluids and uncertainty. When family values and state politics crash, what will the new state leader do and decide?  Maybe the Founders’ Memorial can be the alternative solution?

我问天。。。 家庭的不幸、 悲剧莫过如此。。。


Imagine a 10 million population with 90% poor, 9% middle class and 1% super rich. Is this your desired Singapore?

  Imagine a 10 million population with 90% poor, 9% middle class and 1% super rich.  Is this your desired Singapore? Singapore now has more than 6 million people. And it is likely more people will come to Singapore.  Suppose you have a 10 million population, many of them poor, only a few are rich.  Where is the Singapore Core? The rich? We cannot replace ourselves due to the very low birth rate.  Founding fathers, Pioneer and Merdeka generations have built the nation and increased the reserve.  They are Singapore Core with core values in their hearts.  How can a 10 million population ensure the continuation of core values?  Today’s PAP is very different from the old PAP. Today’s and future Singapore will be very different from the old Singapore.  Can Founders’ Memorial really remind and protect the founding values of Singapore?

从前进新加坡,国庆演说,到智慧国二,黄循财试图摆脱李显龙的影子, 能吗?做得到吗?

  从前进新加坡,国庆演说,到智慧国二,黄循财试图摆脱李显龙的影子, 能吗?做得到吗? 新官上任三把火,黄循财很努力的希望塑造自己的形象,与李显龙有些差别,但是,又不能离开人民行动党的原则。黄循财明白,党的机制,毕竟自己不是秘书长,他是靠着执政党的依托才得以上位总理宝座。 因此,黄循财有意无意的利用,例如,改变,再出发,再启动,来树立新形象:关注心理精神,成功的新定义,高级母语课,失业救济等,甚至,智慧国都要出现第二版。黄循财,试图寻求一种平衡,又要新的理念,又要保持旧的方法。这其实就是,一方面顺应年轻选民,另一方面讨好老一辈选民。他想通吃?平衡得了吗? 追根究底,大多数人还是关心,生活费用,通货膨胀,各种开支。黄循财不得不,不停的提到,政府会协助人民度过难关。  但是,用的却是旧方法,津贴,消费券等,他无法做到把低薪人士提升到第一世界水平。 与其说摆脱李显龙的影子,不如说,PAP的影子。在新加坡,PAP的影子无处不在,可以说已经固化。事实上,人们已经习惯了PAP的安排。就好象可负担组屋,我们在公积金局和建屋局之间徘徊,但是,却习惯、坚信组屋价格会继续上涨。而忘记,黄循财的警告,99年后归零。 PAP的影子,PAP的思维、做事方式,深深的影响了新加坡人。难怪,新加坡现在最棘手的问题是,心理健康,精神状态。似乎,我们无意改变现状,无意冲出鸟笼,继续追寻闪电,雷电过后,巨响过后,又回到小人物的心声。

Instead of General, best to send RSM to SMRT. Agree?

  Instead of General, best to send RSM to SMRT. Agree? Instead of sending costly retired generals to SMRT, why don’t we do a mindset change of posting retired Regimental Sergeant Majors to maintain discipline there? Generals do planning work, not dirty work or hard work.   In all cases of train disruption, we need workers, not the generals to repair, restore or rework.  These include grassroots, basic maintenance and engineering work. RSM is part of the fundamental team for SOP procedure and discipline.      We look at the top and neglect the bottom. Does it sound familiar?